Episode 8 recap: Huang Yi Mei and Zhuang Guo Dong had an argument.

Huang Zhen Hua picked up Huang Yi Mei from work and reminded her not to tell their parents about the incident. Seeing Huang Zhen Hua's dejected demeanor, Huang Yi Mei knew that he had lost all hope. Bai Xiao He's relationship had been hurt, and she was currently in the recovery stage, so she pushed away Huang Zhen Hua's advances.

During a meal, Huang Yi Mei announced that she had a boyfriend, and this time it was serious. Huang Zhen Hua spoke up for Huang Yi Mei, and she showed her parents a photo of Zhuang Guo Dong. Huang's mother found Zhuang Guo Dong to be a talented and handsome man, but Huang's father was very critical. In the end, Huang's mother asked Huang Yi Mei to bring Zhuang Guo Dong home so they could meet him, as they supported a serious romantic relationship.

Zhuang Guo Dong received a notification from the French headquarters that he had been appointed as the assistant marketing director, a position he had applied for half a year ago. Zhuang Guo Dong shared this good news with his mother over video chat. After hanging up, he looked at the photo of him and Huang Yi Mei on the wall, unsure of how to proceed.

Huang's father was worried about Huang Yi Mei's relationship and brought up the matter of Zhou Shihui again. Huang's mother believed in Huang Yi Mei, as the Zhou Shihui incident was not her fault. Huang's father sighed, saying that his daughter had grown up, and while he only cared about her being well-fed and clothed when she was younger, now he worried more about her.

Huang Yi Mei saw Zhuang Guo Dong after work, and he casually mentioned the Shanghai exhibition. Huang Yi Mei refused to answer, citing business confidentiality. Zhuang Guo Dong then mentioned the matter in France, and Huang Yi Mei mistakenly thought he was going there for a vacation, happily preparing to apply for a passport.

Seeing Huang Yi Mei's happiness, Zhuang Guo Dong did not want to ruin her mood, so he did not bring up the job in France again. Huang Yi Mei wanted to introduce Zhuang Guo Dong to her parents, but Zhuang Guo Dong did not want his love life to be tied to his family, especially since his parents' relationship was not good. He made an excuse to postpone the visit until after a business trip to Guangzhou.

Huang Yi Mei happily cleaned their room and accidentally came across Zhuang Guo Dong's visa application for going abroad. She then called Zhuang Guo Dong in Guangzhou. Seeing Huang Yi Mei's happy expression, Zhuang Guo Dong decided not to hide it any longer and told her about the job offer from the French headquarters, asking her to read the email.

Huang Yi Mei met Zhuang Guo Dong after work, and Zhuang Guo Dong casually mentioned the Shanghai exhibition. Huang Yi Mei refused to answer, citing business confidentiality. Zhuang Guo Dong then mentioned something about France, which Huang Yi Mei mistakenly thought was about a vacation, so she happily prepared to apply for a passport.

Zhuang Guo Dong didn't want to dampen her excitement, so he didn't bring up the job opportunity in France again. Huang Yi Mei wanted to introduce Zhuang Guo Dong to her family, but he didn't want their relationship to involve his family, especially since his parents' relationship was not good. He made an excuse to visit after returning from a business trip in Guangzhou.

While tidying their room, Huang Yi Mei accidentally saw Zhuang Guo Dong's visa application and called him in Guangzhou. Seeing her happy expression, Zhuang Guo Dong decided to be honest and asked Huang Yi Mei to check the email about the job offer from the French headquarters.

After reading the email, Huang Yi Mei broke down in tears, feeling betrayed by Zhuang Guo Dong's lack of transparency. Zhuang Guo Dong patiently explained that he had applied for the job months ago, and that the opportunity in France would be better for his career. He planned to discuss it with her when he returned.

However, Huang Yi Mei felt that Zhuang Guo Dong was disrespecting their relationship. She angrily called him, but he had turned off his phone. Distraught, she got drunk and trashed their apartment. The neighbors called the police, but Zhuang Guo Dong's father smoothed things over, apologizing to the neighbors.

Su Geng Sheng came to comfort Huang Yi Mei, and Zhuang Guo Dong's father also empathized with her. Huang Yi Mei felt guilty and broke down in tears. Su Geng Sheng took her home, and she spent a restless night.

When Zhuang Guo Dong returned home and saw the mess, he tried to explain, but this time Huang Yi Mei insisted on breaking up, unwilling to listen to his side of the story.