Episode 9 recap: Ren Shi Que developed feelings for Yun Chao Yan.

After leaving the Qi manor, Ren Shi Que asked Yun Chao Yan why she did not give the Step-by-Step Sway to Mr. Qi. Yun Chao Yan expressed her suspicions and wanted Ren Shi Que to accompany her on a night investigation of the Qi manor, but Ren Shi Que refused.While Yun Chao Yan was thinking about what to do next, the Renegade Immortal appeared again. Seeing the Renegade Immortal staring at a woman in the distance, Yun Chao Yan guessed that the woman was likely Mr. Qi's lover, so she quietly followed her.

Ruo'er had misplaced the Step-by-Step Sway, which deeply troubled her. In her view, the Step-by-Step Sway was a symbol of the status of the mistress, so she went to each jewelry shop searching for it, but naturally found nothing.

Yun Chao Yan followed Ruo'er to a manor, pretending to bring jewelry for Ruo'er to fool the servants and enter the inner courtyard, where she happened to overhear a conversation between Ruo'er and Mr. Qi. Seeing that Mr. Qi was still reluctant to acknowledge her, Ruo'er was worried that one day he might poison her just like he did his wife, so she warned Mr. Qi that if he dared to think of that, she would expose his crime of killing his wife.

While Yun Chao Yan was eavesdropping, the Renegade Immortal suddenly appeared in front of her, startling her and causing her to cry out. Although she hid to the side, she was still discovered by Mr. Qi. Mr. Qi ordered the servants to capture Yun Chao Yan and kill her to silence her. Just when Yun Chao Yan's life was in grave danger, Ren Shi Que suddenly appeared.

Seeing the Grand Coordinator, Mr. Qi falsely accused Yun Chao Yan of breaking into his home to steal. However, Ren Shi Que told Mr. Qi that he had instructed Yun Chao Yan to investigate, and told Yun Chao Yan to reveal everything she had discovered without any reservations.

Encouraged by Ren Shi Que's gaze, Yun Chao Yan publicly recounted what she had overheard. Mr. Qi naturally refused to admit it, and at that moment, Ruo'er came out of the room. Yun Chao Yan used a ploy to remind Ruo'er that Mr. Qi would never marry her. Ruo'er asked Mr. Qi if Yun Chao Yan's words were true, and Mr. Qi slapped her, calling her a fool. Ruo'er believed that Mr. Qi was deceiving her, and in a fit of anger, she revealed his crime of killing his wife.

Although there was eyewitness evidence, Mr. Qi still refused to admit it, and asked Yun Chao Yan to provide proof. Yun Chao Yan suddenly remembered the Stepping Shakiness, and under the reminder of the Rebellious Immortal, discovered that Mr. Qi had placed poison on the jewelry. Although many years had passed, there should still be remnants of the poison on the Stepping Shakiness, so she handed it over to Ren Shi Que for analysis. When Mr. Qi saw this, he was like a deflated balloon.

Mr. Qi and Rou'er were brought to justice, and the wronged Rebellious Immortal was finally cleared, turning into a golden light and flying into the Jiepo Lamp, whereupon a voice rang out: "Supreme Taoist Patriarch, welcome the immortal back to his position." Yun Chao Yan thanked Ren Shi Que for saving her, and suddenly thought of a question - when he was afraid, could he go to Ren Shi Que for protection? She told Ren Shi Que that if he had any difficulties, he could turn to her, and Ren Shi Que asked him to help read the case files.

As Yun Chao Yan was reading the case files, she fell asleep on the desk. Ren Shi Que, looking at her chubby baby face, suddenly had an urge to kiss her. But when Yun Chao Yan's case file fell to the floor, Ren Shi Que quickly moved away, sighing that Yun Chao Yan was even scarier than the Rebellious Immortals.

Yun Chao Yan didn't understand what Ren Shi Que meant, thinking it was still because of the trouble caused by the Rebellious Immortals. Seeing that it was getting dark, she suddenly remembered that Xie Gui Chen had invited her to see the lanterns, so she hurried over. Xie Gui Chen was holding a flower, waiting for Yun Chao Yan at the appointed place. Gu Qing couldn't understand what kind of woman could make Xie Gui Chen not love her, the great beauty.

When Yun Chao Yan arrived, the dragon boat had already left, so the two of them found a quiet place to take a walk. During their walk, a Rebellious Immortal suddenly appeared, startling Yun Chao Yan into an involuntary scream.