Episode 13 recap: Ren Shi Que decided to distance himself from Yun Chao Yan.

Xiao Gui Gui took an afternoon nap under a big tree in the courtyard. The Jade Emperor appeared in his dream and wanted to punish him for revealing the secrets of the Celestials. Xiao Gui Gui explained that it was an accident, and the Jade Emperor asked him to make amends. The Jade Emperor persuaded Ren Shi Que to let go of his human emotions and return to the heavenly palace when the moon is full.

Xiao Gui Gui did not want to separate the loving couple, but the Jade Emperor said that the paths of humans and immortals are different. If they go against the natural order, they will become an estranged couple. If Xiao Gui Gui could not stop Ren Shi Que's affection for Yun Chao Yan, he would not be allowed to return to the heavenly realm. Upon waking up, Xiao Gui Gui encountered Yun Chao Yan, who was holding the money given by Ren Shi Que to repair the charity house and buy a new bed.

Yun Chao Yan felt it was a blessing to meet Ren Shi Que, but Xiao Gui Gui believed that blessings and curses are intertwined and hard to discern. Yun Chao Yan thanked Xiao Gui Gui for speaking well of her to Ren Shi Que and promised to help if he encountered any strange events in the future.

Xiao Gui Gui went to talk to Ren Shi Que, asking if he had collected enough moonlight in the soul lamp to return to the heavenly palace. Ren Shi Que said he no longer had any attachment to the Moon Palace and did not want to return and create more troubles. Xiao Gui Gui then asked if it was because of Yun Chao Yan that Ren Shi Que no longer wanted to go back. Seeing Ren Shi Que's silence, Xiao Gui Gui reminded him that the paths of humans and immortals are different, and he should let go of his feelings soon.

Ren Shi Que looked puzzled, as Xiao Gui Gui had previously tried to match him with Yun Chao Yan. Xiao Gui Gui sighed and explained that he did not want Ren Shi Que to repeat the same tragedy as the Jade Emperor and Kui Ji. Also, the one who had coveted Ren Shi Que's eyes might still be lurking in the mortal world, and if they discovered Yun Chao Yan's unusual eyes, it could put her in danger. Ren Shi Que distancing himself from Yun Chao Yan was the best way to protect her.

That night, a brother and sister lived alone, and the sick sister was playing with a rattle drum, muttering to herself. The brother asked Yun Chao Yan for help, and she took the sister to the clinic. As Yun Chao Yan was leaving, she found a small demonic immortal named Ano hiding in the rattle drum, and she told Ano to leave and not bully the little girl.

The next day, Yun Chao Yan wanted to store the rattle drum at Ren Shi Que's place, but he did not want to keep it, saying that having Yun Chao Yan around made him uneasy. Yun Chao Yan then gave him the calming medicine provided by the Dragon Lady.

Yun Chao Yan vigorously shook the rattle drum, wanting Ano to come out, but Ano did not appear. Yun Chao Yan went to chat with the old witch, and the two runners from the Procuratorate Office frightened Yun Chao Yan, causing her to hug the pillar of the Procuratorate Office and tremble in fear. Ren Shi Que and Xiao Guigui passed by, and Ren Shi Que wanted to go comfort Yun Chao Yan, but was stopped by Xiao Guigui.

Yun Chao Yan came to the river and saw Ano and his little sister playing in the water. She told the little sister to go hide in the Procuratorate Office, knowing that the sister Ano was looking for was not her. She reminded Ano not to follow her around anymore. After Ano nodded, Yun Chao Yan went back to the Procuratorate Office to pick up the little sister. Ren Shi Que told her not to cause too much trouble, as he couldn't always protect her. Yun Chao Yan said the little sister was in danger being with Ano, so she had to help her.

To please Ren Shi Que, Yun Chao Yan gave him a massage. After much persuasion, Ren Shi Que finally agreed to bring Ano to the Procuratorate Office. Hearing the sound of gongs, Ano quickly hid under the table, as her mother had told her that when the gongs rang, thieves would come to kill children.

Yun Chao Yan brought Ano in front of Ren Shi Que, who told her that Ano was a child who had been sleeping in a Resolver Lamp for 60 years. Yun Chao Yan asked Ano about her hometown and residence, wanting to help her find her sister.

Although Ren Shi Que outwardly refused to help Yun Chao Yan, he secretly had someone send her Ano's address from 60 years ago. Ano lived in the southern suburbs, where there were many bandits at the time, but Yun Chao Yan didn't care and rushed there. 60 years ago, the southern suburbs had a famine, and Ano got separated from her sister, leaving behind only the rattle drum the sister played with. Yun Chao Yan explained to Ano that when people die, they only move to a different place in your heart, helping Ano find peace. Ano realized that Yun Chao Yan had feelings for Ren Shi Que, and encouraged her to bravely express them so she wouldn't have regrets in the future.