Episode 9 recap: Sang Zhi took Duan Jia Xu to the hospital.

Sang Yan asked Sang Zhi to have a meal with Duan Jia Xu when she had time. He was not complaining, but genuinely cared about Sang Zhi. In the past few years, Duan Jia Xu had sent gifts to Sang Zhi on her birthday, for good exam results, and during holidays, even though he was poor himself.

Sang Zhi suddenly reflected that her behavior might not be quite right, as Duan Jia Xu had done nothing wrong and had always been good to her. Duan Jia Xu was in a meeting at the company, where he had proposed a Tianyan system that was highly recognized, but the technical difficulty might increase the risk, so it had not been approved yet.

Duan Jia Xu was not discouraged, but instead encouraged his team to work harder. Sang Zhi planned to invite Duan Jia Xu for a meal to express her gratitude. She kept revising the message, and when Duan Jia Xu received it, he was a bit puzzled by the formal "you" instead of the more casual "you". He simply called her and asked if her phone was broken since she couldn't even type "you". Sang Zhi quickly made an excuse, saying her father had told her to use the formal address for someone five years older, which was the case with Duan Jia Xu.

Ning Wei quickly found a boyfriend, and some admirers invited Sang Zhi and her roommates to a movie. Sang Zhi initially wanted to decline, as she had already made plans with Duan Jia Xu for the weekend, but her roommates were excited, so she agreed.

Duan Jia Xu received a package from Jiang Ying and immediately threw it away as trash, then sent the final compensation payment to her, telling her not to contact him again. Jiang Ying was very anxious, but Duan Jia Xu completely ignored her.

The new plan decided to incorporate the Tianyan system, but the difficulty was high, and Duan Jia Xu seemed unwell and not very enthusiastic. In the evening, Sang Zhi arrived at the agreed restaurant, but Duan Jia Xu said he couldn't make it. Sensing he wasn't feeling well, Sang Zhi promptly asked for his company's address and rushed over.

Duan Jia Xu's stomach was in so much pain that his face had turned pale. Sang Zhi supported him to hail a taxi, and accidentally fell into his embrace.

The two didn't have time to feel awkward and went directly to the hospital. Duan Jia Xu was diagnosed with acute appendicitis and decided to have surgery right away. Sang Zhi watched nervously as he was wheeled into the operating room, but could only wait outside. She knew that if it weren't for her, Duan Jia Xu probably would have just endured it and not come to the hospital.

Sang Zhi told Sang Yan's mother about Duan Jia Xu's illness, and Sang Yan's mother expressed sympathy, commenting that the poor boy didn't have much family. Sang Zhi was puzzled, as Sang Yan's mother had never mentioned Duan Jia Xu's situation before. It turned out that when Duan Jia Xu's mother was sick, he had borrowed some money from Sang Yan's parents, which he had repaid in less than half a year, though his mother had still passed away. This was why Duan Jia Xu had such a difficult time in college.

After the surgery, Duan Jia Xu urged Sang Zhi to quickly go back to school, insisting he was fine. Though worried and reluctant, Sang Zhi could only obey. On the way to the hospital, Duan Jia Xu had accidentally kissed Sang Zhi's forehead, and was concerned she might be bothered by it.

Sang Yan happened to call to check on them, and Duan Jia Xu almost said something, but held back. In the end, Sang Zhi decided to stay and take care of Duan Jia Xu, because if their roles were reversed, Duan Jia Xu would certainly do the same for her.

Sang Zhi ate some bread to stave off her hunger nearby, and Duan Jia Xu couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her stuffing her mouth like a little pufferfish. Since Duan Jia Xu couldn't get out of bed today, Sang Zhi dampened a cloth to wipe his face. As she gazed at his face that was so captivating to her, Sang Zhi's own emotions became complicated.