Episode 9 recap: Lv Xiang and Gu Xiao Meng had their first argument.

After the middle school entrance exam, Tian Ning accompanied Gu Xiao Meng to look at their class papers. Peng Fei ranked first in two subjects and among the top five in three subjects. Only in Chinese class did he write a short essay, which obviously satirized Gu Xiao Meng for wearing two masks, one hypocritical and the other also hypocritical.

Tian Ning teased Gu Xiao Meng that such a student still had Lu Xun's writing style, and it could be considered cultivating a future literary giant. He also thought that he should criticize him, but Gu Xiao Meng knew that Peng Fei was waiting for her criticism, so she just didn't criticize him and had her own way.

Gu Xiao Meng's students all thought that Gu Xiao Meng was the best teacher, and there was no doubt that she would be elected as the group leader this time. However, they still lacked a competition project, which everyone in the group wanted to complete. Some people also suggested that Peng Fei should talk to Vice Principal Peng, but some people also felt that if Gu Xiao Meng knew that it was through the back door, she would definitely not be the group leader. Peng Fei couldn't help but sneer, thinking that the Gu Xiao Meng he knew was different from the Gu Xiao Meng everyone else was talking about.

Gu Xiao Meng came to the class reunion mainly to see her former teacher, Mr. Yang, and ask him how to deal with students like Peng Fei. Mr. Yang thought that students like Peng Fei must have their own stories, just like Gu Xiao Meng back then. When Gu Xiao Meng was in class, she was also a problem student. She always dressed up deliberately to make herself look like a social girl, wore heavy makeup, and always skipped class. Mr. Yang's earnest persuasion seemed to have no effect. He even brought Gu Xiao Meng water to wash her face, hoping that she would wash off her makeup, thinking that it was not good for her skin. Gu Xiao Meng ignored him, so Mr. Yang had to go to class by himself, telling Gu Xiao Meng to leave later. He didn't want people to see him condoning Gu Xiao Meng's skipping class.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiao Meng was still a little ashamed. No one would have thought that the person who least resembled a teacher back then would end up being a teacher. When Gu Xiao Meng came back with tea for Mr. Yang, Xu Zhixing, the school grass of their class back then, had already arrived. When Xu Zhixing saw Gu Xiao Meng, his eyes lit up, and they shook hands with each other.

The two of them were originally in the school drama club, and they also co-starred as a couple in "Love in the Sky" written by Zhi-Xing Xu. Gu Xiao Meng regretted that she had to graduate after performing just a few times. Teacher Yang perceptively sensed that the two had a backstory between them.

When Gu Xiao Meng came back, Lv Xiang and Lv Zhi Gao were playing chess. They gestured to Gu Xiao Meng, indicating that the light on the bed had been removed. Gu Xiao Meng then signaled with her eyes for Lv Xiang to return to the room.

Lv Xiang found an excuse to go to Gu Xiao Meng, and Lv Zhi Gao sighed that his son was useless and always revolved around his wife. Lv Xiang asked Gu Xiao Meng how she felt about meeting Mr. Yang today. Gu Xiao Meng explained that she remembered what happened before. Mr. Yang specially sent her high-end cosmetics on her birthday, hoping that she could protect her skin while wearing makeup. He also understood Gu Xiao Meng's family life and understood that she always wanted to find some pain points to find her own value, but he hoped that Gu Xiao Meng would not do things that she would regret later.

He also pleaded with her that even if she wanted to be a problem girl, she should be an interesting problem girl. He also believed that someone would accompany her on the roller coaster, and everything would be fine. He also hoped that she would take pity on the teacher's self-esteem and not always skip class. It was not easy for them to teach class.

On the same day, Gu Xiao Meng met Lv Xiang, who accompanied her on a roller coaster ride. Gu Xiao Meng was very grateful that Lv Xiang was always by her side. Lv Zhi Gao unexpectedly helped to set up the stools, and Wang Hong hurriedly stopped him, thinking that it was not something a man should do. Lv Zhi Gao continued to work, because Wang Hong knew about his illness.

Wang Hong couldn't help but turn red-eyed. She could cook one more meal, and it would allow her son to eat one more meal. Just as she was busy serving the dishes, Gu Xiao Song came back and went straight to the room to find Lv Xiang and Gu Xiao Meng, claiming that he was here to repay the money.

Liu Mei Qin was very happy for her son. She believed that she was the one who treated everyone equally. Gu Xiao Song not only had to repay the money but also had to make a serious self-criticism. Gu Xiao Song also thought that he had indeed caused trouble for everyone and toasted everyone to apologize. Lv Zhi Gao advised Gu Xiao Song that even if he started a business, he should be down-to-earth and learn more from Lv Xiang, so as not to take small advantage and suffer big losses.

Gu Xiao Meng thought that Lv Zhi Gao was right and hoped that Gu Xiao Song could learn a lesson and go back to work, which was the safest option. On the contrary, Lv Xiang supported young people's adventurous spirit. Gu Xiao Song suggested staying for a few more days, but Liu Mei Qin said that she wanted to leave, but in fact, she hoped that Gu Xiao Meng could stay.

Lv Xiang quickly comforted Liu Mei Qin, hoping that they would all stay. He had taken on several projects now, and his design fee had also increased. At that time, everyone would have their own room. Wang Hong was very happy and felt that her son was promising. However, Liu Mei Qin was not optimistic. She also satirized that Lv Xiang's work was not as stable as Gu Xiao Meng's, and buying a house was not reliable.

Wang Hong was proud of her son, especially after listening to Lv Xiang's words tonight. She was also very happy that he gave everyone a large space. Lv Zhi Gao saw that Wang Hong's eyes were red and quickly comforted her. Back in the bedroom, Lv Xiang felt that he had said too much today. Gu Xiao Meng persuaded Lv Xiang not to say it in the future. Without expectations, there would be no disappointment.

At this time, Liu Mei Qin suddenly came in and specially prepared some fruit for Lv Xiang, specifically telling Lv Xiang not to turn off the computer, because he has been very busy with work recently and cannot delay. Liu Mei Qin's enthusiasm is extraordinary, and Gu Xiao Meng thinks this is just Liu Mei Qin's nature, fearing that in the future when Lv Xiang becomes successful, he will replace this wife. So she tries to curry favor with the son-in-law in advance.

When Lv Xiang and Jia Bao came to the school, they learned that the school had already found a new cooperative partner. Lv Xiang didn't know what to do, when he received a call from Old Zhang. Zhang Yi Yi had just finished the exam and hoped that Lv Xiang could give her a ride back. Lv Xiang hadn't had a chance to report to Old Zhang yet when Zhang Yi Yi sent a message to Old Zhang, saying that the new function hall might not do the project for them.

Old Zhang hurriedly called Lv Xiang, but Lv Xiang didn't know how to respond. After sending Zhang Yi Yi back, Lv Xiang stood there nervously, while Old Zhang paced back and forth, worried. But the client's sudden change of personnel has indeed brought them very bad impact. The incident happened right before the end-of-year assessment, and everyone outside is watching them, so it's not easy to get through this.

Lv Xiang suddenly proposed that his design fee has not increased for several years. Old Zhang claimed to serve the public and promised to raise the base salary a bit, while the design fee can be discussed next year. Lv Xiang was in a bad mood and drank too much when he went home, but Gu Xiao Meng saw through his act. She told Lv Xiang that she had seen the deputy principal bringing people to measure the new function hall, so she knew they were going to change personnel. Now they can't raise the salary, and they can't move to a new house either. She also blamed Lv Xiang for being too concerned about face and making everything complicated.

Lv Xiang hoped to take care of everyone's face so they could get along harmoniously, but Gu Xiao Meng felt that when they're together, it's just a mess. She's too tired of their current life, so they started arguing in the room. Outside, Wang Hong heard the argument and was worried. He thought it was normal for Lv Xiang to drink after a project, and they shouldn't be arguing.

Wang Hong and Lv Zhi Gao hoped the two could talk it out, but Gu Xiao Song believed the root cause of their conflict was because three elderly people were living in the house, leaving them no private time, which affected their life and led to the argument.

Liu Mei Qin agreed with her son's words, threatening that if she died, she would scatter her ashes into the sea so as not to burden the children. Hearing this, Wang Hong, thinking the words were directed at him, broke down and cried loudly. Hearing the elders arguing outside, Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang also came out to persuade them. Gu Xiao Meng blamed Liu Mei Qin for speaking carelessly, and Lv Xiang sent Wang Hong back to his room. The elders all felt wronged and cried, and Gu Xiao Meng no longer comforted anyone, her eyes reddening and feeling extremely troubled.

When going to sleep, neither Gu Xiao Meng nor Lv Xiang spoke, both thinking about the argument that night - their first cold war. The next day, Lv Zhi Gao accompanied Wang Hong for a check-up, and while waiting for the final results, Wang Hong no longer cared about the results, only worrying about his son Lv Xiang. Lv Zhi Gao persuaded Wang Hong to focus on recovering his health so he could help Lv Zhi Gao take care of the children in the future.

When Zhang Yi Yi reported to the school, Gu Xiao Meng introduced her to everyone. During the self-introduction, Zhang Yi Yi simply stated her name, feeling that saying more wouldn't be useful as no one would remember anyway. Before coming, Zhang Yi Yi had already read the class's WeChat group and understood a lot about her classmates in advance, but she had a strong self-protective awareness and only pointed out others' shortcomings.

When choosing a seat, Zhang Yi Yi prepared to sit next to Peng Fei, but quietly asked Gu Xiao Meng if she would be afraid of the two troublemakers sitting together. Gu Xiao Meng just gave a slight smile.

Gu Xiao Meng was also a little troubled. Another troublemaker had joined the class, and this was the first time she knew there were such students. Before coming, she had investigated all the students in the class, and now the teacher had to smile and praise this student, pretending to be calm.

While Lv Xiang was working at home, Liu Mei Qin was secretly watching, thinking Lv Xiang was pretending to work and was actually chatting with a woman.

Gu Xiao Meng and a few classmates planned to go see a play together, but everyone had something come up at the last minute. The only ones able to go were her, Zhou Hao, and Xu Zhi Hang.