Episode Guide

Episode 1: Yun Chao Yan wants to stay by Ren Shi Que's side.

Yun Chao Yan returned to her hometown of Qingzhou alone after being away for ten years to offer sacrifices to her ancestors. Qingzhou has a centuries-old tradition that every Mid-Autumn Festival, the children who have left home return to gather at the Wan Garden, holding osmanthus branches and praying to the Moon Goddess for blessings. Ten years ago, Yun Chao Yan made a wish under the moonlight, and her wish came true - her blind eyes regained their sight. However, after her eyes were restored, many evil spirits started to surround her, tormenting her greatly. >>read more

Episode 2: Yun Chao Yan helped Lin Nian resolve her inner turmoil.

Yun Chao Yan brought up to Ren Shi Que that ten years ago, the Goddess of the Moon granted her wish and restored her sight. However, she was able to see things that others could not - people marked by the moon's imprint, with frightening and elusive appearances. Although they could not speak, they constantly pestered her, leaving her unsettled. She wanted to return the eyes to the Goddess of the Moon, and Yun Chao Yan asked if he was the emissary who originally gave her the eyes. >>read more

Episode 3: Ren Shi Que is the Moon Goddess.

The city of Qingzhou has not seen the moon for ten years. Yun Chao Yan believes that the sudden appearance of moonlight is her doing, but Ren Shi Que believes that Yun Chao Yan is just a servant in Yixiang, and the appearance of the moonlight has nothing to do with her. Yun Chao Yan wants to stay by Ren Shi Que's side in exchange for seeing the red-robed woman by his side. Ren Shi Que asks about the woman's appearance, and Yun Chao Yan's description shockingly reveals that she is Ren Shi Que's mother, Kui Ji. No wonder other immortals would flee at the sight of him, but the red-robed woman is not afraid. >>read more

Episode 4: Yun Chao Yan arrived at Jing'an Hall and happened to meet Xie Gui Chen, who was searching for clues

Seeing only a lamp and a shoe in the hall, Xie Gui Chen believed that the Wang sisters had fallen out However, Yun Chao Yan noticed the "Inverse Immortal" and the lotus leaf from the hall, and she felt that this incident must be related to Yi Ling She saw Yi Ling trying to take Wen Zi Mo away, so she stepped forward to stop her, guessing that Yi Ling's death might be connected to the Chuang Xiu Court She decided to check the records at the Imperial Censorate >>read more

Episode 5: Ren Shi Que agreed to let Yun Chao Yan stay at the Surveillance Office.

After the case of the Wang sisters was solved, Yun Chao Yan went to the Surveillance Office to find Ren Shi Que, wanting him to fulfill his promise. However, the guards stopped her at the door, and she was arguing with them. Suddenly, Little Gui Gui came over and said that the Surveillance Chief would never agree to let Yun Chao Yan stay at the office. But then he quickly changed the topic, telling the guards that it was the season for fallen flowers, which the Surveillance Chief disliked on the ground, so they should let Yun Chao Yan stay to sweep the fallen flowers. Seeing that Yun Chao Yan was still pouting, Little Gui Gui secretly told her that since Ren Shi Que's eyesight was poor, as long as she didn't make a fuss, he would let her stay, and Ren Shi Que would never notice. Hearing this, Yun Chao Yan happily agreed. >>read more

Episode 6: Yun Chao Yan was possessed by a reverse immortal.

Yun Chao Yan discovered the red-robed woman, a reverse immortal, standing not far from Ren Shi Que, and she had been following him for a long time. Don't ask him if he wants to solve this problem, but Ren Shi Que coldly told her that there was no need, and after Yun Chao Yan left, he thought of his mother again and remembered the cruel words she had once said to him, that if he didn't like those eyes, she would help him gouge them out. >>read more

Episode 7: The Heartbreaking Past of Ren Shi Que.

Yun Chao Yan hurried to the望Park, the Worship the Moon ceremony had not yet begun, and the moon had reappeared in the sky. Countless Kongming lanterns were slowly floating up towards the sky. Ren Shi Que looked at those Kongming lanterns and couldn't help but sneer at little Guigui, saying that so many people were releasing Kongming lanterns to make wishes, but they didn't know whether the Moon Goddess liked the Kongming lanterns or would ignore their wishes. Guigui quickly told him that as a Osmanthus tree, he naturally didn't dare to participate in this. >>read more

Episode 8: Yet another demonic cultivator has approached Yun Chao Yan.

After hearing about Ren Shi Que's past, Yun Chao Yan felt that Ren Shi Que was also quite pitiful. However, she believed that Kui Ji must have had unavoidable difficulties, as she noticed that Kui Ji's gaze towards Ren Shi Que was filled with a mother's love for her child. She shared this observation with Ren Shi Que, but unexpectedly, her words touched Ren Shi Que's painful memories, causing him to angrily dismiss her. >>read more

Episode 9: Ren Shi Que developed feelings for Yun Chao Yan.

After leaving the Qi manor, Ren Shi Que asked Yun Chao Yan why she did not give the Step-by-Step Sway to Mr. Qi. Yun Chao Yan expressed her suspicions and wanted Ren Shi Que to accompany her on a night investigation of the Qi manor, but Ren Shi Que refused.While Yun Chao Yan was thinking about what to do next, the Renegade Immortal appeared again. Seeing the Renegade Immortal staring at a woman in the distance, Yun Chao Yan guessed that the woman was likely Mr. Qi's lover, so she quietly followed her. >>read more

Episode 10: Xie Gui Chen was caught arranging a ghostly marriage.

Xie Gui Chen saw Yun Chao Yan's disheveled hair and was about to reach out to help her tidy it, but upon hearing Yun Chao Yan's scream, he thought he had startled her with his clumsiness. Yun Chao Yan, fearing he had misunderstood, quickly said she was just feeling too hot.Gu Qing, who was hiding nearby, heard that Yun Chao Yan wanted some cold tea, so he had the maid buy up all the cold tea, leaving Xie Gui Chen no choice but to go far away to buy some. After Yun Chao Yan left, someone threw a note to Xie Gui Chen. Upon reading the note's contents, Xie Gui Chen went to meet his master in the forest and reported that he had not detected anything unusual about Yun Chao Yan. Hearing this report, which was quite different from before, the master reminded him not to let his emotions sway him. >>read more

Episode 11: Yun Chao Yan found that she had fallen for Ren Shi Que.

Yun Chao Yan originally thought the person wearing the groom's outfit was Xie Gui Chen, but upon closer inspection, she realized it was actually Ren Shi Que. Yun Chao Yan had come to the Jia household alone to rescue someone, and Ren Shi Que was naturally uneasy about it. He had just rescued the bound Xie Gui Chen, because the Jia family was a prominent clan in Qingzhou, and he didn't want to stir up more trouble. He only wanted to punish Lan Gu and his accomplices, and make the Jia Matriarch see the truth, so he decided to take Xie Gui Chen's place and continue the charade. >>read more

Episode 12: Kui Ji Harmed Ren Shi Que for a Reason.

Ren Shi Que also had the same feelings towards Yun Chao Yan, and in order to create opportunities to interact with Yun Chao Yan, he lied and said that Little Gui Gui was not feeling well recently, so that Yun Chao Yan could become his personal attendant. Being able to stay by Ren Shi Que's side all day, Yun Chao Yan naturally desired it. When she was helping Ren Shi Que put on her official robes, Ren Shi Que also instructed her on some matters to pay attention to. Yun Chao Yan was obedient and smart, committing those matters to heart. When Ren Shi Que was weary from her paperwork, Yun Chao Yan would massage her shoulders and back, making Ren Shi Que very comfortable. >>read more

Episode 13: Ren Shi Que decided to distance himself from Yun Chao Yan.

Xiao Gui Gui took an afternoon nap under a big tree in the courtyard. The Jade Emperor appeared in his dream and wanted to punish him for revealing the secrets of the Celestials. Xiao Gui Gui explained that it was an accident, and the Jade Emperor asked him to make amends. The Jade Emperor persuaded Ren Shi Que to let go of his human emotions and return to the heavenly palace when the moon is full. >>read more

Episode 14: Yun Chao Yan expressed her love to Ren Shi Que.

Lan Gu's two accomplices were hired to go to the south suburbs, where they kidnapped Yun Chao Yan to the Moon Temple. Fortunately, Ren Shi Que arrived in time, subdued them, and rescued Yun Chao Yan. After returning from the south suburbs, Ren Shi Que took Yun Chao Yan to the Yizhuang, where he saw that her hand was injured and felt very concerned. >>read more

Episode 15: Yun Chao Yan and Gu Qing reconciled.

Ren Shi Que came to the Manor, wanting to comfort Yun Chao Yan, but Yun Chao Yan asked him to keep a certain distance, because if Ren Shi Que got too close, she would have the urge to rush into his embrace. She also felt that Ren Shi Que had already given her too much, and she couldn't be greedy. If she demanded too much, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to hold onto the current beauty, just like when she had gained her eyes but lost her mother. >>read more

Episode 16: Yun Chao Yan helps Bi Luo search for her boyfriend.

Seeing the woman in front of her, Yun Chao Yan asked her what she was doing in the Righteous Manor, but the woman did not respond. Seeing that it was already late, Yun Chao Yan thought she wanted to stay the night, so she let her stay in the manor. In the middle of the night, Yun Chao Yan woke up from her dream and was surprised to find the woman sitting next to her, staring at her with wide eyes. >>read more

Episode 17: Bi Luo used Yun Chao Yan's body to test Ren Shi Que.

Ren Shi Que was worried about Yun Chao Yan's safety, so he asked Xie Gui Chen who the person was that would bring danger to Yun Chao Yan. Xie Gui Chen had no choice but to reveal his master, and told Ren Shi Que that his master had asked him to monitor Ren Shi Que, and later discovered Yun Chao Yan. Ren Shi Que wanted to know who his master was, but Xie Gui Chen didn't know, because he always saw his master either in the mist or behind a black hooded mask. >>read more

Episode 18: Ren Shi Que confessed his love to Yun Chao Yan.

After receiving the invitation, Yun Chao Yan brought the gift that Dao Huang had given her and quietly came to the Chai residence. The entire Chai household was filled with a joyous atmosphere, as it was the day of the old Mrs. Chai's granddaughter's wedding. Ren Shi Que had also received an invitation, and according to his usual habit, he would not have bothered to attend, but he discovered that Yun Chao Yan was going, so he made an exception and came to the Chai household. >>read more

Episode 19: Xie Gui Chen once again rejected Gu Qing.

Ren Shi Que was having a heartfelt conversation with Yun Chao Yan, when Xiao Gui Gui suddenly asked him about the situation with Yun Chao Yan. Ren Shi Que looked at Xiao Gui Gui puzzledly, not understanding how he knew. Xiao Gui Gui rolled his eyes and told Ren Shi Que that his thoughts were so loud, he might as well have used a megaphone to broadcast them. Seeing that Xiao Gui Gui already knew, Ren Shi Que no longer hid anything. >>read more

Episode 20: Kui Ji was killed by the cold shadow.

Ren Shi Que used magic to stabilize the boat, and saw the Jie Po lamp also swaying, making Ren Shi Que suspect that the renegade immortal was once again warning him. The renegade immortal who was warning him was very likely Kui Ji. Ren Shi Que had a feeling that all these years, Kui Ji had probably been by his side. >>read more

Episode 21: Ren Shi Que brought Yun Chao Yan to the Guanghan Palace.

As Yun Chao Yan was about to lose her life, at this critical moment, Ren Shi Que suddenly stood in front of Yun Chao Yan. Han Lu was no match for Ren Shi Que, who grabbed his neck with one hand, and his body quickly collapsed to the ground. As Han Lu fell, the voice of Hanying suddenly rang out, mocking Ren Shi Que for not realizing that Han Lu was just his illusion. >>read more

Episode 22: Yun Chao Yan used himself as bait to lure the Hanying (Cold Shadow) to appear.

After Ren Shi Que left, Xiao Gui Gui was left alone guarding the Jiepo Lamp, worrying about Ren Shi Que and Yun Chao Yan. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise outside and hurriedly went to check. After Xiao Gui Gui left, a black mist suddenly rushed into the room, heading straight for the Jiepo Lamp. When Xiao Gui Gui returned, she saw the broken Jiepo Lamp and realized they had fallen for the enemy's trap. >>read more

Episode 23: The shadow of the cold casts the moon's absence.

Seeing Ren Shi Que in grave danger, Yun Chao Yan wanted to remind the heretic cultivators Huang and the others that Ren Shi Que was the one she cared for, so they shouldn't be used by evil people. When Yun Chao Yan called out Ren Shi Que's name, the speed of the heretic cultivators' attacks noticeably slowed down. Yun Chao Yan was secretly delighted, and the cold shadow also noticed the change, suddenly grabbing Yun Chao Yan by the neck. >>read more

Ending 24: The Emperor stole the Convenient Door for Ren Shi Que.

The purpose of Yun Chao Yan's visit was to say goodbye to Ren Shi Que. She expressed her regret that she had never been to the Palace of Coldness where Ren Shi Que was going. As Ren Shi Que was leaving, he threw a memory seed into Yun Chao Yan's body, and she immediately recalled their happy memories in the Palace of Coldness. >>read more