Episode Guide

Episode 1: Huang Yilin apologized to the Kitchen God.

Wang Tingzhi is a chef. Today, he came to Macau with his daughter, Wang Qianqian. After instructing his daughter not to run around, he went to find their accommodation. However, Huang Yilin mistook him for the Kitchen God. Huang Yilin and her grandmother, Zhang Baoqin, run a bakery. Recently, Zhang Baoqin was hospitalized, so Huang Yilin not only had to raise money for medical expenses but also manage the shop. In order to improve business, Huang Yilin, persuaded by her friend, dressed up in costume favored by the Kitchen God to welcome him, hoping to gain his approval and help promote their products. >>read more

Episode 2: Wang Tingzhi moved into Huang Yilin's house.

Wang Tingzhi busied himself and made several egg tarts. As a culinary master, he could smell the aroma and immediately felt that the long wait was worth it. After taking a bite, he immediately promised to recommend Huang Yilin's egg tarts to his fans, although there was only this one type of product available, which seemed a bit limited. Having been in the food industry for many years, Wang Tingzhi felt that he recognized the person making the egg tarts, but he quickly stated that it was his first time in Macau, unwilling to let anyone inquire further about his background. >>read more

Episode 3: Wang Tingzhi agreed to teach dessert-making.

Huang Yilin took in a big man to live with her at home, which made her friends very worried. They specially bought her an alarm device and asked her to place it at the door before going to sleep. If anyone attempted to enter, it would sound a loud alarm. When Huang Yilin wanted to try it out, they quickly stopped her because the sound was too loud. That night, while Wang Tingzhi was sleeping drowsily, Wang Qianqian felt thirsty and wanted to drink water. He had no choice but to get up and fetch water, but he ended up going to the wrong room and triggered the alarm. This led to the neighbors discussing him, and Huang Yilin's friend even rushed into Huang Yilin's home to report the incident. >>read more

Episode 4: Wang Tingzhi went on a trip with Huang Yilin.

Wang Qianqian noticed that Wang Tingzhi helped Huang Yilin twice, which was not consistent with Wang Tingzhi's usual style. She immediately gossiped and suspected that Wang Tingzhi had special feelings for Huang Yilin, but Wang Tingzhi denied it. Today, Huang Yilin officially started learning dessert making with Wang Tingzhi. Wang Tingzhi demanded that the kitchen be kept clean and asked Huang Yilin to tidy up. However, Huang Yilin only wiped the countertop and stopped. Wang Tingzhi was dissatisfied and reminded her to wash all the knives. After washing, Wang Tingzhi took out a stack of bowls that had oil stains on them and asked Huang Yilin to clean them. This made Huang Yilin extremely angry, and upon learning that Wang Tingzhi needed her to prepare a series of dessert-making tools, she threw down the dishcloth in frustration. >>read more

Episode 5: Huang Yilin's business is doing poorly.

Wang Tingzhi was extremely nervous as he ascended the sightseeing elevator, tightly gripping the railing. Seeing this, Huang Yilin mocked Wang Tingzhi for his fear of heights. Wang Tingzhi stubbornly refused to admit it, but his actions had already given away his fear. Wang Qianqian noticed a rock climbing wall in the amusement park and was eager to give it a try. Wang Tingzhi, who was genuinely afraid of heights, didn't want to go, but Wang Qianqian pleaded with him, so he reluctantly went along. Even though it was just a simple suspension bridge, he made it seem like walking on a knife's edge. Finally, when they reached the rock climbing area after much difficulty, Wang Tingzhi became the center of attention. Through intentional training by Huang Yilin and Wang Qianqian, his courage had greatly improved, and he successfully reached the top, ringing the bell. >>read more

Episode 6: Wang Tingzhi wants to sell the store.

Huang Yilin couldn't help but laugh when she looked at the photos taken of her, Wang Tingzhi, and Wang Qianqian at the amusement park because Wang Tingzhi's actions were quite funny. At that moment, someone called Huang Yilin and informed her that Zhang Baoqin was missing. Huang Yilin became extremely worried and immediately went out to look for her. Wang Tingzhi also helped in the search. The two of them searched all the places Zhang Baoqin usually liked to go, but they couldn't find her. >>read more

Episode 7: 黄依琳 sabotaged Wang Tingzhi's sale of the store.

Wang Tingzhi prepared one million yuan for his ex-wife, but she was not satisfied. Wang Tingzhi warned his ex-wife not to push her luck, explaining that he gave her the money not because he was afraid of her causing trouble, but because he didn't want Wang Qianqian to be hurt, knowing that she had a mother who abandoned her since birth. The ex-wife was unwilling, but Wang Tingzhi had already recorded their conversation. If she pressured him for money again, he would report it to the police. >>read more

Episode 8: Wang Qianqian pretended to be sick.

Early in the morning, Wang Tingzhi was cooking fried rice in the kitchen, adding a lot of ingredients, filling the air with a delicious aroma. Wang Qianqian knew that Huang Yilin wanted to eat, so she invited her to join. However, Wang Tingzhi was unwilling and deliberately made sarcastic remarks about Huang Yilin, saying that she must dislike his cooking and wouldn't want to eat the food he made. As a result, Huang Yilin didn't eat. After the meal, Wang Tingzhi left the house, but Wang Qianqian suddenly started complaining of a stomachache. Huang Yilin was worried and tried calling Wang Tingzhi, but he didn't answer. She quickly took Wang Qianqian to the hospital, but after the examination, it was found that there was nothing wrong with Wang Qianqian. This puzzled Huang Yilin, and she became even more desperate for the doctors to find the cause. >>read more

Episode 9: Zhang Baoqin fakes illness to rush marriage.

Zhang Baoqin suddenly falls critically ill, causing Huang Yilin to panic and rush to the hospital. Upon learning that Zhang Baoqin is worried about her and wants to witness her getting married, Huang Yilin falsely claims that Wang Tingzhi is her boyfriend. Wang Tingzhi doesn't want to deceive Zhang Baoqin, but Huang Yilin doesn't give him a chance to explain. Aunt Hua Hua and Aunt Hao, knowing that Huang Yilin is getting married, help with the preparations. They know that Huang Yilin has loved wedding dresses since she was young and wants to make the wedding lively and joyful. However, Wang Tingzhi is well aware that this is a fake marriage and advises Huang Yilin to confess to Zhang Baoqin. >>read more

Episode 10: Huang Yilin came to Wang Qianqian's rescue.

While video chatting with her classmates, Wang Qianqian talked about her wonderful life in Macau. Her classmates had never seen Wang Qianqian's mother and often heard her say that her mother worked in Shenzhen, but later she would mention France. Her classmates thought she was lying and didn't want to play with her. When Huang Yilin learned about this situation, she approached Wang Qianqian and explained that she worked as a flight attendant, which required her to travel to different places frequently. She helped cover up Wang Qianqian's lies and restored her reputation in front of their classmates. Wang Tingzhi was deeply moved. >>read more

Episode 11: The gift book in the photo frame.

As soon as Wang Tingzhi stepped out of the house today, he noticed Wang Qianqian eating snacks that didn't belong to her. He confiscated the snacks and almost choked on them while eating. While Wang Tingzhi was drinking water, Huang Yilin came out with a photo of Zhang Baoqin and Li Fang, which Wang Tingzhi accidentally knocked over. Inadvertently, he discovered a gift book written by Li Fang, clearly stating that the house and shop were to be given to Zhang Baoqin for their residence and business. >>read more

Episode 12: Huang Yilin tried on a ceremonial dress.

Zhang Baoqin was discharged from the hospital and, upon returning home, she was delighted to see the lively Wang Qianqian. She instructed Huang Yilin to treat Wang Qianqian better in the future. Wang Tingzhi, being a chef, learned that Zhang Baoqin was coming back and specially prepared a few dishes for her. Unfortunately, Zhang Baoqin still didn't remember his name. However, when she heard Huang Yilin calling Wang Tingzhi "baby," her heart blossomed with joy. >>read more

Episode 13: Wang Ting Zhi protects Huang Yi Lin with an imposing manner.

Huang Yi Lin was choosing a hotel for her wedding, and Wang Ting Zhi heard from the receptionist that it was difficult to book any other hotels. The only available option was this banquet hall, and just by looking at its luxurious decoration, one could tell it was quite expensive. Wang Ting Zhi advised Huang Yi Lin not to be so extravagant, considering that they were only having a fake wedding. However, Huang Yi Lin insisted because she knew Zhang Baoqin wouldn't want her to casually choose any place for the wedding. Reluctantly, Wang Ting Zhi agreed and booked the venue. Then came the moment to choose the bouquet, and Huang Yi Lin enthusiastically selected one, but Wang Ting Zhi thought they were all similar. This comment made Huang Yi Lin unhappy, so she randomly picked a bouquet and left. >>read more

Episode 14: Wang Ting Zhi secretly bought an engagement ring and moved Huang Yi Lin.

During the wedding, when it came to the ring exchange ceremony, Wang Ting Zhi took out the matching ring that Huang Yi Lin had liked but couldn't bring herself to buy at the time. This surprised Huang Yi Lin greatly, but she also knew that the ring was too expensive. She advised Wang Ting Zhi to return it after the wedding, but since it was their first marriage, Wang Ting Zhi reassured her and told her to just wear it without worries. >>read more

Episode 15: Ji Ming gave a self-defense baton as a gift.

Wang Ting Zhi and Gao Lao worked on a new menu, which made Chef Shi very unhappy. He believed that Wang Ting Zhi was just a lecturer and didn't have the authority to make such decisions. However, Luo, the general manager, approved the menu, and felt that Chef Shi was not respecting his decisions and didn't want to keep him. Chef Shi voluntarily resigned and sent his apprentice to participate in the culinary competition. >>read more

Episode 16: Bai Yuyu and Huang Yilin met each other.

Wang Tingzhi and Huang Yilin went grocery shopping together to prepare for today's competition. Just as Wang Tingzhi was about to participate in the competition, he received a sudden phone call. He hurriedly left, and arrived at the competition with only half an hour left. Fortunately, with his superb culinary skills, Wang Tingzhi managed to make Eight Treasure Chicken. >>read more

Episode 17: Huang Yi Lin encounters a love rival.

Bai Yu Jue deliberately shows her strong connection with Wang Ting Zhi in front of Huang Yi Lin. Taking the opportunity to bring clothes for Huang Yi Lin, she emphasizes how similar their preferences are. When Huang Yi Lin was younger, she used to borrow Bai Yu Jue's skirts to wear. This time, Bai Yu Jue specifically chose a dress for Huang Yi Lin according to her own liking, believing that Huang Yi Lin would definitely love it. >>read more

Episode 18: Wang Ting Zhi and Huang Yi Lin Sharing a Bed.

Zhang Baoqin arranged for Wang Ting Zhi and Huang Yi Lin to stay in the same large bed room. Wang Ting Zhi knew that his marriage to Huang Yi Lin was fake and intended to make do with the sofa for the night. However, the sofa was too small to accommodate him. Huang Yi Lin suggested placing a pillow in the middle of the bed to manage for the night. >>read more

Episode 19: Huang Yilin is angry.

Huang Yilin didn't want to listen to Wang Tingzhi's explanation about working at the hotel. She spoke to Wang Tingzhi in a sarcastic tone the whole way, and at that moment, Zhang Baoqin happened to pass by. To maintain the appearance of love between him and Huang Yilin, Wang Tingzhi quickly put his arm around Huang Yilin's neck. Huang Yilin was about to get angry, but when she saw Zhang Baoqin approaching, she quickly put on a smiling face. She learned that Zhang Baoqin had been wearing earphones and didn't hear their argument at all, which relieved her. However, Wang Tingzhi still believed that their fake marriage would eventually be exposed. >>read more

Episode 20: Wang Ting Zhi envies the family atmosphere of Huang Yi Lin.

Wang Ting Zhi wanted to learn about the unique cuisine of Macau, so he went shopping with Huang Yi Lin. However, after trying various dishes, they couldn't find any distinctive local delicacies, which greatly disappointed Wang Ting Zhi. Huang Yi Lin asked Wang Ting Zhi to wait for her on a green bench by the seaside while she went to buy a special ice cream. By the time she returned, the ice cream had melted, but the durian flavor was unique, and Wang Ting Zhi was satisfied after taking a bite. >>read more

Episode 21: Huang Yi Lin participated in a food festival to learn how to make butter cake.

Today, a regular customer came to Huang Yi Lin's shop and expressed a desire to eat butter cake. This pastry is extremely complex to make and takes three days to prepare. Huang Yi Lin had tried before but couldn't make it properly. Zhang Baoqin happened to be in the shop and offered to make the butter cake. However, as she reached the kitchen door, she forgot what she was supposed to do. The regular customer couldn't help but sigh, thinking that they might never get to taste an authentic butter cake in this lifetime. >>read more

Episode 22: Huang Yi Lin encountered setbacks in making butter cakes.

Wang Ting Zhi made butter cakes, but they didn't taste as good as expected. When Zhang Bao Qin took a bite, she felt that the level was even lower than her old rival Wu Gui Lian, and wondered how they could win the championship at the culinary competition. She immediately got up to teach Wang Ting Zhi and Huang Yi Lin personally. However, she quickly forgot what she was supposed to add. >>read more

Episode 23: Huang Yi Lin and Wang Ting Zhi went to find Wu Guilian to learn their skills.

Upon seeing Huang Yi Lin, Luo Hao fell in love at first sight. He wanted to pursue Huang Yi Lin, so he would go to her store for any reason or no reason at all. When Hua Hua came to find Huang Yi Lin and saw Luo Hao greeting her like a shop assistant, she quickly pulled Huang Yi Lin aside and reminded her that she is now married and should be mindful of her status. >>read more

Episode 24: Wang Ting Zhi obtained the recipe with sincerity.

Wang Ting Zhi tried to determine the identity of Wu Guilian, which made Wu Guilian very displeased. She knew that Wang Ting Zhi and Huang Yi Lin came for the butter cake recipe, so she immediately changed her expression and refused to teach them, regardless of Wang Ting Zhi's persuasion that the loss of the butter cake recipe would be a loss to the Macau culinary world. She even stood up and drove them away. >>read more

Episode 25: Wang Ting Zhi confessed his feelings to Huang Yi Lin.

Wu Gui Lian went to the shop to teach Wang Ting Zhi and reminded him not to think that having a recipe would solve everything. She told him to take his craft seriously and emphasized that the first step was crucial, requiring constant stirring. Wang Ting Zhi understood that it was physically demanding work and insisted on doing it himself, with Wu Gui Lian guiding him from the side. This made Wu Gui Lian very satisfied, and she encouraged him to do his best. >>read more

Episode 26: Unrequited Love of Luo Hao.

Luo Hao's unrequited love began. He witnessed Huang Yi Lin and Wang Ting Zhi having dinner together and immediately guessed that Huang Yi Lin was Wang Ting Zhi's wife. This made him feel uneasy, so he secluded himself, feeling down. The next day, Wang Ting Zhi, grateful for Luo Hao's suggestion to improve his relationship with Huang Yi Lin, invited Luo Hao to have a meal. During the meal, Wang Ting Zhi asked Luo Hao if he had confessed his feelings to the girl he liked. This made Luo Hao even sadder, and he revealed that on the day he planned to confess, he found out that the girl was someone else's wife. >>read more

Episode 27: Zhang Baoqin knew about the fake marriage.

Huang Yi Lin and Wang Ting Zhi were happy about being selected and specially cooked a few dishes at home. They appreciated each other's efforts, which made Zhang Baoqin particularly delighted. At that moment, Huang Yi Lin received a phone call regarding a food competition, stating that it involved some shady dealings and she would be disqualified. Without waiting for Huang Yi Lin to inquire further, the other person hung up, claiming they were currently investigating the matter. >>read more

Episode 28: Huang Yi Lin forgave Wang Ting Zhi.

Ji Ming understood why Huang Yi Lin was angry with Wang Ting Zhi, so he analyzed the situation from a man's perspective and concluded that Wang Ting Zhi only wanted to protect his beloved woman, which is why he took all the responsibility. This deeply moved Huang Yi Lin, so she took the initiative to go to the hotel and find Wang Ting Zhi. When they met, they were both very happy. Wang Ting Zhi tightly hugged Huang Yi Lin, and there was a sense of regaining what was lost. >>read more

Episode 29: Huang Yi Lin's shop was recommended by a culinary master.

Bai Yu Jue and Luo Hao were captivated by the beautiful scenery when they arrived at the tourist island. Luo Hao wanted to explore around, but Bai Yu Jue reminded him to check in first and explore later. Unfortunately, the two double rooms that Luo Hao had booked were not yet prepared. So they stored their luggage and boarded a sightseeing car to admire the views around the island. The culinary master arrived at the shop and live-streamed a recommendation for Huang Yi Lin's pastries. Huang Yi Lin took on the challenge of making two egg tarts within fifteen minutes for the first time. With the help of Wang Ting Zhi, Huang Yi Lin felt a little relieved. After some effort, the egg tarts finally went into the oven. When the time was up, the egg tarts were ready, and the culinary master praised their taste. >>read more

Episode 30: Huang Yi Lin is worried that Wang Ting Zhi is not interested in her.

During a live broadcast, Huang Yi Lin denied being in a romantic relationship with Wang Ting Zhi, which made Wang Ting Zhi feel a bit disappointed. After the live broadcast ended, Wang Ting Zhi received a call and purposely went out to answer it, telling Huang Yi Lin not to worry about his matters in Beijing. This made Huang Yi Lin feel unhappy, so she went to find Ji Ming to vent her frustration. >>read more

Episode 31: Wang Tingzhi confessed his feelings to Huang Yilin.

Huang Yilin, contrary to her usual self, wore a sexy dress and high heels. Wang Tingzhi was a bit uncomfortable with this change. They cooked soup together and while squatting down to smell the aroma of the soup, they unintentionally turned their faces towards each other and then quickly looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed. Wang Qianqian wanted to eat pizza, so Wang Tingzhi took everyone out. Zhang Baoqin quickly asked Huang Yilin to change her clothes. In the end, although Huang Yilin took off her slightly revealing leopard-print dress, she kept her high heels on. >>read more

Episode 32: Wang Ting Zhi spent a night with Huang Yi Lin while intoxicated.

To relieve tension, Wang Ting Zhi watched TV and happened to come across a channel playing a romance drama. The main characters in the drama were passionately kissing, but Wang Ting Zhi, not understanding the context, changed the channel. Unfortunately, the new program turned out to be a talk show about relationships, and Huang Yi Lin subtly reproached Wang Ting Zhi, mentioning how the male protagonist had been distant from his wife, leading to the need for a public apology on the show. Wang Ting Zhi noticed Huang Yi Lin's anger and quickly offered to take her home, considering that she had to open her store the next day. However, Huang Yi Lin became even more upset and declared that she would go home on her own, leaving Wang Ting Zhi behind. >>read more

Episode 33: Wang Ting Zhi was trapped in the toilet.

Wang Ting Zhi initially wanted to respect Huang Yi Lin, so he didn't take any further action. But last night, he crossed the line and confessed his feelings to Huang Yi Lin, expressing his desire to take responsibility for her. Huang Yi Lin deliberately said that she didn't want Wang Ting Zhi to take responsibility, which left him stunned. In response, Huang Yi Lin approached him and kissed him, making Wang Ting Zhi realize that she was joking. Just as they were about to leave the bathroom, Huang Yi Lin heard someone coming to the house and went out to check. >>read more

Episode 34: Wang Tingzhi accompanied Bai Yujue home, making Huang Yilin jealous.

Wang Qianqian has officially confirmed that Huang Yilin is her stepmother and reminded Wang Tingzhi to treat Huang Yilin well. She also asked if Wang Tingzhi had feelings for Bai Yujue since Huang Yilin saw them chatting happily and became visibly upset. Wang Tingzhi explained that his relationship with Bai Yujue was not based on romantic feelings but rather gratitude, as Bai Yujue had been there for him during a difficult time in his childhood. >>read more

Episode 35: Huang Yi Lin hopes for reconciliation with Wang Ting Zhi.

Huang Yi Lin is feeling down because Wang Ting Zhi doesn't remember her. Ji Ming can't stand seeing her in such a despondent state. He lists Huang Yi Lin's strengths, such as running her own profitable shop, and he can't understand why she would compete with Bai Yu Jue for a man and lack confidence in herself. >>read more

Episode 36: "Wang Ting Zhi was dumped.

Huang Yi Lin looked at herself in the mirror and evaluated herself, thinking she looked pretty good and didn't need to compete with Bai Yu Jue for Wang Ting Zhi. She decided that if she discovered Wang Ting Zhi was playing both sides, she would cut him off. At that moment, Wang Ting Zhi was working at a hotel and, because he was worried about Huang Yi Lin, he was unusually absent-minded and didn't respond to the assistant's question in time. >>read more

Episode 37: "Wang Ting Zhi seeks forgiveness.

Upon seeing the news of their breakup, Wang Ting Zhi became anxious. However, Huang Yi Lin's phone was unreachable at that moment. Wang Ting Zhi went to find Huang Yi Lin in hopes of reconciling, but Ji Ming took Huang Yi Lin away. On that day, Huang Yi Lin encountered someone who was dining and dashing. She chased after the person to ask them to pay the bill but ended up meeting Wang Ting Zhi, who was seeking forgiveness. However, Wang Ting Zhi's way of seeking forgiveness was quite peculiar. He actually took out a stretcher and asked Huang Yi Lin to exercise more, claiming that it would prevent her from catching a cold. This enraged Huang Yi Lin, and she immediately kicked him out. >>read more

Episode 38: Huang Yi Lin, Wang Ting Zhi, and Ji Ming brainstormed ways to revive the herbal tea shop owned by Aunt Hao.

Ji Ming, realizing that he was only a livestreamer, asked Wang Ting Zhi, a professional chef, to come up with ideas. Wang Ting Zhi remembered how Ji Ming had disguised himself as a construction worker to prevent him from selling the shop, so he sarcastically commented on Ji Ming's lack of expertise. >>read more

Episode 39: Wang Ting Zhi recognized Huang Yi Lin as his first love.

Wang Ting Zhi talked about how he came to Macau as a child due to his parents' divorce. Neither of his parents wanted him, and even though his mother brought him to Macau, she constantly fought with his father over the phone. This made Wang Ting Zhi feel extremely insecure. One day, he got lost and passed out while playing, but luckily a girl who had always comforted him through her drawings carried him out of the alley and saved his life. >>read more

Episode 40: Bai Yu Jue drowned his sorrows at the bar.

Bai Yu Jue realized that Huang Yi Lin and Wang Ting Zhi had a deep affection for each other, and she didn't stand a chance. Feeling down, she went to the bar to drink. Luo Hao noticed Bai Yu Jue's actions and was worried that she would get drunk and not know how to go home. He purposely went up to accompany her. Bai Yu Jue told Luo Hao not to meddle, but when Luo Hao joined her for a drink, she didn't refuse. >>read more

Episode 41: Huang Yi Lin is pregnant.

Huang Yi Lin wasn't feeling well today and went out for the whole day. Zhang Bao Qin was worried about her health and specifically asked Aunt Hao to check her pulse. Unexpectedly, they received astonishing news—Huang Yi Lin is actually pregnant. Zhang Bao Qin knew that the child must be Wang Ting Zhi's, and coincidentally, Wang Ting Zhi arrived. Zhang Bao Qin coldly instructed Wang Ting Zhi to sit down. Upon learning about Huang Yi Lin's pregnancy, Wang Ting Zhi immediately expressed his commitment to take responsibility. However, Zhang Bao Qin was still dissatisfied and made it clear that as a prospective son-in-law, he needed to pass a character test. She signaled Aunt Hao to pour a glass of poisonous wine. >>read more

Episode 42: Bai Yujue and Luo Hao's relationship is heating up.

Wang Tingzhi deliberately chose a time when everyone was in the store to propose to Huang Yilin and give her a status, but Huang Yilin didn't like the lack of ceremony in the proposal. She stopped Wang Tingzhi from kneeling down twice and bluntly expressed that it wasn't romantic enough. >>read more

Episode 43: Wang Qianqian is worried about being abandoned.

Bai Yujue talked about her life journey. Since she was little, she was fostered by relatives. Wang Tingzhi was the light of her childhood, always giving her courage and strength to move forward. However, when she grew up and reunited with Wang Tingzhi, she realized that this light did not belong to her, which made her very sad. Luo Hao lived in the shadow of his sister since he was little. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with his sister's footsteps. He once thought it was a kind of restraint, so he chose to leave. But as he grew up, he realized that his sister's light had always been protecting him, so now he also wants to strive to become a light and protect his sister. >>read more

Episode 44: Huang Yi Lin's broken promise saddened Wang Qianqian.

Zhang Baoqin, seeing Wang Qianqian angry, advised Huang Yi Lin to pay more attention to the ten-year-old Wang Qianqian. However, Huang Yi Lin, who has never been a mother, didn't know how to interact with children. Zhang Baoqin urged Huang Yi Lin to put herself in the child's shoes and follow her heart. Huang Yi Lin apologized to Wang Qianqian and took the initiative to propose taking her out to play for a day. Wang Qianqian's heart immediately fluttered upon hearing this, but she wanted to plan ahead before deciding where to go. Naturally, Huang Yi Lin agreed. >>read more

Episode 45: Huang Yi Lin is not pregnant.

Not only does Wang Qian Qian know that she is not Wang Ting Zhi's biological daughter, but she also knows that Wang Ting Zhi sold the house for her. However, she is worried that Wang Ting Zhi might not love her anymore if he has a new baby. When Wang Ting Zhi hears Wang Qian Qian's words, he tells her that he will never abandon her. Every time they part with a hug or a video call, it's because he doesn't want to let go, and he's also worried that Wang Qian Qian will suffer if she goes back to her biological mother. >>read more

Episode 46: Huang Yi Lin cannot reach Wang Ting Zhi.

The New Hao Hotel is organizing a tasting event, and only products that meet the requirements can be admitted to the hotel. When the neighbors heard about this, they all cooperated with Luo Hao. However, their skills were limited, and the appearance of the food did not meet the requirements. Wang Ting Zhi and Luo Hao brainstormed together and decided to take a combination of Chinese and Western routes. Based on the characteristics of the products, they decided to incorporate some Indian curry elements. >>read more

Episode 47: Huang Yilin is angry.

Zhang Baoqin's elderly dementia has flared up, mistaking Luo Hao for Wang Tingzhi. Whenever she sees someone, she talks about how things have been since he left and how Huang Yilin hasn't been eating or sleeping well, urging Wang Tingzhi not to leave again. Seeing Zhang Baoqin's urgency, Luo Hao reluctantly agrees to play the role of Wang Tingzhi, but his way of addressing Zhang Baoqin is different from Wang Tingzhi's, and Zhang Baoqin realizes that she has mistaken him for someone else. >>read more

Ending 48: Lovebirds finally become a couple.

Bai Yujue's leg injury has healed, and today she played on the beach with Luo Hao. They played in the water and chatted, and their feelings progressed rapidly. They held hands and ran together. That evening, Luo Hao attended an event in formal attire and invited Bai Yujue to dance with him. Their emotions intensified once again. Bai Yujue looked at the heartwarming note and realized that she had found her own happiness. >>read more