Episode 10 recap: Huang Yi Mei and Zhuang Guo Dong are in a long-distance romantic relationship.

Su Geng Sheng asked Huang Zhen Hua to delete a negative review, and Huang Zhen Hua, feeling annoyed, did delete the post, complaining that he always ends up hurting his foot. When Su Geng Sheng saw his attitude had improved, she was no longer confrontational. Huang Zhen Hua went to the table to pour her some tea, but accidentally spilled the cup and burned his foot.

Huang Yi Mei went to the airport to see Zhuang Guo Dong off, putting on a brave face, though Zhuang Guo Dong was also reluctant to part with her. As soon as he got on the plane, he called her, saying that if they had met earlier, he wouldn't have applied for the position in Paris. They expressed their feelings for each other and agreed to video call every day.

Su Geng Sheng took Huang Zhen Hua to the hospital again, but his injury wasn't serious since it was just hot water. While paying the bill, Su Geng Sheng realized she had left her phone at Huang Zhen Hua's place.

Huang Zhen Hua teased Su Geng Sheng about deliberately creating opportunities to meet, annoying her. Zhuang Guo Dong settled into his new apartment, with his roommate Sara warmly introducing him to the place. As he unpacked and cleaned, he recalled the times he had lived with Huang Yi Mei.

After getting situated, Zhuang Guo Dong immediately called Huang Yi Mei, but the connection was poor due to being in a foreign country. Still, they poured their hearts out to each other. Huang Yi Mei had become a curator and was fully immersed in organizing a cutting-edge art exhibition, which Tina and Su Geng Sheng noticed.

At the celebratory party, Tina praised Huang Yi Mei's excellent performance. Huang Yi Mei immediately called Zhuang Guo Dong to share her joy, but unfortunately he was in a meeting at the time.

Huang Zhen Hua and Su Geng Sheng often chat on QQ, with Su Geng Sheng guiding Huang Zhen Hua in his exercise routine. The two went from being strangers to becoming friends, and Huang Zhen Hua promised to take Su Geng Sheng out for a meal to thank her.

Zhuang Guo Dong was preparing to video call Huang Yi Mei at home, but his supervisor Naomi took him to meet the Italian museum curator Paul. Zhuang Guo Dong also wanted to expand his network, so he went to a bar. During this, Zhuang Guo Dong received a call from Huang Yi Mei, who claimed she was working late and would contact him the next day.

Huang Yi Mei got dressed up nicely and waited for Zhuang Guo Dong's video call, but after waiting for a long time without receiving a call, she called him and found out he was working late, leaving her feeling down. Su Geng Sheng received a call during her overtime work, with the caller demanding payment for her son's tuition. Though frustrated, Su Geng Sheng promised to transfer the money.

After hanging up, Su Geng Sheng saw the chat record and decided to go meet the appointment. When Huang Zhen Hua arrived at the dining location, he found Su Geng Sheng had already drank half a bottle of wine by herself. She explained she was thirsty, and they then shifted the conversation to fitness.

During the video call, Huang Yi Mei suddenly saw Zhuang Guo Dong's roommate Sara come in and tease him about his relationship with Naomi. Huang Yi Mei learned that Naomi was his supervisor, which made her a bit jealous, but Zhuang Guo Dong's reassurance calmed her down.

Huang Yi Mei saw a photo of Naomi at a bar on Zhuang Guo Dong's social media, and discovered he had also been there the previous night. She forwarded the photo to Zhuang Guo Dong, who explained it in a video call, joking that Huang Yi Mei had taken up detective work. But Huang Yi Mei remained angry, convinced Zhuang Guo Dong was deceiving her. Zhuang Guo Dong felt Huang Yi Mei was overly controlling him like a mother, and the two ended up in a heated argument, with Huang Yi Mei angrily hanging up the call.