Episode 3 recap: 顾声莫青成加好友。

顾声莫青成 became friends on the platform.豆豆 revealed her identity, turns out she is one of the top gods, which surprised Gu Sheng. It turns out she has been undercover in the world of perfect dubbing. Jue Mei mentioned that there is a loyal fan of Qian Qingci and asked if Gu Sheng would give the role to him. Mo Qingcheng said there's no need to invite him and that Gu Sheng should sing that particular song.

Gu Sheng quickly declined, saying that he is good at planning but not at singing, and he cannot collaborate with so many top gods. Mo Qingcheng mentioned that she has heard Gu Sheng sing and thinks he is pretty good, so he shouldn't underestimate himself. Gu Sheng agreed to give it a try, feeling honored to be able to sing with so many top gods.

Gu Sheng's family called him to come over quickly, so he had to leave first, hoping that Mo Qingcheng wouldn't go offline. Everyone asked Mo Qingcheng to perform a program, so she sang a song for everyone. Gu Sheng listened to Mo Qingcheng's singing and was amazed. Dou Dou asked Mo Qingcheng to give everyone a New Year's message, and Mo Qingcheng advised everyone not to be too obsessed with online personas because you never know the real person behind the screen.

Mo Qingcheng had something to attend to and had to go offline first, leaving a message for Gu Sheng, hoping to get his contact information. Gu Sheng added Mo Qingcheng, whose chat name is spelled in Pinyin, and that's when Gu Sheng learned Mo Qingcheng's real name. Mo Qingcheng shared a recipe with Gu Sheng, making him hungry, so he hurried to the kitchen to find something to eat. Gu Sheng's mother was surprised to see him in such a state.

Excitedly, Gu Sheng posted a Weibo, and there were many comments. Gu Sheng was especially happy to see Mo Qingcheng's comment.

The next day, the members of Gu Sheng's music club came to find him and said they had found a practice room that could serve as their activity room. Gu Sheng was happy to hear that. They also saw the comments under Gu Sheng's Weibo post, where people were teasing him.

Gu Sheng was somewhat worried and felt that Mo Qingcheng probably didn't like being talked about like this. Gu Sheng was concerned that these comments from netizens might upset Mo Qingcheng, so he quickly explained to her. Mo Qingcheng had just woken up and listened to what Gu Sheng said, but she didn't let those things bother her. She made a voice call to Gu Sheng and expressed that as voice actors, the most important thing should be their work. As long as they can produce good work, they shouldn't care about what others say.

Mo Qingcheng mentioned that Gu Sheng still owes her a song that he hasn't sung yet. Gu Sheng promised to sing it for her and said he needed to prepare. Mo Qingcheng arrived at the studio and waited for Gu Sheng to get ready. When others saw this, they teased Mo Qingcheng, thinking that this "single dog" was finally having a breakthrough. Gu Sheng opened the room and asked Mo Qingcheng to come in so he could sing for her. Unexpectedly, in the middle of the song, they heard someone praising her.

It turned out that Dou Dou and the others were also listening nearby and thought Gu Sheng's singing was really good. That's why Qian Qingci wanted Gu Sheng to sing. Dou Dou saw the comments on Weibo and urged everyone to go and take a look. It turned out that Mo Qingcheng had replied to netizens' comments, saying that her favorite voice was Sheng Sheng's. This immediately sparked a discussion among everyone.

Many people started paying attention to Gu Sheng because of this, and Gu Sheng thanked Mo Qingcheng. There was still a need to look after the convenience store at home, so Gu Sheng's mother asked him to go and take care of it. Gu Sheng informed Mo Qingcheng about it and then went offline.