Episode 5 recap: Ren Shi Que agreed to let Yun Chao Yan stay at the Surveillance Office.

After the case of the Wang sisters was solved, Yun Chao Yan went to the Surveillance Office to find Ren Shi Que, wanting him to fulfill his promise. However, the guards stopped her at the door, and she was arguing with them. Suddenly, Little Gui Gui came over and said that the Surveillance Chief would never agree to let Yun Chao Yan stay at the office. But then he quickly changed the topic, telling the guards that it was the season for fallen flowers, which the Surveillance Chief disliked on the ground, so they should let Yun Chao Yan stay to sweep the fallen flowers. Seeing that Yun Chao Yan was still pouting, Little Gui Gui secretly told her that since Ren Shi Que's eyesight was poor, as long as she didn't make a fuss, he would let her stay, and Ren Shi Que would never notice. Hearing this, Yun Chao Yan happily agreed.

The city lord's sister, Gu Qing, also wanted to participate in the selection. Upon learning that the selection had already passed, she was very unhappy and came to the city lord's mansion to argue with her brother. The city lord doted on this sister, staying by her side with a smile. To change the topic, he intentionally brought up Yun Chao Yan's return to Qingzhou. Hearing this news, Gu Qing changed into night clothes, intending to find and curse Yun Chao Yan. But before she could find Yun Chao Yan, she was discovered by the patrolling Xie Gui Chen, and the two ended up fighting.

Gu Qing was no match for Xie Gui Chen, who defeated her and removed her mask, revealing that she was a woman. Gu Qing, seeing Xie Gui Chen's handsome appearance and good martial arts skills, was momentarily dazed.

The next day, while strolling the streets, Gu Qing saw someone selling pendants and, remembering the person from the previous night, had her maid help her select one, intending to give it as a gift if she encountered that person again. As Gu Qing was choosing the pendant, someone recognized her as the famous "tigress" of Qingzhou and, seeing her selecting men's items, started whispering. Hearing someone say she would never get married, Gu Qing angrily drew her whip.

Back at the city lord's mansion, Gu Qing asked her brother to find her a suitor, unable to believe that someone as beautiful as herself could not find a husband. The city lord brought out a stack of portraits for Gu Qing to choose from, but she found them all to be unattractive. She could not help but ask Gu Lang if Qingzhou really had no good men. Gu Lang inwardly muttered that it was not that there were no good men, but that everyone had intentionally made themselves look unattractive in the portraits to avoid being chosen by the "tigress."

To prove that his words were not empty, the Lord of the City had hired a group of people, and Gu Qing, seeing how in-demand she was, truly believed it. To give everyone a fair chance to compete, she took them to the training field and tested them one by one with a whip. Only those who could win even a single move against her would advance to the next round. Most of the people were ordinary citizens, and they were beaten by her to the point of screaming. Many even went to the steward to ask for a refund, feeling that earning this money was too difficult and that they might even risk their lives.

Xie Gui Chen arrived at the Lord's Mansion and reported the case of the Wen family sisters. As he was leaving, he happened to see Gu Qing whipping people. He immediately rushed over to rescue the person. When he had rescued the person, he heard the maid's scolding and realized that the woman wielding the whip was the Princess. Gu Qing noticed Xie Gui Chen, who was the object of her affection, and she softened her harsh demeanor, gently instructing the maid to be polite to Xie Gui Chen.

Yun Chao Yan was sweeping fallen flowers when Ren Shi Que suddenly approached her and asked why she was in the Censor's Office. Xiaogui hastily explained to him. After hearing Xiaogui's explanation, Ren Shi Que pointed to the withered flowers and told Yun Chao Yan that if those flowers bloomed, he would allow her to stay. As soon as he said this, Daohuan used his magic to make the flowers bloom again.

Ren Shi Que discovered that there was an immortal defying cultivator daring to act so brazenly in front of him. He was about to wither the flowers again, but when he saw Yun Chao Yan happily smelling the flowers, he quietly withdrew his power and agreed to let Yun Chao Yan stay in the Censor's Office.