Episode 21 recap: Ren Shi Que brought Yun Chao Yan to the Guanghan Palace.

As Yun Chao Yan was about to lose her life, at this critical moment, Ren Shi Que suddenly stood in front of Yun Chao Yan. Han Lu was no match for Ren Shi Que, who grabbed his neck with one hand, and his body quickly collapsed to the ground. As Han Lu fell, the voice of Hanying suddenly rang out, mocking Ren Shi Que for not realizing that Han Lu was just his illusion.

Ren Shi Que took Yun Chao Yan to the Imperial Censor's Office, and Yun Chao Yan was still unconscious. Little Gui Gui examined Yun Chao Yan's wound and was surprised to find that the weapon that had injured her was a bronze pestle, as the bronze pestle was Hanying's exclusive weapon. He sighed and told Ren Shi Que that now only the Emperor could save Yun Chao Yan.

Hearing Little Gui Gui's words, Ren Shi Que decided to take Yun Chao Yan to the Celestial Palace. Although he knew the Emperor had never liked him, he firmly told Little Gui Gui that if the Emperor did not treat Yun Chao Yan, he would go all out, even if it meant rebelling against the Heavenly Mandate.

After Kui Ji was killed, she turned into a seductive fox flower and fell in front of the Emperor. The Emperor sighed and placed her in the Guanghan Palace. Before he could leave, Ren Shi Que came carrying Yun Chao Yan, begging the Emperor to save her.

In fact, the Emperor had always been fond of his son Ren Shi Que, but Ren Shi Que had always hated him due to his mother's reason and did not even want to call him father. This time, because of his punishment, he was even more unwilling to return to the Guanghan Palace. The Emperor was quite surprised that Ren Shi Que came to ask him for help for Yun Chao Yan.

The Emperor looked at Yun Chao Yan's wound and left Ren Shi Que with a sentence. Ren Shi Que pondered the Emperor's words: it's better to rely on oneself than to ask others. He soon understood the meaning, that the bronze pestle spoke of the yang energy of heaven and earth and could kill invisibly, while the Guanghan Palace was yin and full of the vital energy that could make all things thrive. Thinking of this, Ren Shi Que used his magic to gather the vital energy into a sphere and pressed it into Yun Chao Yan's wound.

Under the influence of the vital energy sphere, Yun Chao Yan's wound began to heal, and she soon regained consciousness. Knowing that this was the Guanghan Palace, she curiously walked around the place. When Yun Chao Yan looked at the seductive fox flower, Ren Shi Que explained to her that it was the transformation of his mother, Kui Ji.

Yun Chao Yan heard this and knelt down to kowtow, thanking Kui Ji for saving his life. Xie Gui Chen sent Gu Qing home, and seeing her so drunk, he felt very apologetic. He then opened his heart to her, saying he didn't dislike her, but only didn't want to bring her trouble.

He thought Gu Qing was already unconscious from drinking, but as soon as he finished speaking, she suddenly kissed him. Xie Gui Chen was caught off guard and stood there dumbfounded. Gu Qing thought he was going to reject her again, but to her surprise, Xie Gui Chen told her he was willing to stay by her side for life, and planned to formally propose to her in a couple of days.

As Ren Shi Que was leaving with Yun Chao Yan, the city lord happened to see them, and realized Ren Shi Que had not been lying - he was truly likely the Moon God. The city lord was a bit annoyed though, scolding Ren Shi Que for leaving so abruptly and leaving him with this big mess in Qingzhou.

While the city lord was grumbling, Gu Qing suddenly came in. Even though Xie Gui Chen had agreed to their marriage, she was worried things might change, so she decided to immediately go to the Office of the Imperial Censor to propose. The city lord couldn't stop his sister and just let her go ahead with it.

When the servant girl brought the betrothal gifts to the Office of the Imperial Censor, Xu Xian and Bei Wushou were guarding the gate and wouldn't let them in.

Hearing the commotion outside, Xie Gui Chen was about to go check, when suddenly Yun Chao Yan popped out from the eaves. Seeing Xie Gui Chen, she spread her arms and flew towards him like a swallow. Xie Gui Chen hurriedly reached out to catch her, and they ended up tumbling to the ground together. Gu Qing was quite embarrassed, when suddenly Xie Gui Chen kissed her.

Before making a wish at the Palace of Cold Splendor, Yun Chao Yan saw Xie Gui Chen and Gu Qing embracing and kissing, and curiously asked Ren Shi Que if he saw this everyday. Ren Shi Que said he wouldn't pry into others' secrets, and then closed the wishing pool and proactively kissed Yun Chao Yan, telling her they could do whatever they wanted without being seen by mortals.