Episode 5 recap: Duan Jia Xu takes Sang Zhi to the science and technology museum.

Sang Zhi planned to sneak out before her tutor arrived, but unexpectedly saw Duan Jia Xu in the kitchen at home. Sang Yan told her that Duan Jia Xu is her new tutor. Sang Zhi reluctantly went to the dining table to eat the instant noodles that Duan Jia Xu had prepared, which he had specially added a fried egg to.

Sang Zhi, who was originally unwilling to have extra lessons, suddenly became more proactive. She went to Sang Yan's room to study, and it was from Duan Jia Xu's resume that she learned his full name. Duan Jia Xu was busy playing games with Sang Yan, and Sang Zhi carefully took a photo of him on her phone, which he noticed and gave a thumbs up to.

Sang Zhi quickly changed the contact name for Duan Jia Xu to "Admired Older Brother". Later, Duan Jia Xu brought watermelon slices and a physics textbook, and boldly asked Sang Zhi to show him the photo she had just taken.

Sang Zhi quickly changed the topic to the tutoring. Although she had no interest in physics, Duan Jia Xu taught her very well. Sang Zhi asked Duan Jia Xu why he came to study at Nanwu University, and he said he wanted to work in the game industry, and Nanwu has the most developed game industry, so he came here.

Duan Jia Xu interned four days a week, and spent the remaining three days tutoring Sang Zhi. Yesterday, he slept a little late, so Sang Zhi let him rest for a while and carefully covered him with a jacket. As Sang Zhi has no interest in physics, Duan Jia Xu plans to take her to the science and technology museum to stimulate her interest.

These amazing phenomena made Sang Zhi very happy, and Duan Jia Xu took the opportunity to give her a lot of sincere advice. They agreed to work hard together and strive to achieve their dreams. Sang Zhi likes to paint, and Duan Jia Xu encouraged her to continue pursuing this hobby.

Sang Zhi suddenly asked him if he could not date, because dating would distract her from her dreams, and if he had a girlfriend, wouldn't he not be able to treat her as well? Duan Jia Xu coaxed her like a child, saying that he would find a very gentle girlfriend who would also be good to her, which would be like finding another person who is good to her.

When Duan Jia Xu had some work to do, Sang Yan took Sang Zhi back home. That night, Sang Zhi found that her sketchbook was missing, and after thinking hard, she realized it was left at the science and technology museum. The museum informed her that they had given the sketchbook to Duan Jia Xu, which made Sang Zhi worried, as she had drawn a portrait of him in the book.

The next day, Duan Jia Xu brought the sketchbook back, and Sang Zhi worried that he must have seen it. Sang Yan noticed that Sang Zhi had a crush, and frantically ran back to the dorm. Duan Jia Xu comforted her, saying that having such thoughts at this age is normal.

Sang Zhi made up a story about an online boyfriend, but it was just to make Duan Jia Xu believe that she was not secretly in love with him. On the day of the class, she even pretended to be sad. Duan Jia Xu indeed believed her, and solemnly told her that she should not have a romantic relationship at this time.