Amusing Club of Wanchun

Plot Synopsis

"Wan Chun Dou Xiao She" is a story about the early days of the "Wan Chun Society," a comedic groupformed by the main force of the "De Yun Men's Troupe."

The storyprimarily revolves around the relatively unknown comedic troupe, Wan Chun Society, on Beiwai Road. It aims to reflect the diverse aspects of human life through theportrayal of ordinary characters in a small courtyard. The "actors" constantly evolve their understanding of comedy, their attitudes towards fame and fortune, and their comprehension of the relationshipbetweenperformers and the audience as they hone their skills.

Through "Wan Chun Dou Xiao She," it is also hoped topresent the behind-the-scenes stories of the comedicperformers, where on stage, they engage inperformances that involve laughter, anger, mockery, and mutual achievements, while off stage, they maintain a humble, friendly, and inclusive relationshipas fellow brothers. Thephrase "no distinction between senior and junior on stage, rules established off stage" vividly showcases the unique charm of comedic actors through apanoramic, three-dimensionalportrayal.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-4
  • 5-8
  • 9-12
  • 13-16
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-28
  • 29-32
  • 33-36
  • 37-40

Cast & Role

Wang Bo

Wang Bo
(Wang Jiu Long)

Yu Xiao Qian

Yu Xiao Qian
(Meng He Tang)

Wan Xia

Wan Xia
(Zhou Jiu Liang)

Pei Zhi Jie

Pei Zhi Jie
(Luan Yun Ping)