Episode 12 recap: Sang Zhi got drunk.

Over the years, Jiang Ying still has not let go of Duan Jia Xu, but Sang Zhi is unaware of this and is overly sensitive to Duan Jia Xu's words, waiting gloomily for Duan Jia Xu to call and explain. Duan Jia Xu thought of Sang Zhi and asked her when her exam was and when she would be coming home, and Sang Zhi honestly replied that she had booked a ticket for the 19th.

Duan Jia Xu wrote on a sticky note and then asked Sang Zhi if she had time to have a meal together after the exam, but Sang Zhi said she wouldn't have time after the exam. As the finals approached, the atmosphere was tense for everyone, but Sang Zhi suddenly proposed going out to relax after the exams, and everyone agreed, except for Ning Wei, who had already been called away by her boyfriend.

Wan Wan could see that Sang Zhi might have something on her mind recently, as she had been gloomy these past few days, but Sang Zhi stubbornly insisted that she had no issues. After the exams, everyone went out to play together, and Jiang Ming started singing love songs on stage, but Sang Zhi didn't seem interested.

Duan Jia Xu called, and Sang Zhi said she was at a bar with friends. Duan Jia Xu hurried over to catch the drunkard. Sang Zhi felt even more depressed - he wouldn't let her go find him, but now he was coming to find her, which seemed very strange. Jiang Ming saw Sang Zhi come out and immediately followed, and Sang Zhi had drunk quite a bit and seemed unwell. When Duan Jia Xu arrived, he saw Jiang Ming supporting Sang Zhi, but Sang Zhi kept pushing him away.

Duan Jia Xu took Sang Zhi from Jiang Ming's hands, and Jiang Ming could only leave, as he was just a part-timer. Sang Zhi was a little tipsy and spoke with her usual stubbornness. Duan Jia Xu could only carry Sang Zhi home like coaxing a child.

Sang Zhi leaned on his back and said she had a secret hidden in her heart - she liked someone, but she was not happy right now. Sang Zhi didn't say who the person was, but she said he was good to everyone, including her, which is why she felt so upset. Duan Jia Xu carried Sang Zhi on his back and felt a bit hurt after hearing her say these things.

Sang Zhi fell asleep in the passenger seat, and Duan Jia Xu said that from now on, he would only be good to her, so maybe Sang Zhi wouldn't be so heartbroken. He handed Sang Zhi over to someone else to take care of, but he still felt a bit uneasy about it. The next day, Sang Zhi woke up and was embarrassed about what happened the day before, and her roommates were gossiping about the "old relative" she had mentioned, not realizing how handsome he was.

Sang Zhi felt very awkward and quickly told her roommates not to let her drink anymore, since she had vomited all over Duan Jia Xu the night before. Sang Zhi originally didn't plan to let Duan Jia Xu take her, since after last night's events, she didn't have the face to see him.

To her surprise, Duan Jia Xu had already been waiting at Sang Zhi's school, and as soon as he put her luggage in the car, Jiang Ming suddenly came over and said some things to Sang Zhi. He said the song he had sung the previous night was prepared for Sang Zhi, and that he had been preparing it for a long time, because he liked Sang Zhi.

Sang Zhi was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say. Recalling Duan Jia Xu's previous words, she could only say thank you. Duan Jia Xu witnessed the whole thing. On the way to the airport, Sang Zhi felt flustered and tried to explain to Duan Jia Xu that she had gone to the bar with her classmates to relax, but Duan Jia Xu thought the man who had just confessed to her was the one Sang Zhi liked.