Episode 8 recap: Liu Mei Qin wanted to rent a house but a conflict arose.

Upon hearing that Gu Xiao Meng had arranged for Lv Xiang to handle certain tasks, Wang Hong was dissatisfied and immediately expressed that he wanted to do these things himself. However, Gu Xiao Meng believed that in this household, everyone should be treated equally regardless of gender, and Liu Mei Qin was very pleased to see this.

Wang Hong thought that Gu Xiao Meng's attitude today was because he was angry with Lv Xiang, but Lv Zhi Gao believed that Gu Xiao Meng was actually targeting them and wanted them to leave, as he no longer found their presence meaningful. However, Lv Zhi Gao felt that Gu Xiao Meng had not been this way before, and that it was only after Liu Mei Qin's arrival that he had become this way, as if he wanted to drive them out so that Liu Mei Qin could live there.

After finishing the chores, Lv Xiang came to talk to Gu Xiao Meng, persuading him not to forget their parents' traditional mindset, which had been ingrained for many years and would take time to change. Gu Xiao Meng was not angry about this and inquired about the progress of the project, having already prepared a video of the previous multi-function hall for Lv Xiang to reference. Lv Xiang happily took the USB copy, certain that he could now create a great stir.

Liu Mei Qin was overjoyed, feeling that Gu Xiao Meng had finally come to his senses and was now treating Lv Xiang properly. She thought she could even add some more fuel to the fire. The next day, during a meal, Liu Mei Qin deliberately mentioned that her and Gu Xiao Song's stay in the living room would impact the two children, and that she felt Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang were too afraid to argue, which could lead to a toxic environment for them.

Liu Mei Qin planned to go rent a house, not wanting to interfere with others, but in reality, she also wanted to subtly guide the Lv Zhi Gao couple to leave quickly. Lv Zhi Gao took Wang Hong out. Wang Hong agreed with Liu Mei Qin's point and thought they should leave, but Lv Zhi Gao felt that Liu Mei Qin was too cunning and liked to scheme, and if they left, Lv Xiang would surely be no match for her.

Lv Zhi Gao felt that if they returned home now, it would be embarrassing, and since Wang Hong's illness could only be treated properly here, he felt that this was the time to truly nurture their son. If Lv Xiang could not even make decisions, then raising him would have been in vain.

Lv Xiang shared his design plan with the vice principal, who was satisfied with it, despite the fact that the renovation would be a money-losing venture. Gu Xiao Meng called Lv Xiang to request the USB, but Bao Cheng, who was supposed to deliver it, was afraid of being discovered and did not dare to do so, with Zhao Rui Long also tailing him.

Lv Xiang kept urging Bao Cheng to hurry and deliver the USB, so Bao Cheng sneakily went to Gu Xiao Meng's office and left it on the desk before leaving. Just as he left, Zhao Rui Cheng arrived and, seeing the USB, recalled the leader's words. Since this project was brought in by Lv Xiang, Zhao Rui Cheng had always suspected something was amiss, and now with the USB, he was convinced that there was indeed some kind of trick involved. Delighted, Zhao Rui Long quickly called the leader, just as the security guard arrived to apprehend Zhao Rui Cheng.

The students reported Bao Cheng, thinking he was a thief. When they later saw him at school, they thought he had run away, so they teamed up to try to catch him. Bao Cheng and Lv Xiang were quite perplexed. Gu Xiao Meng happened to come over and hurriedly stopped them.

Gu Xiao Meng quickly introduced Lv Xiang and Bao Cheng to everyone. Bao Cheng explained that he had secretly gone to put away a USB drive, but was mistaken for a thief. Gu Xiao Meng explained that Lv Xiang was renovating the new function hall, and Lv Xiang was worried he would be suspected of getting the project because of Gu Xiao Meng, but that was not the case. Everyone then understood the situation and expressed their trust in Gu Xiao Meng, who hoped they would oversee the project and that Lv Xiang would do a good job.

After returning, the leader severely scolded Zhao Rui Long. His company had gone to do a project, but he was arrested as a thief, which would make it difficult for him to take on future projects. The leader instructed Zhao Rui Long to treat Lv Xiang with respect, addressing him as "Teacher Lv", as this was related to Yiyi's future. Zhao Rui Long had been sent to investigate Gu Xiao Meng, but had learned nothing.

Zhao Rui Long tried to sow discord, feeling that Lv Xiang had not even mentioned Yiyi to Gu Xiao Meng and was not invested in it. He suggested that the leader and the teacher from the education bureau, Wang, work together to speed up the matter.

When Lv Xiang and Gu Xiao Meng returned home, they found a large dining table and a bunk bed had been added, set up for Gu Xiao Song and Liu Mei Qin. Liu Mei Qin felt this lacked aesthetics and made the home look ugly. Unexpectedly, Lv Xiang had also installed colored lights on the bed, which flashed when turned on. Gu Xiao Meng was not pleased about this and went back to the bedroom with Lv Xiang.

Gu Xiao Meng hoped Lv Xiang would remove the lights. Liu Mei Qin started looking for a house, and the agent introduced her to a neighboring house owned by Grandma Hu. After the agent left, Liu Mei Qin went to talk to Grandma Hu directly about renting the house, not wanting to go through the agent.

The agent then returned with two potential renters and scolded Liu Mei Qin for lacking etiquette. Grandma Hu also did not want to bother with Liu Mei Qin. Liu Mei Qin argued with the agent, until Wang Hong came down to help explain the situation.

That night, Liu Mei Qin specifically came to thank Wang Hong, but Lv Zhi Gao scolded her. Liu Mei Qin left feeling upset, and Gu Xiao Meng, seeing her mother's dejected state, felt uncomfortable but did not know how to console her.

The principal was aware of Yiyi coming to school and had spoken with the vice principal. Old Zhang happily told Yiyi about this, but Yiyi thought Gu Xiao Meng would just pretend to care for her due to Lv Xiang.

Lv Xiang then came to have Old Zhang sign a contract. Yiyi was further displeased with Lv Xiang, especially when he said girls should eat less sugary fruits.