Episode 10 recap: Peng Fei apologized to Gu Xiao Meng.

While Gu Xiao Meng and the others were watching the play "Love in the Sky", Zhou Hao frequently received phone calls and hurriedly left first. Xu Zhihang kept glancing back at the focused Gu Xiao Meng while watching the play. Liu Meiqi proactively apologized to Wang Hong's family for her poor attitude the other day, but she only wanted the best for Lv Xiang's couple. When she saw that Wang Hong had forgiven her, Liu Meiqi brought Wang Hong to Lv Xiang's doorstep, hoping she would hear a girl's voice calling Lv Xiang "darling".

Wang Hong felt someone was trying to destroy their family, and he wanted Wang Hong's family to unite against this. He could not believe his own child would do this, but Liu Meiqi was certain, so he planned to follow Lv Xiang the next day to see that woman. Lv Zhigao was the first to say that if Lv Xiang really did this, he would never forgive him. After Xu Zhihang and Gu Xiao Meng came out, they realized Zhou Hao would not return, so they decided to say goodbye to the old theater. They reminisced about the old days, and Gu Xiao Meng hadn't changed at all.

Seeing a group of students coming out, they felt nostalgic for youth. The students recognized Xu Zhihang and Gu Xiao Meng as the original male and female leads and excitedly took photos with them, as the two were still dressed similarly, looking like a couple. Lv Xiang also got dressed up and went out, with Wang Hong, Lv Zhigao, and others closely following him. They saw Lv Xiang enter a high-end club with a woman, so Wang Hong pretended to faint to distract the security, allowing Lv Zhigao and Liu Meiqi to sneak in and follow Lv Xiang, only to discover he was just attending a self-media training lecture with a woman named Jiabao.

Lv Xiang explained that he only wanted to become a science popularizer broadcaster, and the "darling" calling was just a common live-streaming technique. Gu Xiaosong also defended Lv Xiang, and Liu Meiqi admitted they had misjudged him, though she felt he should have communicated more about his lack of income. Lv Zhigao advised Lv Xiang to return to his job, but Liu Meiqi suggested he change companies, offering to recommend him to a good one, though Lv Xiang felt it didn't match his expertise.

Wang Hong's medical test results showed a shadow, but the doctor said it might not be a tumor and advised additional checks. Lv Zhigao comforted Wang Hong, saying it might even go away on its own. Wang Hong saw a young boy on the bus that he liked, feeling Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang's relationship could not continue, as they were not communicating.

Meanwhile, in the school, Zhao Ziwen and Wang Yangyang intentionally threw sandbags at Zhang Yiyi, who then quickly placed an orange on Wang Yangyang's chair, causing him to sit in the orange juice.

The issue has also reached Gu Xiao Meng's place. Zhang Yi Yi falsely claimed that she accidentally let it slip, but Gu Xiao Meng did not blame Zhang Yi Yi, and let her go back to class first. Gu Xiao Meng criticized Wang Yang Yang and Zhao Zi Wen, believing that they had violated the discipline first, but Zhao Zi Wen felt that Zhang Yi Yi was too good at acting.

Wang Hong persuaded Lv Xiang to try a different job, believing that only if he had a good job can Gu Xiao Meng live a good life, and they have to consider the child. Lv Zhi Gao also came to require Lv Xiang to listen to Liu Mei Qin's words and arrange an interview.

The Deputy Principal saw that Peng Fei had not gone home to study yet, and blamed him for not hurrying home to study. The test results this time also made the Deputy Principal very dissatisfied. Peng Fei learned from the Deputy Principal that Zhang Yi Yi was recommended by Gu Xiao Meng's husband, and was very dissatisfied with Gu Xiao Meng's current homeroom teacher's behavior, saying that he would take the child to make a fuss, saying that he wants to change Peng Fei, and wants to believe in Peng Fei, but Peng Fei's grades still haven't gone up.

Hearing this, Peng Fei hurriedly went to apologize to Gu Xiao Meng. He previously thought that she was watching Peng Fei's studies to curry favor with the Deputy Principal, so he deliberately wrote that essay to satirize Gu Xiao Meng. Gu Xiao Meng was rarely heard of Peng Fei's apology, and she was very happy.

In order to give Lv Xiang a good image for the interview, the two mothers tried their best to find him many clothes to try on. When Lv Xiang came back to the room after being busy for a long time, he saw Gu Xiao Meng with a towel wrapped around her head, and hurriedly went to get the hair dryer to blow-dry her hair, but Gu Xiao Meng removed the towel and hadn't even washed her hair.

Lv Xiang lay on the bed and cried loudly, feeling that everyone was bullying him today, and Gu Xiao Meng couldn't help but laugh.

The competition for the class leader is about to begin, but Gu Xiao Meng doesn't seem to be the least bit anxious. The classmates are all anxious for her, but Gu Xiao Meng believes that the classmates are her self-confidence and backing.

When discussing Li Qingzhao, everyone expressed their own opinions. Gu Xiao Meng specially asked Peng Fei to say a few words, and Peng Fei believed that calling Li Qingzhao the first female genius in history was not an exaggeration at all, and he also described Li Qingzhao's poems, which was met with thunderous applause from the entire class.

Zhao Zi Wen started to satirize Zhang Yi Yi, another transfer student, for not daring to say anything. Zhang Yi Yi angrily raised his hand and walked up to the podium, but said a lot of negative things, believing that Li Qingzhao was called a genius on the surface, but behind the scenes there were people saying she was a shrew, and re-introduced Li Qingzhao, feeling that Li Qingzhao was a drunkard with talent, and could beat the eight great masters of the Song Dynasty, and was also known as "Li Duidui", which was the kind of female genius Zhang Yi Yi liked.

However, Peng Fei stood up to debate, saying that although Li Qingzhao was not his idol, he admired her, but he could not belittle the eight great masters to the point of worthlessness, and he also enumerated many famous names and terms, believing that Li Qingzhao would not suppress them. Zhang Yi Yi did not win the debate and walked down the platform dejectedly. Gu Xiao Meng praised the students for all their good opinions, and also played a documentary to let the students get to know the modern view of Li Qingzhao.

At this time, Lv Zhi Gao and the other two elders were also accompanying Lv Xiang on the way to the interview, and the suits they had tried on all had tags, waiting to be returned after the interview.