Episode 18 recap: Sang Zhi and Duan Jia Xu's Sweet Date

Duan Jia Xu said he would watch Sang Zhi while she was studying, but Sang Zhi leaned in and kissed him, flustering Duan Jia Xu so much that he had to run out to cook. After the meal, Sang Zhi eagerly offered to wash the dishes, saying Duan Jia Xu shouldn't always be the one doing the chores.

Sang Zhi pretended not to be tired, but soon started yawning while studying in the bedroom, dramatically falling onto the bed. Duan Jia Xu had placed a small puppy, the one Sang Zhi had given him at the airport, by the bed. Sang Zhi happily prepared to cuddle the little bear, but Duan Jia Xu suddenly came in, startling Sang Zhi and causing her to roll to the floor. She claimed she was just memorizing vocabulary, saying it was more thrilling that way.

Hearing this, Duan Jia Xu immediately pinned Sang Zhi down, saying he would show her what "thrilling" really meant. Sang Zhi blushed and pushed him away, scolding him for being a ruffian, but said she could take a nap on his bed, though he might get bored on his own. Sang Zhi explained she wasn't displeased by Duan Jia Xu's advances, she just wasn't used to it yet.

That night, Duan Jia Xu walked Sang Zhi home, and for the first time, held her hand as she was having a candy. Walking hand-in-hand, Duan Jia Xu felt both proud and sweetly content. Sang Zhi had been applying for internships, but hadn't heard back from many. She joked that people usually only held hands when crossing the street, unlike Duan Jia Xu.

Sang Zhi had never openly told Duan Jia Xu "I really like you", but now she could say it plainly, and receive an equally direct response.

Qian Fei called and said he would be coming for a business trip next week, asking Duan Jia Xu to treat him to a big meal, as the man who had won over his girlfriend. Qian Fei then immediately bragged about it in their group chat, saying he had helped Duan Jia Xu find a girlfriend. Duan Jia Xu quickly confessed to Qian Fei that the girl was actually Sang Zhi, someone Qian Fei already knew. Fearing Sang Yan's wrath, Qian Fei quickly distanced himself, but Sang Yan still called to scold Duan Jia Xu for getting Qian Fei to help him pursue someone. Duan Jia Xu could only say he would explain in person when he returned to Nanwu.

Wangwang had arranged an interview with Jiang Ming, and the one-on-one time made Wangwang appreciate Jiang Ming even more. Ning Wei heard that Sang Zhi had gone to Duan Jia Xu's place to study, and the gossip flames were fanned. However, Sang Zhi felt very nervous around Duan Jia Xu, worried he might misunderstand her.

Ning Wei felt Sang Zhi was likely afraid Duan Jia Xu would realize she had liked him all along, and encouraged her to be bolder, as physical contact is normal in a relationship. Ning Wei urged Sang Zhi to take the initiative and show Duan Jia Xu through her actions that she did like him.

Sang Zhi promptly made plans with Duan Jia Xu for a weekend outing, though Duan Jia Xu looked tired. Still, he insisted on going ice skating with her. Sang Zhi then suddenly told Duan Jia Xu she planned to kiss him, to avoid startling him. This greatly flustered Duan Jia Xu.

After Duan Jia Xu patiently taught Sang Zhi to skate, she gathered her courage and gave him a light peck. When he claimed he wasn't ready, she kissed him more firmly. Sang Zhi's parents wanted her to do her internship in Nanwu instead of Yihe, but Sang Zhi still preferred to stay here.