Episode 12 recap: Kui Ji Harmed Ren Shi Que for a Reason.

Ren Shi Que also had the same feelings towards Yun Chao Yan, and in order to create opportunities to interact with Yun Chao Yan, he lied and said that Little Gui Gui was not feeling well recently, so that Yun Chao Yan could become his personal attendant. Being able to stay by Ren Shi Que's side all day, Yun Chao Yan naturally desired it. When she was helping Ren Shi Que put on her official robes, Ren Shi Que also instructed her on some matters to pay attention to. Yun Chao Yan was obedient and smart, committing those matters to heart. When Ren Shi Que was weary from her paperwork, Yun Chao Yan would massage her shoulders and back, making Ren Shi Que very comfortable.

Ren Shi Que was going on a tour, which was a trick of Gu Liang Qi's, ostensibly to make Ren Shi Que more approachable to the common people, but in reality to allow the commoners to see this parental official. Before the tour, Ren Shi Que specifically instructed Yun Chao Yan to stay close behind her and not get separated. But due to the crowded people, and the sudden appearance of Xie Gui Chen's master, causing a burst of cold air, Yun Chao Yan was pushed out of the crowd. When the cold air passed, she thought evil spirits had come again and couldn't help crying out in alarm.

Hearing Yun Chao Yan's cry, Ren Shi Que finally realized she had gotten separated, and hurriedly found her and pulled her along. Yun Chao Yan was worried that their overly intimate actions would cause Ren Shi Que trouble, but Ren Shi Que didn't mind.

Xie Gui Chen was summoned by her master again, and the master was wearing the same frightening mask as before. The master had just seen Ren Shi Que and Yun Chao Yan, and discovered their relationship was extraordinary, and that Yun Chao Yan was also not ordinary. So the master questioned Xie Gui Chen, asking why she had lied.

Hearing this, Xie Gui Chen hurriedly knelt down and begged the master to spare Yun Chao Yan. The masked figure, seeing Xie Gui Chen's stubbornness, irritatedly reminded him not to forget who it was that took him in, otherwise he would still be a wandering beggar on the streets. After being scolded by the master, Xie Gui Chen returned home unhappily, and saw Gu Qing waiting for him. He rudely asked her what she wanted, and Gu Qing, seeing his terrible attitude, deliberately said she had come for a handkerchief. When Xie Gui Chen reached out his hand, she carefully unwrapped the handkerchief and took out some ointment from her clothes to apply to Xie Gui Chen's wounds.

Gu Qing guessed that Xie Gui Chen's bad attitude towards her was definitely because he liked Yun Chao Yan, so she consoled him, saying that affairs of the heart couldn't be one-sided, they could only work out if the two people liked each other. As she said this, she deliberately added a sentence, saying it was just like her and Xie Gui Chen now. When Xie Gui Chen looked at her, she felt that sentence was a bit too direct, and blushed.

After Gu Qing left, Xie Gui Chen went to the Imperial Censor's Office to find Yun Chao Yan. Before he could even reach Yun Chao Yan's room, Ren Shi Que suddenly blocked his path and questioned him about the purpose of his visit to the Imperial Censor's Office - was it to get close to Yun Chao Yan?

It turned out that Ren Shi Que had long since noticed that something was off about Xie Gui Chen. Xie Gui Chen told Ren Shi Que that his purpose in coming to the Imperial Censor's Office was indeed to investigate some matters on someone else's behalf. When Ren Shi Que pressed him further about who had sent him, Xie Gui Chen refused to say, even at the cost of his own life. Angered, Ren Shi Que then drove Xie Gui Chen out of the Imperial Censor's Office.

After returning to the manor, Gu Qing was constantly thinking about Xie Gui Chen. Gu Lang noticed that his sister was neither eating nor drinking, and thought she was ill. The maid secretly told him that the young miss was suffering from lovesickness, and that was when Gu Lang realized his sister had fallen for Xie Gui Chen.

Upon learning that Xie Gui Chen had been driven out by the Imperial Censor, Gu Qing proactively sought him out and invited him to work at the Qingzhou Prefecture, even offering for him to stay at her own home. Xie Gui Chen's heart warmed at Gu Qing's words, and he playfully teased her, wondering if she wasn't afraid he might be a bad person. But Gu Qing was certain that Xie Gui Chen was a good person.

Kui Ji appeared before Yun Chao Yan again. When Yun Chao Yan brought up Ren Shi Que's doubts, Kui Ji explained the reason for harming Ren Shi Que - at the time, he had been under someone's control and had lost his senses. Yun Chao Yan then relayed this information to Ren Shi Que. Although Ren Shi Que said he didn't want to hear it, after listening to Yun Chao Yan, his heart was put at ease. In his happiness, he even gave Yun Chao Yan a bag of silver, telling her to use it to renovate the Yizhuang.