Episode 11 recap: Yun Chao Yan found that she had fallen for Ren Shi Que.

Yun Chao Yan originally thought the person wearing the groom's outfit was Xie Gui Chen, but upon closer inspection, she realized it was actually Ren Shi Que. Yun Chao Yan had come to the Jia household alone to rescue someone, and Ren Shi Que was naturally uneasy about it. He had just rescued the bound Xie Gui Chen, because the Jia family was a prominent clan in Qingzhou, and he didn't want to stir up more trouble. He only wanted to punish Lan Gu and his accomplices, and make the Jia Matriarch see the truth, so he decided to take Xie Gui Chen's place and continue the charade.

Hearing Ren Shi Que's plan, Yun Chao Yan immediately opposed it, and openly expressed her own thoughts, because she didn't want Ren Shi Que to marry someone else. Hearing Yun Chao Yan say this, Ren Shi Que was secretly delighted, and deliberately asked Yun Chao Yan the reason why she didn't want him to marry another.

Upon hearing Ren Shi Que's question, Yun Chao Yan realized she had let slip her true feelings, and tried to come up with a suitable excuse, since Ren Shi Que was the Moon God, and such an act would violate the Heavenly Mandate. Hearing Yun Chao Yan's response, Ren Shi Que was greatly disappointed and replied that her reminder was unnecessary.

Prompted by Wan Wan, Yun Chao Yan found the correspondence between Wan Wan and Jing Yao in her own room, and decided to use these letters to prove to the Jia Matriarch that Wan Wan and Jing Yao were in love. At this time, the Matriarch was still kept in the dark, and Lan Gu pointed to the red-clad bride walking in from outside, telling her that the bride was Wan Wan. The bride's face was covered by a veil, so the Matriarch couldn't see her face, but she believed Lan Gu's words and watched her granddaughter with tears in her eyes, allowing Lan Gu to continue the ceremony.

Just as Lan Gu was about to have the groom brought in, Jing Yao suddenly rushed in, wanting to see Wan Wan. The Jia Matriarch hastily ordered someone to stop him. When the groom arrived, everyone was shocked to see that it was actually the Imperial Censor. Ren Shi Que coldly asked the Jia Matriarch how she would explain today's events.

The Jia Matriarch then begged Ren Shi Que to spare her poor granddaughter, but Yun Chao Yan stepped forward and told her that this bride was not Wan Wan at all, and lifted the veil to reveal a man. Seeing this, the Jia Matriarch finally realized she had been deceived. Seeing the situation turn bad, Lan Gu hastily called to his accomplices, trying to make a quick getaway.

Before going to see Lady Jia, Ren Shi Que had already instructed Xie Gui Chen to lie in wait at the city gate to capture Lan Gu and his accomplices. Xie Gui Chen was hiding in a secluded corner, waiting for Lan Gu's appearance, when Gu Qing suddenly came to his side, learned that he was capturing the thieves, and volunteered to help.

After Lan Gu and the others appeared, Xie Gui Chen stepped forward to block them. Xie Gui Chen wanted Xie Gui Chen to let them go, saying they were just trying to make a little money. Seeing that Xie Gui Chen would not agree, Lan Gu turned her gaze to Gu Qing and proactively offered to help Gu Qing pursue the person she was interested in, a condition that tempted Gu Qing a bit, but she still firmly refused.

Seeing that the negotiations were unsuccessful, Lan Gu had no choice but to force her way through, but she and her accomplices were no match for Xie Gui Chen and Gu Qing. In desperation, Lan Gu took out a Western musical instrument, and seeing Gu Qing being captivated by the sound, Xie Gui Chen hurried over and caught the opponent's knife with his bare hands, allowing Lan Gu and her accomplices to escape. Xie Gui Chen was about to get up and chase them, but Gu Qing stopped him and used a handkerchief to help bandage his wound.

Yun Chao Yan delivered Wan Wan's letter to Lady Jia, and seeing the lady still hesitant, she mentioned Lady Jia's preferences and some of the past conversations between Lady Jia and Wan Wan, finally making Lady Jia realize that she had destroyed her granddaughter's happiness with her own hands. She then accepted Jing Yao and Wan Wan's relationship and allowed Jing Yao to address her as grandmother.

Sitting on the swing, Jing Yao couldn't help but recall the first time he met Wan Wan. Wan Wan, who suffered from a congenital disease, rarely went out, but Jing Yao heard her voice, climbed the wall to meet her, and promised to come back in ten years to marry her. Jing Yao kept his promise, and Wan Wan's worries were resolved, as she turned into a golden light and flew into the soul-binding lantern, and with her disappearance, the moon in the sky seemed to have grown much larger.

After returning from the Jia residence, Yun Chao Yan looked at Ren Shi Que and suddenly experienced the feeling of loving someone that Wan Wan had described.