Episode Guide

Episode 1: Huang Zhen Hua came to the rescue of Huang Yi Mei.

On July 13, 2001, the 112th session of the International Olympic Committee was to be held in Moscow, while the story took place in Beijing. Zhou Shihui and his girlfriend Zhizhi went to the civil affairs bureau to get married, and their friends waited at the door to celebrate for them. After a long wait, Zhou Shihui and Zhizhi did not come out, and their friend Huang Zhen Hua had a bad feeling. On his way to the civil affairs bureau with them, Zhou Shihui kept muttering a phrase that seemed to be about love, but also not about love. >>read more

Episode 2: Huang Yi Mei persuades the naive man to quit.

Huang Yi Mei received a call from her workplace informing her that she had been interviewed and selected as the executive assistant's assistant, which delighted her. However, Huang's mother, Huang Ma Ma, believed that Huang Yi Mei was spoiled and would not be able to handle the demands of serving others, and might even have difficulty getting her position confirmed. Huang Yi Mei, being strong-willed, made a bet with her mother - if she could endure the first three months, her mother would buy her a bag, but if she couldn't, she would have to follow her mother's arrangement to take the postgraduate entrance exam, with her mother even choosing the major. >>read more

Episode 3: Huang Yi Mei starts her new job.

Huang Yi Mei receives a call from her company, informing her that she has been selected as the assistant to the CEO. She is overjoyed, but her mother Mrs. Huang doubts that Huang Yi Mei, who has been pampered, can handle the demands of serving others. Mrs. Huang worries that Huang Yi Mei may even struggle to pass the probation period. Huang Yi Mei is determined to prove her mother wrong, and they make a bet - if Huang Yi Mei can endure the first three months, her mother will buy her a handbag, but if she fails, she must follow her mother's arrangement to pursue a postgraduate degree, even letting her mother choose the major. >>read more

Episode 4: Huang Yi Mei joined the project team.

Huang Zhen Hua went to the research institute to find Bai Xiao He. Bai Xiao He was buried in the lab every day without any other arrangements because she didn't know what else to do besides reading, so she kept reading until she got her doctorate. Huang Zhen Hua felt she was so straightforward that he found her interesting. They didn't know what to talk about, so they ended up discussing the periodic table of elements. >>read more

Episode 5: Huang Yi Mei is advancing in her career.

Zhuang Guo Dong purposely sat next to Huang Yi Mei, looking for an opportunity to talk to her, but Huang Yi Mei's phone rang and she stepped outside to take the call. Seizing the chance, Han Ying quickly sat in Huang Yi Mei's seat. Huang Yi Mei received a call from Huang Zhen Hua, informing her that they were having a group dinner. When Huang Yi Mei returned and saw Han Ying sitting next to Zhuang Guo Dong, she felt even more displeased and decided to leave early. >>read more

Episode 6: Huang Yi Mei and Zhuang Guo Dong's Love Affair

Zhuang Guo Dong was sitting in the private room listening to his parents arguing. He checked his phone but there was no message from Huang Yi Mei. Feeling irritated, he went outside to get some fresh air, and happened to overhear the staff discussing his parents' crumbling relationship. Unable to bear it any longer, Zhuang Guo Dong left with the things he had. >>read more

Episode 7: Zhuang Guo Dong has got his brother-in-law under control.

Zhuang Guo Dong tightly hugged Huang Yi Mei and kissed her passionately. Huang Yi Mei resisted at first, but ultimately succumbed to Zhuang Guo Dong's tenderness, and the two reconciled. Zhuang Guo Dong decided to take Huang Yi Mei to meet his father, as his mother had already returned to France. >>read more

Episode 8: Huang Yi Mei and Zhuang Guo Dong had an argument.

Huang Zhen Hua picked up Huang Yi Mei from work and reminded her not to tell their parents about the incident. Seeing Huang Zhen Hua's dejected demeanor, Huang Yi Mei knew that he had lost all hope. Bai Xiao He's relationship had been hurt, and she was currently in the recovery stage, so she pushed away Huang Zhen Hua's advances. >>read more

Episode 9: Huang Zhen Hua and Su Geng Sheng argued.

Huang Yi Mei was distracted and disinterested due to emotional issues, and also had trouble sleeping at night. Meanwhile, her colleague Zhuang Guo Dong was also having a hard time after a breakup, and was using exercise to vent his emotions. Huang Yi Mei had dinner with Zhuang's father, who tried to console her with a story about clearing a tower, but Huang Yi Mei couldn't let go of the relationship. As someone who had been pampered and adored since childhood, she didn't want to admit defeat.   >>read more

Episode 10: Huang Yi Mei and Zhuang Guo Dong are in a long-distance romantic relationship.

Su Geng Sheng asked Huang Zhen Hua to delete a negative review, and Huang Zhen Hua, feeling annoyed, did delete the post, complaining that he always ends up hurting his foot. When Su Geng Sheng saw his attitude had improved, she was no longer confrontational. Huang Zhen Hua went to the table to pour her some tea, but accidentally spilled the cup and burned his foot. >>read more

Episode 11: Huang Yimei visited Zhuang Guodong.

After calming down, Zhuang Guodong sent a message to Huang Yimei. The two were in a long-distance relationship and did not want to let the problem linger overnight, as it might affect their relationship. So they had another video chat. Huang Yimei also settled down, and the two communicated well. Zhuang Guodong wished so much that he could wake up and see Huang Yimei by his side. >>read more

Episode 12: Yimei Huang took care of Tina.

After finishing his work, Guodong Zhuang wanted to make up to Yimei, so he decided to cook a big meal for her himself. He bought a lot of ingredients, but then he received a call from his mother, asking him to attend a charity gala. Zhuang decided to bring Yimei along. At the gala, Zhuang introduced Yimei as his girlfriend to his friends. When Zhuang's mother saw them, she politely greeted them and asked Zhuang to go talk to Lulu. Yimei felt out of place, so she went out to the balcony to get some air. There she saw Zhuang's mother and Lulu hugging and chatting, which left her feeling uncomfortable. >>read more

Episode 13: Huang Yimei went to study in Shanghai.

Huang Zhenghua specifically went to Paris to visit Zhuang Guodong, and found that Zhuang Guodong was still single. He asked the two if there was still a possibility of reconciliation, and hoped that Zhuang Guodong could make a concession and return to work in Beijing. Huang Yimei is now studying for a postgraduate degree at Fudan University, but she cannot forget him. Zhuang Guodong was silent for a long time before replying that a man should establish his career first before getting married, as his father's youthful mistake led to his failure, causing his mother to look down on him. He actually hopes that Huang Yimei will come to France. >>read more

Episode 14: Huang Yimei went to study in Shanghai.

Huang Zhenhua specially went to Paris to visit Zhuang Guodong, and found that Zhuang Guodong was still single. He asked if there was still a possibility of reconciliation, hoping that Zhuang Guodong could make a concession and return to work in Beijing. Huang Yimei is now studying for a postgraduate degree at Fudan University, and she cannot forget him. Zhuang Guodong was silent for a long time before answering that a man should establish his career first before getting married, and that his father's choice when he was young was a mistake that led to him being unsuccessful and looked down upon by his mother, and that he actually hoped Huang Yimei would come to France. >>read more

Episode 15: Su Geng Sheng openly talked about her dysfunctional family background.

Huang Zhen Hua was waiting for a call from Su Geng Sheng, but he hadn't heard back from her. Gathering his courage, he messaged her, hoping she would become his girlfriend and that she would respond. Meanwhile, Su Geng Sheng received a call from Tina, and they went out drinking together. Tina learned about Su Geng Sheng's home situation and proactively offered to help, but Su Geng Sheng felt that if something could be resolved with money, it was not a big deal. >>read more

Episode 16: Fang Xie Wen angrily beat up a violent man.

Su Geng Sheng thought it over for a long time and finally had the courage and integrity to meet with Huang Zhen Hua. Su Geng Sheng had always felt that she didn't need a man, but she didn't know why she had let her guard down with Huang Zhen Hua. Huang Zhen Hua was very happy to hear this. Su Geng Sheng agreed to give him a six-month trial period, during which she wouldn't indulge him, so Huang Zhen Hua felt that he could propose a breakup at any time. Huang Zhen Hua, hearing this, was very happy and once again picked up the flowers on the table to confess to Su Geng Sheng. >>read more

Episode 17: Huang Yi Mei started working.

After returning home, Huang Yi Mei was preparing for graduation, and Fang Xie Wen was by her side every day. After work, Fang Xie Wen was busy cooking and mopping the floor, and the two lived happily together. Huang Yi Mei hadn't heard from Su Geng Sheng for a long time, and took the initiative to apologize for what she said last time. She realized that when everyone goes through pain, some cry out in anguish, while others grit their teeth. She should not have isolated Su Geng Sheng, but should have held his hand. >>read more

Episode 18: Fang Xie Wen voluntarily resigned from his job.

After returning home, Huang Yi Mei was preparing for her graduation, and Fang Xie Wen stayed by her side every day. After work, he was busy cooking and mopping the floor, and the two of them were living happily together. Huang Yi Mei had not received any news from Su Geng Sheng for a long time, so she took the initiative to apologize for the last time, admitting that she had said something she shouldn't have. When everyone experiences pain, some scream and tear their hearts out, while others grit their teeth. She shouldn't have isolated Su Geng Sheng in his grief, but should have held his hand. >>read more

Episode 19: Huang Yi Mei funded Fang Xie Wen to start a company.

Fang Xie Wen proactively resigned from his job, driven by his pride, and approached Huang Yi Mei to break up with her. Huang Yi Mei told him to change into clean clothes and have a meal first before discussing it further. During the meal, Fang Xie Wen shared his difficult situation, potentially facing a huge compensation, and did not want to burden Huang Yi Mei. Huang Yi Mei then proactively proposed marriage, saying it only costs 9 RMB. >>read more

Episode 20: Huang Yi Mei is processing old emotions.

Zhuang Guo Dong went to the newspaper office to find Huang Yi Mei, but Huang Yi Mei did not want to get entangled with him and did not even have lunch during her break. In the evening, when Huang Yi Mei saw that Zhuang Guo Dong was not downstairs, she packed up and left, but to her surprise, Zhuang Guo Dong was still waiting downstairs. Huang Yi Mei candidly told him that she now has a boyfriend. >>read more

Episode 21: Zhuang Guo Dong returned home disappointed.

Fang Xie Wen hoped that his mother would speak Mandarin in front of Huang Yi Mei, thinking that Huang Yi Mei could not understand the dialect. Fang's mother criticized Huang Yi Mei for not being able to do household chores, but Fang Xie Wen worked hard at his job and still had to do chores when he got home, feeling that Huang Yi Mei was not worthy of him. >>read more

Episode 22: Huang Yi Mei is pregnant.

Fang Xie Wen hopes that his mother will speak Mandarin in front of Huang Yi Mei, thinking that Huang Yi Mei does not understand the dialect. Fang's mother complains that Huang Yi Mei does not know how to do housework. Fang Xie Wen works hard at his job and has to do housework when he gets home, feeling that Huang Yi Mei is not worthy of him. >>read more

Episode 23: Huang Yi Mei is exhausted both physically and mentally.

Huang Yi Mei had a video call with her father, Huang Ba Ba, while in a bad mood. When Huang Ba Ba saw Huang Yi Mei's pale complexion, he expressed concern for her condition, but Huang Yi Mei only said she was not feeling well and was feeling a bit confused mentally. Huang Ba Ba mentioned that Huang Ma Ma had given up her career to have Huang Yi Mei. After hanging up, Huang Ba Ba could not stop worrying about Huang Yi Mei, so he decided to go to Shanghai to visit her. >>read more

Episode 24: Fang Xie Wen changed into new clothes and took everyone out to eat, but Huang's mother mentioned that she had brought a lot of local specialties, and insisted on co

Huang Yi Mei's parents were busy preparing the delicious food in the kitchen, and Fang Xie Wen stood by and learned However, Fang's mother started to speak ill of them in their local dialect >>read more

Episode 25: Huang Zhen Hua met Guan Zhi Zhi again.

Fang's mother despised Huang Yi Mei for giving birth to a daughter, complaining that Huang Yi Mei had drunk various broths but still had no breast milk, and knew that infant formula was too expensive, yet still wanted to go back to running the chess and card room. Fang Xie Wen promised that if the conditions were better in the future, they would have a son, and then Fang's mother agreed to stay. >>read more

Episode 26: Fang Xie Wen opposed Huang Yi Mei's return to work.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Yi Mei also moved to a new home, and her little daughter was already three years old. Huang Yi Mei prepared to go out for an interview. Fang Xie Wen saw her wearing the clothes required in the group and did not get angry when her daughter saw it, but reminded Fang Xie Wen to pay attention to the impact on the child. >>read more

Episode 27: Huang Yi Mei filed for divorce.

Huang Zhen Hua invited Su Geng Sheng to join him for a marathon, as running a marathon was a way to deliver a message. After finishing, Huang Zhen Hua would tell Su Geng Sheng the situation. Su Geng Sheng was surprised that Huang Zhen Hua, who could barely run 5 kilometers, was able to complete a 30-kilometer marathon, so Su Geng Sheng ran alongside him, waiting for him. >>read more

Episode 28: Fang Xie Wen and his wife have divorced.

Huang Zhen Hua invited Su Geng Sheng to join him in a marathon, because the purpose was to convey a message. After the marathon, Huang Zhen Hua would tell Su Geng Sheng the situation. Su Geng Sheng was surprised that Huang Zhen Hua, who could barely run 5 kilometers, was able to run 30 kilometers, so he waited for him while running. >>read more

Episode 29: Huang Yi Mei and Fu Jia Ming share similar interests and hobbies.

At the opening ceremony, Tina introduced the origin of the name of the art gallery to the audience. Years ago, Tina and Mr. Gu saw an art exhibition in a Paris gallery, and they were both attracted by the ivy outside. People are like ivy, intertwining with each other. The art gallery is not just an exhibition space, but also a link connecting art. Perhaps everyone can have an interesting soul. >>read more

Episode 30: Fu Jia Ming successfully reconciled with Xiao Chu.

At the grand opening ceremony, Tina introduced to the audience the origin of the name of the art gallery, Mian Mian. Years ago, Tina and Mr. Gu saw an ivy-covered wall at a Paris art gallery, and they were both captivated by it, just as people can become entangled with each other like the ivy. The art gallery is not merely an exhibition space, but also a conduit for artistic connection, where everyone can have interesting souls. Fu Jia Ming brought his girlfriend Mimi to the exhibition, and Mimi was also curious about the legendary beauty, but was disappointed to learn that she had not come. >>read more

Episode 31: Huang Yi Mei learned that Fu Jia Ming was sick.

Su Geng Sheng went home and asked his mother for 200,000, but his mother thought that Huang Zhen Hua had found out about Su Geng Sheng's unsavory business and backed out, so Su Geng Sheng then realized that his mother had known all along about the things his stepfather had done to him. He questioned her as to why she did not protect him back then, but his mother felt that calling the police would only lead to gossip and accusations that Su Geng Sheng had seduced the man. >>read more

Episode 32: Huang Yi Mei is caring for Fu Jia Ming.

Huang Yi Mei saw that her father had not yet rested, so she chatted with him. Huang's father believes that Huang Yi Mei's choice to accompany him is supportive, and that it would also be normal if she wanted to give up, as that is human nature. These past years, Huang Yi Mei has had to care for her child as well as her family members, which has been very difficult. Life is short, and Huang's father hopes that Huang Yi Mei won't be too mature, and that the happy times outweigh the difficult ones, so that her life will not have been in vain. >>read more

Episode 33: Fang Xie Wen is fighting for child custody.

Huang Zhen Hua, looking at the photos of Bai Xiao He's child, always felt a resemblance to himself. A memory from the past surfaced - Huang Zhen Hua had steamed fish for Bai Xiao He, and the two of them drank heartily together. In her drunken state, Bai Xiao He revealed her desire to have a child without getting married. Huang Zhen Hua drank heavily, and by the time he woke up, it was already dawn. Huang Zhen Hua did not remember what he did while drunk, but he was deeply concerned. >>read more

Episode 34: Huang Yi Mei led Fu Jia Ming to fulfill his wish.

Huang Zhen Hua, looking at the photos of Bai Xiao He's child, always felt a resemblance to himself, and a memory from the past surfaced in his mind. Huang Zhen Hua had steamed fish for Bai Xiao He, and then they drank together heartily. During her alcohol-fueled state, Bai Xiao He confided that she did not want to get married, but only wanted to have a son. Huang Zhen Hua drank heavily, and when he woke up, it was already dawn. Huang Zhen Hua did not remember what he had done during his drunken state, but he was very concerned. >>read more

Episode 35: Fu Jia Ming passed away peacefully.

Huang Yi Mei went hiking with Fu Jia Ming, and Fu Jia Ming's younger brother Jia Min and his girlfriend Mimi also accompanied them. Huang Yi Mei was concerned about Fu Jia Ming's health and walked slowly with him. They set up camp on the mountainside, and when they reached the campsite, Jia Min and Mimi had already prepared a delicious meal. In the evening, they looked up at the starry sky, and Mimi pondered about aliens, speculating that they could survive without air and water. Fu Jia Ming told everyone that he had signed up to donate his body, saying that he wanted to do something meaningful after he passed away. Jia Min was emotional about this, and Huang Yi Mei tried to persuade Fu Jia Ming, but she didn't want to continue the heavy conversation and went back to the tent. >>read more

Episode 36: Su Geng Sheng bids farewell to her ex-husband.

Huang Zhen Hua's mother is busy preparing delicious food, and Su Geng Sheng is helping out. The mother knows that Huang Zhen Hua's business has been struggling lately, and he has a child to send to school and a mortgage to pay, so it's too much for Su Geng Sheng alone.Zhuang Guo Dong has bought a house in Beijing and wants to invite his father to enjoy it, but the father believes it's better for them to maintain distance. Even though Zhuang Guo Dong is away, his heart has never left. Repaying emotional debts is often the hardest. Additionally, Huang Yi Mei's debt has been paid off by Fu Jia Ming. Zhuang Guo Dong is concerned about the TV series his father is working on and finds it meaningful that it can be watched in France. >>read more

Episode 37: Huang Yi Mei is learning aircraft skills.

Since the last flight simulation, Huang Yi Mei has started taking flight courses, and she has always disliked the female instructor He Xi, who has actively offered to teach Huang Yi Mei. Su Geng Sheng took his child to school, and told Huang Zhen Hua to go have lunch at 2 pm. Huang Zhen Hua took it very seriously and carefully coordinated his outfit, but when he saw his reflection in the mirror, he was dismayed by his chubby figure, immediately grabbed the dumbbells to exercise, but then accidentally strained his back. >>read more

Ending 38: Huang Yi Mei's Carefree Life

Huang Zhen Hua returned home to find Su Geng Sheng sleeping on the sofa. He wanted to help cover him with a blanket, but his back was too stiff to bend down. When Su Geng Sheng heard the movement, he woke up and learned that Huang Zhen Hua hadn't eaten because he was busy trying to collect a debt. So Su Geng Sheng decided to order some barbecue. Huang Zhen Hua thought Su Geng Sheng was using the fishing rule - eating the barbecue now, but complaining that he gained weight tomorrow. >>read more