Episode 2 recap: Duan Jia Xu accompanied Sang Zhi to do homework.

That day, Sang Zhi waited for a long time at her seat after school but didn't see Duan Jia Xu, and she went home angrily, muttering "liar" under her breath, and accidentally fell down a bit. That's when Duan Jia Xu showed up, and Sang Zhi complained that he came late, so Duan Jia Xu apologized to her, saying he didn't know when Sang Zhi got off school.

Now, Sang Zhi is waiting at the bus stop for Duan Jia Xu's appearance. When she received his call, she thought he was late and cursed that he would never find a girlfriend, but the next moment a milk bottle was stuck to her. Duan Jia Xu had arrived long ago and even bought milk for Sang Zhi.

Duan Jia Xu dragged Sang Zhi to a breakfast shop to do homework, bought himself a bread, and also bought a small cake for Sang Zhi. Sang Zhi occasionally looked back at him, recalling the scene of the two of them going to the teacher's office that day. Duan Jia Xu pretended to be Sang Yan to take the scolding for Sang Zhi, even though Sang Zhi's academic performance had no problem and she was the top student in the class. However, the teacher kept criticizing her study attitude and also reported Duan Jia Xu.

Duan Jia Xu didn't take it to heart, and even asked Sang Zhi to apologize to the teacher. Then he flattered the teacher so much that the teacher was very happy, and concluded that the discussion was very successful! Afterwards, Sang Zhi and Sang Yan were mercifully let go.

Withdrawing from the memory, Sang Zhi asked Duan Jia Xu where he was from and whether he would go back during the holidays, but Duan Jia Xu didn't answer, just smiling and telling her to do her homework. Before Sang Zhi went back to school, Duan Jia Xu put a piece of paper in her backpack. He had secretly read Sang Zhi's composition, so he wrote a supplement for her.

That composition was about how Sang Yan looked very much like a stray dog, and Sang Zhi blushed a little. Sang Zhi hadn't opened the paper yet when her good friend Fu Zheng Chu came, still chasing after Sang Zhi as usual, and invited her to his birthday party next week.

Sang Zhi was not in the mood, came to the classroom and took out the milk bottle. Her friend was puzzled, as she was not allergic to milk? When she got home, Sang Zhi didn't put the milk in the fridge, but carried it back to her room like a treasure, then opened the paper and read the composition. Duan Jia Xu wrote in Sang Zhi's tone "helping my brother move house", and as he wrote, he wrote about Duan Jia Xu himself, and at the end he wrote "he is also very happy to see little Sang Zhi again".

Sang Zhi's heart fluttered, and she carefully unfolded the paper like a precious treasure, then added Duan Jia Xu's WeChat account, and the other person quickly accepted. Sang's mother saw a bottle of milk in Sang Zhi's room and grew anxious, as the parents were going to attend a wedding at a friend's place over the weekend, so they decided to have Sang Yan come back to keep Sang Zhi company.

On the weekend, Sang Yan came back to take Sang Zhi out for a meal. Initially, Sang Zhi was unwilling to go, but upon hearing that Sang Yan would be dining with his roommates, she hurriedly got ready and went out. In the car, Sang Zhi had a disappointed look on her face, as there was only Qian Fei in the backseat, but they soon picked up Duan Jia Xu, and Sang Zhi's mood lifted.

Duan Jia Xu looked tired and dozed off in the backseat, and when he saw Sang Zhi sneaking glances at him, he teased her for not calling out to him. Sang Zhi timidly greeted him with a "hello, brother," but Duan Jia Xu responded in a playful manner, asking her why she always blushed when she saw him. This remark prompted Sang Yan and Qian Fei to criticize him, saying he was not a good person, and Sang Zhi silently agreed.

Upon arrival, Sang Zhi wanted to stay behind and park the car with Sang Yan, but Sang Yan handed her off to Duan Jia Xu. Sang Zhi felt uncomfortable and wanted to find a bathroom, and that's when Duan Jia Xu noticed the blood stain on her dress. He quickly followed her, asking her to wait for him while he went to buy some supplies.

Seeing the mirror, Sang Zhi realized that Duan Jia Xu had seen it. Duan Jia Xu didn't have the courage to buy the sanitary pads alone, so he called Sang Yan to come help. The two of them sneaked around like thieves to buy the pads, and Duan Jia Xu also thoughtfully bought a dress similar to the one Sang Zhi was wearing.

Sang Zhi received the items that the others had asked a girl to bring into the bathroom, and she felt incredibly embarrassed. As she timidly came out, she was relieved to see only Sang Yan waiting for her. Sang Yan and Duan Jia Xu did not mention the incident, only saying that Sang Zhi had gone to play a claw machine game and refused to come back, and Duan Jia Xu had gotten her a glass of warm water, while Sang Yan made sure she didn't eat any allergens like beef or lamb.