Episode 15 recap: Yun Chao Yan and Gu Qing reconciled.

Ren Shi Que came to the Manor, wanting to comfort Yun Chao Yan, but Yun Chao Yan asked him to keep a certain distance, because if Ren Shi Que got too close, she would have the urge to rush into his embrace. She also felt that Ren Shi Que had already given her too much, and she couldn't be greedy. If she demanded too much, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to hold onto the current beauty, just like when she had gained her eyes but lost her mother.

Hearing Yun Chao Yan's words, Ren Shi Que did not know how to comfort her. Suddenly, Gu Qing came in and asked Ren Shi Que what he was doing there. The two looked at each other with disdain. Ren Shi Que then gave Yun Chao Yan two choices: to go with Gu Qing or to go with him. Yun Chao Yan looked at Ren Shi Que tenderly and ultimately chose Gu Qing.

Seeing that Yun Chao Yan had chosen him, Gu Qing was very happy and took her to the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, wanting to get drunk. After the food and wine were served, Gu Qing first expressed gratitude to Yun Chao Yan, saying she had figured out the Jing Ting incident, and it was all thanks to Yun Chao Yan that she didn't continue to make a fool of herself. In turn, Yun Chao Yan thanked Gu Qing for taking care of her when she was young.

The two then reminisced about the past. Gu Qing's dislike of Yun Chao Yan was because, first, Yun Chao Yan was always talking about seeing the Reverse Immortal, and second, Yun Chao Yan had accidentally caused a fire that burned down Gu Qing's house and made her lose face. All along, it had been Gu Qing protecting the timid Yun Chao Yan.

That day, when Yun Chao Yan was frightened by the Reverse Immortal, the lantern in her hand fell to the ground and started a fire. Seeing the blaze, Yun Chao Yan loudly told Gu Qing to flee, but Gu Qing stood there dumbly, and in the end, it was Yun Chao Yan who carried her out of the fire.

The two shared their thoughts, and in the end, they let go of their past grievances. Gu Qing said while drinking that she would continue to look after Yun Chao Yan.

Xie Gui Chen was walking alone on the street, thinking about his master's words. If one day he had to choose between Yun Chao Yan and his master, what decision would he make? He hadn't answered then, which had made his master even angrier.

As Xie Gui Chen was lost in thought, a fireworks signal suddenly rose in the distance. This was the agreed signal between him and Yun Chao Yan, and he thought she might be in danger. But when he rushed over, he found that it was just Gu Qing getting drunk.

Seeing Gu Qing sleeping with her head on the table, Xie Gui Chen came over and woke her up. Gu Qing angrily lifted her head, but when she saw that the person who had called her was Xie Gui Chen, her angry expression immediately turned into a smile, and her tone of voice also became very gentle.

Ren Shi Que came to the armory, knocked on the door, and seeing no one answering, he pushed the door and walked in. He saw Yun Chao Yan sleeping with her head on the table, and he laughed and said she was slacking off again. Seeing Yun Chao Yan suddenly slide off the table, he quickly embraced her, because Yun Chao Yan was mumbling in her dream not to chase her, and Ren Shi Que thought there were evil immortals around, so he scolded them sternly, telling them not to be so insolent.

Xie Gui Chen found Yun Chao Yan and confessed his secret to her - someone was plotting against her and Ren Shi Que, and Yun Chao Yan wanted to know who that person was, but Xie Gui Chen didn't know the identity of his master, so he told Yun Chao Yan that this person seemed to have some history with Ren Shi Que.

Seeing Xie Gui Chen being so candid, Yun Chao Yan also told him about her ability to see evil immortals, and pointed to the direction where Dao Huang was, saying there was one there. Although Xie Gui Chen couldn't see anything, his scalp started to tingle.

Yun Chao Yan was sweeping fallen flowers when Dao Huang suddenly grabbed her broom. Yun Chao Yan asked him a question - how could Dao Huang return to the original magic lamp. Alarmed, Dao Huang hurriedly told Yun Chao Yan to never think about this again.

Gu Qing went to find Xie Gui Chen, but he was still thinking about the evil immortals and wasn't very enthusiastic with her. Gu Qing couldn't understand why Xie Gui Chen didn't like her, because when he left, he had patted her on the shoulder, so she thought he still had feelings for her.

Yun Chao Yan returned to the Righteous Mansion, and a beautiful woman suddenly appeared before her.