Episode 18 recap: Ren Shi Que confessed his love to Yun Chao Yan.

After receiving the invitation, Yun Chao Yan brought the gift that Dao Huang had given her and quietly came to the Chai residence. The entire Chai household was filled with a joyous atmosphere, as it was the day of the old Mrs. Chai's granddaughter's wedding. Ren Shi Que had also received an invitation, and according to his usual habit, he would not have bothered to attend, but he discovered that Yun Chao Yan was going, so he made an exception and came to the Chai household.

After arriving at the Chai residence, Yun Chao Yan followed Dao Huang, searching for the person to whom Dao Huang wanted to give the gift. Suddenly, someone recognized her as the maid who had delivered the old wedding dress, and they thought she had come to cause trouble again, so they began to gossip. Yun Chao Yan heard someone saying that she had been working at the Grand Secretariat's Office and accused Ren Shi Que of being too lenient with his subordinates, so she quickly clarified that she had already been expelled from the Grand Secretariat's Office, and her actions had nothing to do with the Grand Secretary.

Previously, because of Yun Chao Yan's identity, the Chai family did not dare to do anything to her, but now that they knew she was no longer from the Grand Secretariat's Office, they naturally no longer indulged her. The steward questioned Yun Chao Yan about how she had managed to sneak in, and was about to order someone to escort her out, when Ren Shi Que suddenly appeared, putting his arm around Yun Chao Yan's shoulder and telling everyone that he had not chased Yun Chao Yan away, and that he was the one who had brought her here today.

Seeing that Ren Shi Que had spoken up, the steward no longer dared to trouble Yun Chao Yan, and allowed her to move freely within the residence. Yun Chao Yan followed Dao Huang into the old Mrs. Chai's room, where she saw Dao Huang gazing at the old Mrs. Chai with tenderness, and Yun Chao Yan guessed that the old lady was the one to whom he wanted to give the gift.

The old Mrs. Chai was lost in thought, until Ren Shi Que arrived, at which point she raised her head and stood up to greet the Grand Secretary. Yun Chao Yan took out the iron sword that Dao Huang had given her and asked the old Mrs. Chai if she recognized it. The old Mrs. Chai took the iron sword and, with tears in her eyes, told Yun Chao Yan that it belonged to her sweetheart, Dao Huang, and then she told the story of her and Dao Huang.

In the past, the young Miss Chai and Dao Huang had fallen in love, but because of the disparity in their social status, Mr. Chai did not approve of their relationship. Dao Huang then bought a set of red wedding clothes, and the two secretly betrothed themselves. Later, Dao Huang took the iron sword that Miss Chai had given him and went to the battlefield, hoping to achieve fame and then come back to marry her, but he never returned.

Seeing her granddaughter taking her wedding vows with her husband, Old Madam Chai could not help but be overcome with emotion as she imagined her own wedding day with Dao Huang. Dao Huang's wish had been fulfilled, and he transformed into a golden light to return to his rightful place. Before leaving, he told Yun Chao Yan that companionship is the best protection, and encouraged her to bravely pursue her own happiness without regrets. After leaving the Chai residence, Yun Chao Yan was about to bid farewell to Ren Shi Que when he suddenly grasped her hand and confessed his deep feelings for her. Seeing the moon in the sky, Yun Chao Yan expressed concern that Ren Shi Que may not return to the Heavenly Palace, but he reassured her that the cold and lonely Guanghan Palace could not compare to the vibrant human world, and that she was the only person he wished to protect for eternity. Seeing Yun Chao Yan still worried about divine retribution, Ren Shi Que silenced her with a kiss, and she willingly fell into his embrace.

That night, Ren Shi Que wanted to stay the night at Yun Chao Yan's charity house, but she refused, insisting that despite her desire to be with him immediately, their marriage must be done properly through a formal betrothal. In her room, Ren Shi Que saw a wilted yellow flower that Xie Gui Chen had given her, and pretended to be jealous, but Yun Chao Yan explained that the flower represented their friendship. Reluctantly, Ren Shi Que left after staying a while longer.

The next day, Yun Chao Yan visited the Censor's Office, where Ren Shi Que was assigning tasks to his subordinates. Through their mental connection, Yun Chao Yan told Ren Shi Que that she never imagined becoming the object of the Moon God's affection, and that she now desired him even more than before. Ren Shi Que responded that he felt the same way.