Episode 3 recap: Liu Mei Qin made a plan to target Lv Xiang.

Gu Xiao Meng's mother knew about the arrival of Lv Xiang's parents, and also knew that her daughter had suffered a lot of hardship in it. She went to Gu Xiao Meng's house and actively cooked meals, and occasionally hinted to Gu's parents that her daughter was an excellent teacher and needed to prepare lessons after school, having no time to cook.

She took the initiative to go to the kitchen to replace her daughter in doing these things, and urged Gu Xiao Meng to hurry back to her room to prepare lessons. Gu Xiao Meng watched as her mother-in-law and mother both displayed their culinary skills, wanting to take the lead, and she was anxious to send a message to Lv Xiang, reminding him to come back quickly, otherwise the "fire" in the kitchen might also affect her.

As soon as Lv Xiang got home, he was fed by his mother-in-law, and Lv's mother also quickly fed Gu Xiao Meng, and the carbohydrate-restricted Gu Xiao Meng had to eat the oily cake, with the young couple hiding in the room. Looking at the two pigeons worrying, they posted a distress signal. Gu Xiao Meng could only hand over this troublesome mother to Lv Xiang, and since she had just finished washing her hair and wanted to blow-dry it, she asked Lv Xiang to get the hair dryer, only to find that her mother was taking a shower. Gu Xiao Meng knew her mother would be in the shower for at least two hours, so she planned to sleep. Lv Xiang felt sorry for his wife and was worried that she would have a headache the next day, so he quickly dried her hair with a towel. Gu Xiao Meng embraced Lv Xiang's arm, happily snuggling together, and all the unpleasantness just now seemed to have dissipated.

Wang Hong, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, was uneasy the whole time, guessing at Liu Mei Qin's intention, but Lv Zhi Gao confirmed that the house was bought with their money, and it was only natural for them to live with their son. Wang Hong seemed to have come to terms with it, and in order to save water, he deliberately made the dripping smaller, letting the drops fall into the basin. Liu Mei Qin, who was lying on the sofa, couldn't sleep because of the dripping sound, and she got up and turned it off.

In the middle of the night, Wang Hong woke up to the absence of the dripping sound and hurriedly urged his wife to turn on the faucet, but the drowsy wife turned it on too much, flooding the entire room, and Gu Xiao Song, who was sleeping on the floor, was directly soaked. The family was busy cleaning up the water, and Lv Xiang was also dissatisfied with his parents' behavior, believing that with the smart water meter, they should not do this, and that saving was actually a waste of water.

Liu Mei Qin was even more unhappy, reminding Gu Xiao Meng that she had to be firm at home and not always keep her back straight. Gu Xiao Meng didn't want to say much to her mother, and was preparing to go to work, but didn't forget to remind Gu Xiao Song to change clothes and dye his hair. Seeing Gu Xiao Song's hair like a leopard, Gu Xiao Meng felt uncomfortable, and the busy wiping and shouting sounds of the family also made her sigh.

Peng Fei was filming on campus, recording life, and was seen by security guard Li, who wanted to confiscate it. Fortunately, Gu Xiao Meng saw it and claimed that she had arranged for Peng Fei to shoot some teaching materials here, and Li immediately expressed his support. Taking this opportunity, Gu Xiao Meng also asked about Peng Fei's situation. She had previously visited Peng Fei's school and knew that Peng Fei was not a bad student, but didn't know why he didn't fit in here.

After this incident, Peng Fei was willing to talk to Gu Xiao Meng, and the problem of the transfer student was solved, making Gu Xiao Meng very happy. Lv Xiang had previously taken on a job for Ms. Wang, and at the time, when Gu Xiao Meng came to pick him up from work, Ms. Wang also had a high school student child, and was very impressed to know that Gu Xiao Meng was a teacher at a key middle school.

Thinking that there was a problem with this case, Lv Xiang hurriedly had his subordinate Jiaobao bring the bill to check, and his face changed drastically. Lv Xiang wanted to tell Gu Xiao Meng about this, but Gu Xiao Meng proudly talked about how she had changed Peng Fei, and Lv Xiang ultimately couldn't say it.

In the evening, Lv Xiang took Gu Xiao Meng to play a scriptwriting game, and the two of them dressed up in ancient costumes and took a lot of photos. Just as they were having a great time, the two mothers started causing trouble in the family group again, one mother asking Gu Xiao Meng about buying oil, and the other expressing sympathy for her daughter and asking Lv Xiang to pick her up.

The back-and-forth between the two mothers made Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang lose interest in playing. Gu Xiao Meng's mother praised her daughter's regular unit with overtime pay, and Wang Hong lamented that they had spent a lot of money buying the house. Liu Mei Qin mocked Lv Xiang's overtime as having nothing to show for it, and that it would be better to come home earlier to take care of the family. This round, Liu Mei Qin won again, leaving Wang Hong speechless.

Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang did not want to go home, and they could see that the two mothers wanted to compete over everything, but they were powerless to do anything about it. Lv Xiang told Gu Xiao Meng about the issue with Ms. Wang, as her daughter's grades had dropped after losing her father, and Gu Xiao Meng had sympathized with Ms. Wang and talked to her daughter twice, but didn't expect that this time it was Ms. Wang's report.

Liu Mei Qin, while bringing Gu Xiao Meng some fruit, scolded Lv's parents, believing that they came here wanting to stay and not leave, because they would always mention that the house was bought with their money.

Gu Xiao Meng believes that even if they really came to retire, it would not be a problem, and they could just rent a house at that time, and in his view, it is a very remote event.

Gu Xiao Meng feels that his mother always wants to have the upper hand in everything, so that's why the family is not happy. Liu Mei Qin is dissatisfied in her heart, feeling that she is doing it for Gu Xiao Meng, but is being criticized, and she also needs to help Gu Xiao Meng fight for the surname issue of the second child.

Gu Xiao Meng does not want to continue to cause trouble, reminding his mother that he will no longer get involved in his brother's affairs, and asks his mother not to get involved in the family affairs either. Gu Xiao Meng is a little troubled at work, and her good friend Tian Ning comforts Gu Xiao Meng, and also takes out her own campaign information, hoping that she can give some guidance, because it is precisely because Gu Xiao Meng is not participating in the election this time that she dares to run, and Gu Xiao Meng happily agrees.

Lv Xiang tells Gu Xiao Meng that he has a new project, and the company has been renovated, so he can only work from home. Gu Xiao Meng is worried that the house is in a mess and she cannot concentrate on her work, and the two also plan to have a good talk with the family members. Lv Xiang discussed with his parents in order to be able to work well at home, and his parents agreed to go back to their hometown, and travel before leaving. The two plan to book a tour group for Lv Xiang.

Lv Xiang also revealed this matter to Liu Mei Qin, but Liu Mei Qin has no intention of leaving. Lv Xiang is worrying about the staring contest between him and his mother-in-law, but Wang Hong has solved the problem with Liu Mei Qin during the conversation, actively proposing to travel together, and Liu Mei Qin readily agreed. The young couple heard this conversation in the room and were very happy.

Lv Xiang and Gu Xiao Meng went to find Mrs. Wang together, hoping that she could go and explain to the education commission. Mrs. Wang believes that after Gu Xiao Meng tutored her daughter, her grades actually got worse. Gu Xiao Meng explained that she had only talked on the phone twice, discussing her experience and learning methods, but never actually tutored her, because tutoring is strictly prohibited by the state.

Mrs. Wang promised to give money, hoping that Gu Xiao Meng would tutor her daughter, or transfer her daughter to a different school, but Gu Xiao Meng refused. Gu Xiao Meng hopes that Lv Xiang will not find Mrs. Wang again in the future, and is very disappointed that there are such people. Their conversation was overheard by a little girl.

Liu Mei Qin refuses to leave, especially now that Lv Xiang is at home, sleeping until noon. Liu Mei Qin does not understand the nature of his work and believes that this will drag down Gu Xiao Meng. Wang Hong and Lv Zhi Gao went out to play, feeling that there was nothing fun here, but they just hope that Gu Xiao Meng can get pregnant soon, but they don't dare to push. Lv Zhi Gao is dissatisfied that his wife used to be afraid of her mother-in-law, but now she has become the mother-in-law and is afraid of her daughter-in-law. Wang Hong can only promise to go back and ask.

In the evening, Liu Mei Qin took out the schedule again, blaming Lv Xiang for his irregular sleep, and also said that she would help establish good living habits before leaving, ostensibly to take care of Lv Xiang's health, but in reality, it is to control his life, fearing that it will affect Gu Xiao Meng.

Lv Xiang saw that the internet would be cut off at night and immediately expressed his opposition, because he needs to work at night. Liu Mei Qin, however, is concerned about her daughter, blaming Lv Xiang for not sleeping at night, which will affect Gu Xiao Meng's schedule, and in the future, Gu Xiao Meng won't be able to have a healthy baby. When it comes to having a child, Wang Hong also expresses support for this plan.

Gu Xiao Meng can only propose a vote, which is a tie at 3-3, but Liu Mei Qin insists that the younger ones must obey the elders. At night, Lv Xiang sealed the door tightly, making sure no light could get through, but surprisingly, Liu Mei Qin really cut off the internet. Gu Xiao Meng suggests that Lv Xiang follow the plan, so that Liu Mei Qin can leave sooner if he obeys. Lv Xiang sighs, but he is helpless.

The next day, Lv Xiang hadn't gotten up yet, and Liu Mei Qin directly barged into the room, blaming Lv Xiang for not getting up by 8 o'clock. Wang Hong felt sorry for his son and came to persuade, but Liu Mei Qin blamed Wang Hong for harming his son. Wang Hong knew he was in the wrong, as he had agreed to the plan, so he could only express support for Liu Mei Qin.

When Lv Xiang woke up, he found the refrigerator covered with the schedule, and Liu Mei Qin had also thrown away the coffee in the refrigerator, thinking that drinking coffee would not allow him to sleep well and would not be good for his mental health. Liu Mei Qin has her own set of theories, believing that the physical conditions of Chinese and foreigners are different, and that it is not good for Chinese people to drink it, and it will also affect sperm quality. Hearing this, Wang Hong immediately agreed and did not allow Lv Xiang to drink coffee.

On the way to check the equipment, Gu Xiao Song's friend reminded him to be cautious, but Gu Xiao Song is very confident, believing that he will not make the payment unless he sees the equipment. The friend suggested that Gu Xiao Song should have dinner at his house nearby in the evening, and Gu Xiao Song readily agreed.