Episode 11 recap: Duan Jia Xu and Sang Zhi went window shopping.

Sang Zhi saw a claw machine in the mall and was reminded of the time when Duan Jia Xu helped her win a toy from one, so she also put in some coins to try to grab a prize. Jiang Ming saw this and went to another claw machine, and unexpectedly they both managed to grab a little dog, so Jiang Ming had to take the doll she had intended to give to Sang Zhi back home.

When they returned to school, Sang Zhi's roommates invited her to go to the central square for New Year's, and Jiang Ming also agreed to go with them. But the Tibetan girl didn't want to join them, feeling it was too cold outside and too crowded. As the roommates left all dressed up, Jiang Ming was visibly disappointed to see Sang Zhi not coming along.

Sang Zhi ordered takeout and stayed in her dorm room to eat, but then received a call from Duan Jia Xu. He said his company was organizing a gathering and he could bring a plus-one, and he wanted to take Sang Zhi. She hastily denied being his family member, so Duan Jia Xu simply decided to have her pay back the meal he owed her, and they ended up going out to dinner alone together.

Duan Jia Xu apologized to Sang Zhi for the incident at the hospital, but she said it was no big deal. Duan Jia Xu decided to treat Sang Zhi to this meal, since they wouldn't be seeing each other after this. They chatted happily, but then Jiang Ying unexpectedly encountered them and angrily splashed water on Duan Jia Xu, to which Sang Zhi immediately retaliated in kind.

Duan Jia Xu shielded Sang Zhi, and Jiang Ying was dragged away in a frenzy by her friends. Both Duan Jia Xu and Sang Zhi were quite disheveled. Sang Zhi helped dry Duan Jia Xu's face and asked who that person was, and he said it was just an unimportant person, more accurately his father's former creditor.

Remembering her previous encounter with Jiang Ying downstairs when picking up clothes, Sang Zhi was worried Duan Jia Xu would be bullied, so she reassured him that the person was just his dad's old creditor and had nothing to do with him, so he shouldn't be mistreated. Duan Jia Xu was deeply moved and sincerely thanked Sang Zhi.

As snowflakes began to fall from the sky, Sang Zhi silently made a wish on the first snow, hoping Duan Jia Xu would be happy and have someone by his side, wishing that person could be her. Duan Jia Xu also made a wish, hoping Sang Zhi would always be happy and healthy, just as she wished for him.

Sang Zhi's roommates are also making wishes, and Wangwang's wish seems to be related to Jiang Ming, but Jiang Ming's thoughts are all on Sang Zhi. Duan Jia Xu saw Jiang Ying outside his home again, and she was there to apologize for today's incident, claiming that Duan Jia Xu can never repay what he owes her.

It's true that Duan Jia Xu's father caused the death of Jiang Ying's father, but he has paid the compensation and his father has also paid the price. Duan Jia Xu doesn't owe her anything. Yet Jiang Ying is still unwilling to let it go, knocking on the door and saying that his mother promised to take care of her forever. Duan Jia Xu ignored Jiang Ying, as he and his mother had gone to Jiang Ying's home earlier to apologize and beg for forgiveness, promising to take full responsibility for the mother and daughter's lives.

Back then, Duan Jia Xu and Jiang Ying were classmates, and the secretly infatuated Jiang Ying refused to talk to Duan Jia Xu after the incident, subjecting him to rumors and gossip. Duan Jia Xu didn't want to dwell on this past, and seeing the photos with Sang Zhi brought him some comfort.

The sound of fireworks rang out outside, and Duan Jia Xu watched the New Year's fireworks on the rooftop, just as Sang Zhi was also on the school rooftop. Duan Jia Xu took a photo and sent it to Sang Zhi, just as her New Year's greeting had arrived. Duan Jia Xu wanted to change Sang Zhi's nickname to the one her family calls her, "Zhizhi", but he ultimately didn't.

Qian Fei messaged the group that he was getting married, and in his excited state, he called Duan Jia Xu in the middle of the night to gossip about Duan Jia Xu's love life, but Duan Jia Xu's mind was filled with Sang Zhi's face. Sang Zhi had something to give Duan Jia Xu and messaged that she would come to his office.

Jiang Ming invited everyone to go to a bar after the exams, and Ning Wei said they could all have dinner together, but Sang Zhi said she had to go give an electronic peephole to her relatives. When Duan Jia Xu finished his meeting, he saw Sang Zhi's anxious message, and just then, Jiang Ying was causing a commotion outside the company building, so Duan Jia Xu could only leave through another exit. He pulled Sang Zhi aside and told her not to come to his home or office directly in the future without letting him know first.

Sang Zhi seemed a bit confused, as if she misunderstood something, and just handed the peephole to Duan Jia Xu before leaving.