Episode 26 recap: The White-Faced Southern Star Married the River Heart.

Shang Bielic and River Heart discussed the news of River Heart's impending marriage to the Southern Star. Shang Bielic felt that it might not be good for River Heart to marry the Southern Star just for this reason. However, River Heart clarified that Shang Bielic had the wrong person, and that he himself was the "little brother" that the Southern Star was looking for, and that his feelings were sincere. Shang Bielic was very surprised to hear this.

The Southern Star mentioned that her mother had disappeared and could not be found at the moment, so she wanted to get married at Hua Xiang Rong's place. Liu Ruoqian was also surprised, not expecting the Southern Star to want to marry her. But the Southern Star said she was not alone, as Liu Ruoqian and Song Saier were also her family members, and they were all very happy.

The Southern Star felt that this was not her first marriage, so she was not too particular about it. Jiang Cuilv sent over a wedding outfit for the Southern Star, explaining that since the越江Wang Mansion had now officially separated from River Heart, they could not properly host the wedding for River Heart and the Southern Star.

The Southern Star's mother felt very apologetic, so she had this wedding outfit made in a rush to compensate the Southern Star. The Southern Star was very happy about this, and even asked Jiang Cuilv to call her "sister-in-law", which Jiang Cuilv initially did not want to do, but eventually agreed to after chatting with the Southern Star over tea.

The day of River Heart and the Southern Star's wedding finally arrived, with River Heart going to Hua Xiang Rong's place to fetch the bride. Bao Furen and the others there playfully demanded a red envelope from River Heart, which he had prepared in advance. But when they reached the bridal chamber, River Heart was surprised to find that the Southern Star had transformed into a man.

River Heart was very upset, not expecting such an event to occur on their wedding night, and it was not even a full moon. The Southern Star was also shocked, unsure of what had happened.

Li Jun wanted to go back to his hometown, claiming illness. Yan Nangxing thought this was a good opportunity to interrogate Li Jun, as Li Jun was acquainted with River Heart's people, making him a convenient stranger to use.

Though initially unwilling, River Heart still accompanied Yan Nangxing. They came to Li Jun's place in disguise, claiming they were sent to assassinate him, which greatly frightened Li Jun. Yan Qingyun then arrived with people, and Yan Nangxing revealed that she was with River Heart.

Yan Qingyun then acted out a scene with Yan Nangxing, making Li Jun believe that Lu Daren had sent people to kill him. Frightened, Li Jun said he would go see the Emperor and reveal everything he knew.

Lu Daren brought the paintings to show the Emperor, saying he and River Heart's maternal grandfather just enjoyed discussing these, but he did not know what had happened to make River Heart misunderstand him. When River Heart arrived, he stated he had found evidence that Lu Daren had harmed the Southern General.

Shang Bielic then brought in Li Jun, and Li Jun claimed that the things he had done were on Lu Daren's instructions, but he did not have any evidence, so the Emperor did not believe him.

Previously, Lu Daren had tried to send Lu Beian away, but River Heart had Jiang Cuilv closely monitor Lu Beian to stop him. River Heart brought Lu Beian out, and Lu Beian begged Lu Daren to save him. The Prime Minister said if Lu Daren had any issues, he should explain them, as he would not implicate others.

Lu Daren claimed he was framed with no way to defend himself, and then committed suicide right there in the imperial hall. The Emperor was also angered by this, telling River Heart to thoroughly investigate the matter, which River Heart agreed to do.