Hidden Love

Plot Synopsis

In high school, Sang Zhi was frequently called to theprincipal's office, so to avoid the trouble, she decided to have her brother take the blame. However, when the siblings met, they ended uparguing and became estranged. Helpless, Sang Zhi sought helpfrom Duan Jiaxu, her brother's roommate who was visiting their home. Under Sang Zhi'spersistentpleas, Duan Jiaxu went to the school to meet with the teacher on her behalf. This was how the two became acquainted, and Duan Jiaxu started treating Sang Zhi like his own little sister, caring for her deeply.

As Duan Jiaxu graduated from university, the two were separated by distance. Due to some misunderstandings, their relationshipbecame distant. It wasn't until Sang Zhi, now an adult, was able to study in the same city as Duan Jiaxu that they reconnected. Through their gradually deepening interactions, Sang Zhi slowly discovered the source of Duan Jiaxu's long-standing stress. She wanted toprotect this big brother who had always been good to her, and her hidden love for him resurfaced. With Sang Zhi's companionship, Duan Jiaxu was able to resolve his inner turmoil. He genuinely fell for the grown-upSang Zhi, and theirpure, secret love finally blossomed into a beautiful romance.

"Hidden Love" is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Zhu Yi. It tells the sweet and tender love story between Duan Jiaxu and Sang Zhi.

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Li Ping

Li Ping
(Zeng Li)

Sang Rong

Sang Rong
(Qiu Xin Zhi)

Sang Zhi

Sang Zhi
(Zhao Lu Si)

Duan Jia Xu

Duan Jia Xu
(Chen Zhe Yuan)