Episode 3 recap: Sang Zhi accidentally encountered Duan Jia Xu.

Sang Zhi was craving beef, but Duan Jia Xu carefully picked out all the beef and mutton . After the meal, Qian Fei insisted on taking Sang Zhi to play at the claw machine. Duan Jia Xu snuck up behind her and said, "Big brother will help you grab one." Sang Zhi could clearly hear her own heartbeat as Duan Jia Xu successfully grabbed a doll for her and told her not to cry anymore.

That year, when Sang Zhi went to see the teacher, Duan Jia Xu joked about disciplining her. Sang Zhi saw him about to call Sang Yan and quickly started crying, causing Duan Jia Xu to give up.

That day, Duan Jia Xu insisted on sending Sang Zhi home. Sang Zhi was fearful the whole way, but Duan Jia Xu said he would keep it a secret, on the condition that Sang Zhi behave well in class from then on. At her home, Duan Jia Xu even gave her a light bulb since her home's light had burned out.

Now, Sang Zhi has the doll that Duan Jia Xu won for her, and he teases her for being an awkward little friend. He drags her to meet Fu Zheng Chu, unaware that the agreed-upon cafe is where Duan Jia Xu works. While ordering, Sang Zhi sneakily stares at Duan Jia Xu, costing her a dollar.

Duan Jia Xu jokes with her and offers to treat her to dessert. Sang Zhi overhears that Duan Jia Xu has received an advance on his wages, making her wonder if he needs the money, which is why he's working.

When Fu Zheng Chu arrives, he calls Duan Jia Xu "big brother" and curiously asks why, if Sang Zhi's family is wealthy, Duan Jia Xu is still working here. Before they can finish the dessert, Fu Zheng Chu wants to take them to play, and Duan Jia Xu reminds them to be home before dark.

Sang Zhi returns, hoping to tell Duan Jia Xu that he doesn't need to treat her to dessert if he's short on money. But the money for the dessert is still there, and Duan Jia Xu quickly leaves, his eyes reddening at the extra money.

At Fu Zheng Chu's birthday party, he wanted to confess his feelings to Sang Zhi, but Sang Zhi had already left in a hurry. Fu Zheng Chu couldn't give up and chased after her, but Sang Zhi didn't want to listen, and it was Duan Jia Xu who appeared and scared Fu Zheng Chu away.

Duan Jia Xu and Sang Zhi emphasized that they should not have a romantic relationship at their age. Sang Zhi quickly refuted this, saying she didn't! Duan Jia Xu then patiently educated her, saying that having someone appreciate you is a good thing, and she can refuse, but should not hurt others. Duan Jia Xu returned the money to Sang Zhi, and told her that he actually didn't need the money that much, and didn't want to let her down.

After Fu Zheng Chu's birthday, Sang Zhi found that he didn't want to interact with her much anymore, which puzzled her. Immediately after, the class teacher assigned Sang Zhi to participate in the sports meet. On the day of the sports meet, Sang Zhi enthusiastically cheered for Fu Zheng Chu, but didn't even want to watch Sang Zhi's own event.

The checkers for the sports meet happened to be Sang Yan and Duan Jia Xu. After Sang Yan mocked Sang Zhi's height, Duan Jia Xu thoughtfully brought her a hat to protect her from the sun, and also stood between Sang Yan and Sang Zhi when Sang Yan was bullying Sang Zhi.

During the events, the middle school teacher Ms. Chen also came to observe. When it was Sang Zhi's turn, she stopped short in front of the pole, failing several attempts, and even twisting her ankle on the last try. Sang Yan carried Sang Zhi to the infirmary, where Ms. Chen recognized Duan Jia Xu as her brother, and Sang Zhi quickly covered Sang Yan's mouth, saying Duan Jia Xu was her father.

Duan Jia Xu carefully disinfected and dressed Sang Zhi's injury, and Sang Zhi felt very touched, thinking he was kinder to her than Sang Yan. But Sang Yan had seemed so anxious, how could he not care for her? Sang Yan wanted to take Sang Zhi to the hospital, but Sang Zhi saw Duan Jia Xu gently helping another fallen girl, and felt a little unsettled - he was so good, so good to her, but he was good to everyone.

Because of her twisted ankle, these past few days Sang Yan and Duan Jia Xu have been taking her to and from school.