Episode 20 recap: Kui Ji was killed by the cold shadow.

Ren Shi Que used magic to stabilize the boat, and saw the Jie Po lamp also swaying, making Ren Shi Que suspect that the renegade immortal was once again warning him. The renegade immortal who was warning him was very likely Kui Ji. Ren Shi Que had a feeling that all these years, Kui Ji had probably been by his side.

Xiao Gui Gui asked Ren Shi Que if he had guessed who had coerced Kui Ji. Ren Shi Que coldly replied that the only one who could have silenced Kui Ji was the Emperor.

Yun Chao Yan took out the osmanthus hairpin, as Ren Shi Que had not formally given it to her, she had been hesitating whether to wear it. In the end, she realized that since Ren Shi Que wanted to give it to her, he must have hoped she would wear it. So she pinned the osmanthus hairpin to her bun and went to find Ren Shi Que to admire it.

The lord of the city came to find Ren Shi Que, questioning whether he was hiding something, saying that Han Lu had told him everything. Ren Shi Que thought the lord already knew his identity, so he openly admitted that he was the moon god. But the lord did not believe him, as Han Lu had actually told him that Yun Chao Yan had strange eyes that would bring disaster to the Blue Prefecture.

When Yun Chao Yan came to find Ren Shi Que, she happened to overhear their conversation. From their words, Yun Chao Yan again realized that her existence might bring danger to Ren Shi Que, so she decided to distance herself from him.

Ren Shi Que came to find Yun Chao Yan, and Yun Chao Yan pretended to be possessed by the renegade immortal, deliberately saying things to make it difficult for him, hoping he would retreat. But Ren Shi Que saw through her act. Seeing Yun Chao Yan still putting on an act, Ren Shi Que suddenly hugged and kissed her. Yun Chao Yan then pretended to regain her senses and agreed with Ren Shi Que that no matter what happened in the future, they would face it together.

Xie Gui Chen came to find Yun Chao Yan, learning that she had fallen in love with Ren Shi Que, and was happy for her. Yun Chao Yan used the words that Dao Huang had enlightened her with to enlighten Xie Gui Chen as well: life is fleeting like a white colt, cherish the one who loves you.

She encouraged him to not care about his current status and boldly fall in love with Gu Qing. Xie Gui Chen knew he could not let go of Gu Qing, and with Yun Chao Yan's guidance, he finally let go of his worries.

Gu Qing sent someone to find Yun Chao Yan. Yun Chao Yan came to the Drunken Immortal Pavilion and learned that Gu Qing was heartbroken after being rejected by Xie Gui Chen. Just as she was about to comfort Gu Qing, she unexpectedly saw Kui Ji following Han Lu, and it seemed Han Lu also knew of her existence. Yun Chao Yan then chased after them, wanting to ask Kui Ji what was going on.

Yun Chao Yan chased after Kui Ji to the outskirts, but she couldn't find Kui Ji. Instead, she was attacked by a black mist, and the osmanthus hairpin on her head fell to the ground. Ren Shi Que saw that Yun Chao Yan had not returned, so he hurriedly went to look for her. The owner of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion saw that the princess was passed out drunk and didn't know how to handle the situation. Ren Shi Que told him to go find Xie Gui Chen, then he left in a hurry.

Ren Shi Que came to the outskirts and saw the fallen osmanthus hairpin, realizing the situation was not good. Yun Chao Yan was taken to the Moon God Temple, where Han Lu walked in and, seeing the unconscious Yun Chao Yan, coldly told her not to blame him, but to blame herself for taking what she shouldn't have. He then took out a dagger, ready to strike, but Yun Chao Yan suddenly stood up.

Hearing Yun Chao Yan call him "Han Ying", Han Lu realized that Yun Chao Yan had been possessed by Kui Ji. Han Ying naturally recognized the fox spirit Kui Ji and deeply resented her, as it was her self-destructive tactics that had gotten him imprisoned in the Soul-Trapping Lantern back then.

Hearing Han Ying mention the past, Kui Ji said he brought it upon himself, as he knew Cheng Xi was her and the Emperor's child, yet he still coveted his eyes. Cheng Xi was the male lead, whose name was Cheng Xi when he was in the Palace of Brightness.

Hearing Han Ying use lofty reasons to cover his hypocrisy, Kui Ji mercilessly exposed him. Humiliated and enraged, Han Ying suddenly attacked Kui Ji. To prevent Yun Chao Yan from getting hurt, Kui Ji left Yun Chao Yan's body and stood in front of her. Han Ying, as the Emperor's twin brother, had always been working for the Emperor. As his power grew, so did his desires. Because of Cheng Xi's eyes that could discern people's hearts, Han Ying naturally did not want others to know his true self, so he plotted to kill Cheng Xi.

After dealing with Kui Ji, the coldly smiling Han Ying walked up to the still unconscious Yun Chao Yan, saying "Now it's your turn."