Episode 7 recap: Zhuang Guo Dong has got his brother-in-law under control.

Zhuang Guo Dong tightly hugged Huang Yi Mei and kissed her passionately. Huang Yi Mei resisted at first, but ultimately succumbed to Zhuang Guo Dong's tenderness, and the two reconciled. Zhuang Guo Dong decided to take Huang Yi Mei to meet his father, as his mother had already returned to France.

Huang Yi Mei did not really care about formalities, and was only bothered by Zhuang Guo Dong's concealment, which made her feel disrespected. Huang Zhen Hua brought gifts to visit the Bai family, wearing a suit for the occasion. Bai Xiao He greeted him at the door, and Huang Zhen Hua immediately noticed the paintings collected by Bai's father, winning the liking of Bai's parents, who then took Huang Zhen Hua to inspect their collection.

Huang Zhen Hua discovered that the Bai family was well-off and luxurious, and was surprised that Bai Xiao He, coming from an artistic family, had chosen to study chemistry. Bai Xiao He thanked Huang Zhen Hua for helping with the act, and said that if his parents contacted him again, he would directly refuse them. Before leaving, Bai Xiao He stuffed the money for the gift in Huang Zhen Hua's hand.

Zhuang Guo Dong and Huang Yi Mei were inseparable, spending every day together, talking about their hobbies and eating meals side by side. When Zhuang Guo Dong sent Huang Yi Mei home, they kissed in the stairwell, and were accidentally seen by Huang Zhen Hua. Huang Yi Mei introduced the two, and Huang Zhen Hua decided to drive Zhuang Guo Dong home, with Huang Yi Mei following along, concerned. In the car, Huang Zhen Hua confronted Zhuang Guo Dong.

Huang Yi Mei messaged Zhuang Guo Dong that Huang Zhen Hua liked basketball, encouraging him to show off his skills. She used the excuse of going to the bathroom to give the two a chance to talk. Zhuang Guo Dong bought drinks for Huang Zhen Hua and then threw the empty bottle into the trash can, basketball-style. Seeing this, Huang Zhen Hua was inspired to compete, but failed repeatedly.

Zhuang Guo Dong then mentioned limited edition sneakers, and the two immediately left to go buy them, even forgetting Huang Yi Mei at the gas station. Bai's father went to the architecture institute to inspect Huang Zhen Hua, who was open and honest. Although Huang Zhen Hua was the general manager at the institute, he preferred being involved in the design work. Bai's father, impressed by Huang Zhen Hua's sincerity, invited him to have the work meal together.

Father Bai wanted to take the family on a trip to Guangxi, but Bai Xiao He refused on the grounds of work, so he invited Huang Zhen Hua to join them. Huang Zhen Hua readily agreed. Huang Zhen Hua went home to gather his gear and prepare for the trip, and his mother complained that her son was always running off with others and hadn't even seen Bai Xiao He's face, not realizing that Bai Xiao He was actually a young lady from a wealthy family.

Huang Zhen Hua was eager and confident, determined to marry Bai Xiao He. When Bai Xiao He found out that his father had visited Huang Zhen Hua at his company, he called to tell Huang Zhen Hua not to agree to the Guangxi trip, but Huang Zhen Hua happily responded that he had already accepted.

Soon after, Bai Xiao He went to Huang Zhen Hua's place in person. Huang Zhen Hua hurriedly welcomed him, and Bai Xiao He confronted him, saying he didn't want Huang Zhen Hua to get in too deep, since his parents genuinely liked him, so they couldn't let this go further. In the end, everyone was disappointed.

Huang Yi Mei was diligently decorating Zhuang Guo Dong's home, and after work she would cozy up with him. Their high-profile romance was known throughout the Qingtian company. Tina asked Huang Yi Mei to help connect her with Mr. Teng, but Huang Yi Mei didn't want to mix her personal and professional lives.

Tina believed most men were detrimental to relationships, but she felt Zhuang Guo Dong was different, and hoped Huang Yi Mei would seize the opportunity. When Su Geng Sheng saw that Huang Yi Mei hadn't left the office, he knew it was because of Zhuang Guo Dong. Huang Yi Mei felt Tina was a bit unscrupulous, and if she had a choice, she would choose love over work, as work could always be found again. Su Geng Sheng realized she was too naive - if she knew what he had given up for his career, her perspective might be different.