Episode Guide

Episode 1: Yan Nan Xing is treating the general's wife.

Jiang Xin Bai has arrived in the River Barbarian region to investigate the case of the Kuicao. Jiang Xin Bai's subordinate tells him that the invitation they sent to the general's residence was ignored, with the excuse that the general is ill and unavailable. Yan Nan Xing has set up a stage at a street corner and hired a theater troupe to perform, attracting many people. >>read more

Episode 2: Yan Nan Xing Jiang Xin Bai discovered the Guicao herb.

Jiang Xin Bai and her subordinates arrived outside the General's mansion, just in time to see the General's men chasing after Yan Nan Xing. Jiang Xin Bai returned to her ship, and Yan Nan Xing jumped into the river to evade the pursuers, ending up on Jiang Xin Bai's ship.Jiang Xin Bai recognized the man in front of her as Yan Nan Xing, and addressed her as "Miss Yan Nan Xing", greatly surprising Yan Nan Xing, who was unsure if Jiang Xin Bai had recognized her. Jiang Xin Bai asked Yan Nan Xing if she wanted to be pulled up, but Yan Nan Xing refused. >>read more

Episode 3: Yan Nanxing came from the Jiangxin White Gang

The people in the village were forced to grow water caltrop, but the other party had power and influence, and the old grandmother did not dare to speak up Yan Nanxing felt that as long as the water caltrop existed, there would be no end to it, so she simply burned it all down Yan Nanxing burned the water caltrop, and the old grandmother was worried that the other party would not let them go, crying and lamenting Jiang Xinbai was about to leave and took Yan Nanxing with him again >>read more

Episode 4: The general was injured.

One of General Jiang Xin Bai's subordinates learned that Jiang Xin Bai had gotten drunk, and he also felt distressed, thinking that if something happened to Jiang Xin Bai, he wouldn't know how to explain it to Wang Nv. Jiang Xin Bai felt that it was no big deal, since he had come out to investigate the case, it was different from before. Jiang Xin Bai asked his subordinate what he had found out, and the subordinate took out a diagram, indicating that there were three major families in River Barbarian - Tu Men, Gong Ye, and Mo Qi. >>read more

Episode 5: Jiang Xinbai met with people from the three major families.

Jiang Xinbai told Yan Nanxing his real name, and Yan Nanxing was also very happy to hear it. Jiang Xinbai said that his father's surname was indeed Xi, but he took his mother's surname. The General's wife held a ceremony here, and Yan Nanxing watched. The General's wife said that her tribe had a legend about snakes, so she prayed to the heavens that she and the General could be together for life. >>read more

Episode 6: The White Lotus of the River and Nan Xing became close.

Jiang Xin Bai and Nan Xing returned to find that the General's wife had disappeared. The two split up to search for her, but could not find her. Jiang Xin Bai listened carefully to the nearby sounds and heard the General's wife's voice, and went with Nan Xing to the alley. The mysterious woman saw Jiang Xin Bai and Nan Xing coming and quickly left. >>read more

Episode 7: The heart of the river, the white-faced Nan Xing had a dispute.

The general had also arrived, and was very surprised to see the scene. Nan Xing was being held hostage by the general's wife with a knife, and didn't know what the situation was or why the general's wife had turned this way. Jiang Xin Bai asked the general's wife who was behind her, but she refused to say.  Jiang Xin Bai said he had previously asked the general why he took money from the three great families but didn't do anything, and now he understands it was because the general's wife had already handled those matters for him. >>read more

Episode 8: Yan Nanxing went to the capital city.

The next day, the leader of the Gold Guard, Shang Bieling, received the news and rushed to the Bureau of the Chief Capturer, causing a commotion, saying he wanted to take that little thief away. Jiang Xinbai and Shang Bieling got into an argument, and Shang Bieling asked Jiang Xinbai where he had been these days, saying he was also concerned about Jiang Xinbai and hoped he wouldn't anger the Emperor. >>read more

Episode 9: White Jiang searched the Ghost Market.

Yan Nanxing arrived at the capital city and was staying at an inn. He asked the waiter for information, and was told that to gather intelligence, he should go to the Ghost Market and find Cao Zhang Gui, the pawnshop owner. When Yan Nanxing went to the Ghost Market, he found it to be very lively, with many people doing business and singing and dancing. >>read more

Episode 10: The white face on the river and the Southern Star both fell off the horse.

Now, all the people in the ghost market have searched through once, only Cao Zhang Gui and the people around him have not been searched yet. The people around Cao Zhang Gui want to go against Jiang Xinbai, but Cao Zhang Gui blocked them and actively let Jiang Xinbai come to search. In fact, he secretly hid the token in his sleeve and threw it into the fire to burn it. >>read more

Episode 11: Yan Nanxing opened a shop.

Bao Fu Ren came to visit Yan Nanxing and said that this was a big move by Yan Nanxing. Yan Nanxing introduced the items in the shop, saying that they were all natural Chinese herbal beauty creams. Yan Nanxing wrote a letter inviting Jiang Xinbai, knowing that Jiang Xinbai had a keen sense of smell, so the rouge they used was the same as the ones used by the other ladies. >>read more

Episode 12: Liu Ruoqian came to look for Yan Nanxing.

Liu Ruoqian arrived, and Yan Nanxing hesitated, saying they have rules here and everyone says rules are made by people, so Yan Nanxing could make an exception. Jiang Xinbai told Yan Nanxing not to hire Liu Ruoqian, and Yan Nanxing asked Jiang Xinbai if he's always like this, speaking to people like interrogating criminals. Shang Bielie said he'd like to see what kind of magic this woman has that makes Jiang Xinbai so nervous. >>read more

Episode 13: Jiang Xinbai recognized Yan Nanxing.

Yan Nanxing was dressed up like an actor, but Jiang Xinbai was still able to recognize him. Yan Nanxing was also very surprised, not expecting Jiang Xinbai to still be able to recognize him in this getup. Yan Nanxing said that cats and dogs have poor eyesight, so they rely on their sense of smell to identify people. Jiang Xinbai asked Yan Nanxing what he uses to find people. >>read more

Episode 14: The mother of Jiang Xinbai summoned Yan Nanxing and asked if he was the one who had kidnapped Jiang Xinbai.

Jiang Cuoluo said that in all these years, Jiang Xinbai had never declared war on him, and he was curious about how important Yan Nanxing was to Jiang Xinbai. Jiang Cuoluo mentioned that Jiang Xinbai had gotten engaged in the Hebian region, and the matchmakers were General Nan and the General's wife. >>read more

Episode 15: Yan Nanxing complained to Jiang Xinbai.

Yan Nanxing told Jiang Xinbai that his sister had told his mother about Yan Nanxing getting engaged previously in Hebian, and he didn't know how to tell his mother, wondering if he should just say that Jiang Xinbai was the one who got engaged, and Yan Nanxing was the bride. Jiang Xinbai's mother told Yan Nanxing to preside over the flowing water banquet with Jiang Xinbai, and take the opportunity to find out who Jiang Xinbai's bride was. >>read more

Episode 16: The white heart in the river met with Nanxing and opened their hearts to each other.

Jianxinbai was surprised that Nanxing spoke to her, and Nanxing said this was their chance to open up to each other and help one another. Jiangsuluo was heard by someone outside and tried to leave, but accidentally slipped. Liuruokuan came in and quickly supported Jiangsuluo.Jianxinbai went to buy clothes, describing her features in detail, but was interrupted by the shopkeeper who just wanted to know her size, not the specifics of her appearance. >>read more

Episode 17: Jiang Xinbai expressed that he indeed is not very used to believing in others, so he wants to see Yan Nanxing's transformation with his own eyes

Only by knowing how he transforms can Jiang Xinbai know how to protect Yan Nanxing Yan Nanxing said that the timing of his transformation is irregular, often happening at night Jiang Xinbai said they can just sleep together >>read more

Episode 18: The bride is Yan Nan Xing.

After learning that the bride was Yan Nanxing, Jiang Xinbai's mother rushed over and questioned Jiang Xinbai about what was going on .Jiang Xinbai expressed that his marriage did not need to be an exchange of interests Jiang Xinbai's mother stated that she could not protect Jiang Xinbai, and asked him to marry Pei Yaoyao, using Pei to protect Jiang Xinbai Jiang Xinbai said that his father was exiled and killed, and that he could not protect his own marriage either   >>read more

Episode 19: The White-Clad Gang Departed.

Yan Nanxing and Jiang Xinbai started talking about the elder brother, and Yan Nanxing expressed that he wanted to repay the elder brother's kindness. Jiang Xinbai asked Yan Nanxing if he could distinguish between kindness and obligation, and Yan Nanxing said the elder brother's was kindness. General Nan wanted to enter the palace, but Jiang Xinbai said it was not the right time yet. Jiang Xinbai did not expect that Shang Bielie's departure would embolden someone like Li Wufang to show off his might. Shang Bielie asked him whom he was cursing. >>read more

Episode 20: Yan Nanxing has been kidnapped.

Tong Saier wants Yan Nanxing to help Shang Bieli treat his nose, Yan Nanxing is very surprised and feels that Shang Bieli might not be willing, but Tong Saier says Shang Bieli will agree. Yan Nanxing comes to see an old regular customer, the old regular says it's normal for Yan Nanxing not to remember him, but he remembers Yan Nanxing, and knocks Yan Nanxing unconscious. >>read more

Episode 21: Shanbie Li woke up, and Yan Nanxing told Shanbie Li that he had helped him undergo cosmetic surgery

Shanbie Li was also quite depressed Shanbie Li said that he did not owe anyone any favors, and asked Yan Nanxing what he wanted, saying he could help him with it Yan Nanxing expressed the hope that Shanbie Li could help him find a person >>read more

Episode 22: Liu Ruoqian defended Jiang Suoluo.

Jiang Suoluo felt like he was never in Liu Ruoqian's eyes, and Shang Bieli felt that this kind of struggle seemed meaningless. Jiang Suoluo was also unhappy, feeling that maybe in Shang Bieli's eyes, he was just like a child, only capable of willfulness. The people from the Hanlin Academy believed that women should obey their fathers and should not come out to show themselves, and Liu Ruoqian stepped forward to refute this. >>read more