Episode 17 recap: Bi Luo used Yun Chao Yan's body to test Ren Shi Que.

Ren Shi Que was worried about Yun Chao Yan's safety, so he asked Xie Gui Chen who the person was that would bring danger to Yun Chao Yan. Xie Gui Chen had no choice but to reveal his master, and told Ren Shi Que that his master had asked him to monitor Ren Shi Que, and later discovered Yun Chao Yan. Ren Shi Que wanted to know who his master was, but Xie Gui Chen didn't know, because he always saw his master either in the mist or behind a black hooded mask.

Xie Gui Chen learned that Yun Chao Yan had gone to Sheng Jing, and wanted to take guards to go protect her, Ren Shi Que did not object. After Xie Gui Chen left with the guards, Ren Shi Que was still uneasy, so he secretly followed them to Sheng Jing.

Bi Luo followed Yun Chao Yan to Sheng Jing, and she pointed to a young lord, telling Yun Chao Yan that he was Liu Zong. Yun Chao Yan saw that the man was only in his twenties, so she confirmed with Bi Luo if she was mistaken, and if not, she would contact the lord. Bi Luo nodded firmly, and even brought Yun Chao Yan a cup of tea, thanking her again.

Yun Chao Yan was thirsty, so she drank the tea without thinking. But as soon as she swallowed it, she felt heavy-headed. She forcibly asked Bi Luo what she had just made her drink. Hearing Yun Chao Yan's question, Bi Luo remembered the words of the masked man, who had told her to find Yun Chao Yan and go to Sheng Jing together, and reminded her that it's best to solve her own problems with her own hands. Thinking of this, she approached Yun Chao Yan and apologized to her.

With Bi Luo possessing Yun Chao Yan's body, the body dressed in a red bridal gown and went to the brothel that the Drunken Lord often frequented. As the Drunken Lord left the brothel, a woman suddenly blocked his path. Seeing the crescent-shaped scar on Yun Chao Yan's wrist, he immediately realized that the woman in front of him was likely Bi Luo, because when they had previously discussed committing suicide together, they had agreed to be a couple in their next life.

To allow Zi Zong to find her in their next life, Bi Luo had burned a crescent-shaped scar on the base of her palm with a branding iron. The Drunken Lord was Zi Zong.

Hearing Liuzong call out Biluo's name, Biluo knew that he had not forgotten her, so she asked Liuzong to explain himself. Liuzong then grimly told her that on the day they were supposed to die together, he had been unexpectedly saved, and since then he had lacked the courage to seek his own death.

These years, he had been thinking of her constantly. After saying this, Liuzong knelt down and begged Biluo to forgive him. Biluo had wanted to persuade Liuzong to just die then, so they could be reunited, but seeing Liuzong's cowardly fear of death, she became furiously ashamed and suddenly grabbed Liuzong's neck, almost strangling him to death. Suddenly, Ren Shique appeared, knocked Biluo down, and ordered her to leave Yun Chaoyan's body immediately.

Seeing the proud Moon Goddess Ren Shique show signs of nervousness because of Yun Chaoyan, Biluo suddenly jumped onto the bridge railing and asked Ren Shique if she liked Yun Chaoyan, threatening to jump off the bridge if Ren Shique didn't answer.

Ren Shique warned Biluo not to act rashly, as this body did not belong to her. Realizing Liuzong's true nature, and that they had both become selfish - one fearing death, the other greedy for love - Biluo then jumped off the bridge. When Ren Shique caught Yun Chaoyan's body, Biluo transformed into a golden light and entered the Soul-Tying Lantern, reminding Ren Shique not to let Yun Chaoyan return to Qingzhou, or she would be in danger.

After Yun Chaoyan regained consciousness, Ren Shique had quietly left, but Yun Chaoyan could still sense her presence. To avoid bringing danger to Ren Shique, Yun Chaoyan opened a medicine shop in Shengjing, deciding not to return to Qingzhou. But she had only been calm for seven days when Dao Huang came to ask for her help.

Back in Qingzhou, Dao Huang took Yun Chaoyan to the big tree and took away the hairpin Ren Shique had given her. Gu Qing confessed to Xie Guichen, but she did not agree. Unexpectedly, she ran into Yun Chaoyan. Wanting to help Dao Huang, Yun Chaoyan went to the Chai family to deliver a gift, but lacked an invitation letter. Gu Qing then stole his brother's invitation letter to give to her.