Episode 7 recap: The Heartbreaking Past of Ren Shi Que.

Yun Chao Yan hurried to the望Park, the Worship the Moon ceremony had not yet begun, and the moon had reappeared in the sky. Countless Kongming lanterns were slowly floating up towards the sky. Ren Shi Que looked at those Kongming lanterns and couldn't help but sneer at little Guigui, saying that so many people were releasing Kongming lanterns to make wishes, but they didn't know whether the Moon Goddess liked the Kongming lanterns or would ignore their wishes. Guigui quickly told him that as a Osmanthus tree, he naturally didn't dare to participate in this.

Gu Qing, dressed very seductively, came to the望Park amidst exclamations from the crowd. A voice kept encouraging her in her ear, telling her that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. She proudly looked at the people around her, but their gazes were clearly not appreciative. Just then, Yun Chao Yan suddenly appeared in front of her, reminding her not to be deceived by the Inverse Immortal. The Inverse Immortal hidden in the bronze mirror, seeing Yun Chao Yan spoiling her fun, suddenly launched an attack on her. Seeing the Inverse Immortal's attack coming, Yun Chao Yan hurriedly closed her eyes in fright.

Ren Shi Que rushed over and blocked the attack for Yun Chao Yan, and then injured the Inverse Immortal. After the Inverse Immortal was injured and left, Gu Qing actually blamed Yun Chao Yan, accusing her of stealing her spotlight again. Yun Chao Yan found the injured Inverse Immortal and asked her the reason for harassing Gu Qing, but the Inverse Immortal told her that she had not been harassing Gu Qing, she had only amplified Gu Qing's desires, and then disappeared.

Yun Chao Yan suspected that the Inverse Immortal was hiding in Gu Qing's bronze mirror, so she went to ask Gu Qing for it. Gu Qing thought Yun Chao Yan was coveting her possession, so she refused the request. Yun Chao Yan remembered the pattern on the bronze mirror, drew it, and went around inquiring. In a embroidery shop, the boss recognized the pattern as the legacy of her master, Jingting, and told Yun Chao Yan Jingting's story.

Jingting was a famous embroidery expert, but after an accident that disfigured her, she became very sensitive. Whenever she heard people talking about her, she couldn't understand why her skills and her appearance were related, and eventually died of depression. At Yun Chao Yan's persuasion, the embroidery shop boss accompanied her to see Jingting, because Gu Qing was unwilling to take out the bronze mirror, Yun Chao Yan had to disguise herself as a servant and switch the mirrors.

After Jingting appeared, the embroidery shop boss showed her some of her recent works. Seeing that her skills were being carried on, Jingting realized that people cared more about her skills, and she put aside her resentment and turned into a golden light that flew into the Soul-Binding Lantern.

Gu Qing was dressed up flamboyantly and was strolling on the street. After the departure of Jingting, she regained her senses and was extremely embarrassed to see herself dressed that way in public. Just then, Xie Guichen came over, used his long robe to cover her face, and escorted her back home. Gu Qing was very happy that Xie Guichen did not despise her.

After leaving Gu Qing, Xie Guichen met his master in a secluded place and reported the recent situation of Ren Shique, including the fact that he had taken in Yunchaoyan. With Gu Qing's problem resolved, Yunchaoyan was exhausted and wanted to sleep well by Ren Shique's side, but Ren Shique refused her request, saying that there should be no intimate contact between men and women. He also reminded her not to forget the task he had assigned her. Yunchaoyan fell asleep despite her protests, and Ren Shique had to let her have the room, while he slept on a large tree.

In order to find Kuiji, Yunchaoyan asked Little Guigui for clues. Little Guigui then told her Ren Shique's story. When Ren Shique was young, he was treated as a monster by his peers due to his eyes, and he even got into fights with them. The Emperor learned of this and punished Ren Shique by making him guard the Jiepo Lamp.

Ren Shique discovered that Kuiji was inside the Jiepo Lamp. In order to see his mother, he believed Kuiji's words and shattered the Jiepo Lamp, resulting in the escape of the renegade immortals, and Kuiji took his two eyes. The Emperor then punished Ren Shique by sending him to the mortal world, and he would only be allowed to return to the heavenly realm after he had helped those renegade immortals back into the Jiepo Lamp.