Episode 20 recap: Sang Yan discovered Sang Zhi's romantic relationship.

Just as Sang Zhi was about to leave, she encountered Jiang Ying at the door of the private room. Sang Zhi ignored her, but Jiang Ying caught up and said that Duan Jia Xu has a vegetative-state father, for whom he has to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in the hospital every year. What young girl would be willing to deal with that? Sang Zhi firmly stated that she could.

Jiang Ying did not give up and said again that Duan Jia Xu's father had killed someone in a car accident, but what did that have to do with Duan Jia Xu? As for whether Sang Zhi's family would approve of their relationship, Sang Zhi said Jiang Ying didn't need to worry about that.

Jiang Ying provoked again, claiming that Duan Jia Xu was very lacking in love due to family reasons, and anyone who treated him nicely would think it was love. Sang Zhi ignored Jiang Ying's harassment, and Jiang Ying said again that Duan Jia Xu's father had killed her own father.

But Sang Zhi remained firm in supporting Duan Jia Xu, saying it had nothing to do with him and was not a reason for Jiang Ying to hurt Duan Jia Xu. Sang Zhi felt pity for Duan Jia Xu, because of Jiang Ying, Duan Jia Xu had always lived in guilt.

Duan Jia Xu bought some bread for Sang Zhi, and Sang Zhi suddenly gave him a bank card with 5,000 yuan on it, and said if her internship went well there would be another 3,000, and that she wanted to be good to him for the rest of her life. Duan Jia Xu then gave her his wallet and told her to buy a pretty little dress.

Sang Zhi even had the idea of buying a house in Yihe, stubbornly saying she had no unhappy events, and Duan Jia Xu didn't expose her, just silently accompanied her. Duan Jia Xu sent the overtime-working Sang Zhi home, and Sang's mother called to ask about the situation and asked her to come back and video chat.

Then Sang Yan called again, and the next second Sang Yan appeared in front of the two, especially seeing Sang Zhi and Duan Jia Xu walking hand in hand on the campus, her emotions were somewhat collapsed. Sang Zhi explained cautiously, and in the end it was Duan Jia Xu who stood behind her and openly admitted their true relationship.

Sang Zhi chased after Sang Yan to explain, but Sang Yan kept a cold face, sent her to the dormitory and insisted that she go upstairs. Sang Zhi was very uneasy, but Duan Jia Xu also asked her to go upstairs.

Sang Zhi was constantly worried and couldn't let it go, Sang Yan had barely taken a few steps when he got into a physical altercation with Duan Jia Xu, and Duan Jia Xu didn't fight back and just took a few punches.

Sang Yan really couldn't accept it, that Duan Jia Xu would be with a girl of this age, even if she was younger than him he wouldn't object, but this was his own sister. In the end, Sang Yan had nothing to say, he was just angry inside, and when Sang Zhi called worried, he hung up on her. Duan Jia Xu promptly sent a message to comfort Sang Zhi, and then told Sang Yan that he would treat Sang Zhi well for the rest of his life.

Duan Jia Xu reiterated several times that he was serious, and their age gap was not that big, just five years. Duan Jia Xu brought Sang Yan to his own home to rest, and when Sang Yan wanted to get some food from the fridge, Duan Jia Xu refused because it was specially prepared for his girlfriend.

Sang Zhi called Duan Jia Xu via video, but Duan Jia Xu, afraid to expose the bruises on his face, said he wasn't dressed, so they switched to a voice call. Duan Jia Xu said Sang Yan had only cursed at him, and then Sang Zhi was able to sleep peacefully.

The next day, Duan Jia Xu wore a mask, saying he had a cold and didn't want to infect Sang Zhi, but she still noticed the injuries on his face and immediately recognized they were from Sang Yan. Sang Zhi angrily went to confront Sang Yan, threatening to cut ties with him.

Feeling so protected by his girlfriend made Duan Jia Xu very moved, but Sang Yan just felt at a loss. Duan Jia Xu finally managed to reconcile Sang Zhi and Sang Yan, they argued for a while, and then made up awkwardly. Sang Zhi and Duan Jia Xu then took the opportunity to flaunt their affection in front of Sang Yan.