Episode 6 recap: Yun Chao Yan was possessed by a reverse immortal.

Yun Chao Yan discovered the red-robed woman, a reverse immortal, standing not far from Ren Shi Que, and she had been following him for a long time. Don't ask him if he wants to solve this problem, but Ren Shi Que coldly told her that there was no need, and after Yun Chao Yan left, he thought of his mother again and remembered the cruel words she had once said to him, that if he didn't like those eyes, she would help him gouge them out.

Ren Shi Que was bathing and getting dressed when Yun Chao Yan suddenly barged in, saying there was a reverse immortal frightening her. Yun Chao Yan's 300-year-old pure body was now completely exposed to Ren Shi Que. After leaving Ren Shi Que, Yun Chao Yan ran out of the manor.

On the street, she found herself still thinking about Ren Shi Que's muscular body, and couldn't help but slap her own head to remind herself not to think about it. Yun Chao Yan was worried that Ren Shi Que would be angry, so she went back to her own home first. Lying in the coffin, she had a nightmare and kept calling for her mother.

The red-robed woman came to Yun Chao Yan's coffin, looked at the figure before her, and couldn't help but let out a sigh. She then possessed Yun Chao Yan's body to go see her son. When Xie Gui Chen saw "Yun Chao Yan", he came out of the room to greet her, but Yun Chao Yan ignored him.

Yun Chao Yan went to the Imperial Historian's Office, walked straight to Ren Shi Que's room, and knocked on the door. When Ren Shi Que opened the door, Yun Chao Yan went in and closed the door behind her. Ren Shi Que felt that Yun Chao Yan seemed a bit off, and was wondering about it, when Yun Chao Yan suddenly called him "Xi'er" and asked if he was still angry at her.

Because the name "Xi'er" was only ever used by his mother, Ren Shi Que then realized that Yun Chao Yan had been possessed by his mother, the Enchantress.

Because in the past Ren Shi Que's mother gouged out her own eyes, he has lingering resentment over this matter. The shattering of the result-illuminating lantern was also Kui Ji's attempt to get out from within, intentionally luring him into it, so Ren Shi Que did not want to talk to Kui Ji further.

Seeing that his son was unwilling to associate with him, Kui Ji did not reveal the hardships he had endured back then, but only warned Ren Shi Que to be careful, as those eyes would still bring him disaster. After Kui Ji left Yun Chao Yan, Yun Chao Yan felt weak all over and collapsed into Ren Shi Que's arms.

The next day, Yun Chao Yan woke up to find herself sleeping in Ren Shi Que's room. She was pleasantly surprised to discover that she had slept particularly soundly last night, and Ren Shi Que no longer seemed to dislike her. He even agreed to let her be his assistant and stay by his side at all times, but with one condition - that she find an opportunity to ask the woman in red why she had done that back then.

Little Gui Gui came to find Ren Shi Que, and to avoid suspicion, he quickly had Yun Chao Yan hide away and secretly leave. Little Gui Gui told Ren Shi Que that the city lord wanted to hold a moon worship ceremony, and if Ren Shi Que did not agree, the city lord would put his life at risk. After seeing Kui Ji the night before, Ren Shi Que was no longer so opposed to this matter, so he agreed, and told Little Gui Gui that he would bring Yun Chao Yan along.

To prepare for the moon worship ceremony, Gu Qing was putting on makeup in front of the bronze mirror at home, when she discovered that the mirror concealed a demonic immortal. Under the demonic immortal's interference, she ended up heavily made up and went out onto the street, where she accidentally encountered Yun Chao Yan. Seeing the terrifying sight of the demonic immortal, Yun Chao Yan screamed in fright and hurriedly sought refuge with Ren Shi Que. Hearing Yun Chao Yan's scream, Xie Gui Chen rushed over to check, and seeing how concerned he was for Yun Chao Yan, Ren Shi Que suddenly felt a pang of jealousy.

After regaining her sight, Yun Chao Yan was often bullied for claiming to see the demonic immortal, but Gu Qing not only did not bully her, but even protected her. Although Gu Qing later no longer liked her, Yun Chao Yan still regarded her as her only friend. Therefore, seeing Gu Qing being harassed by the demonic immortal, Yun Chao Yan naturally would not stand idly by.

The dragon woman asked Yun Chao Yan to help transport a corpse. As Yun Chao Yan was transporting the corpse, she happened to encounter Xie Gui Chen on his patrol. Seeing Yun Chao Yan pulling the handcart, he actively came over to help. In her hurry to go save Gu Qing, Yun Chao Yan handed the handcart over to Xie Gui Chen, and he was surprised to discover that there was a corpse on the cart.