Episode 2 recap: The Subtle Rivalry Between the Two Mothers.

Ever since Lv Xiang's parents arrived, it has been a tumultuous time. According to the household's lifestyle habits, Lv's mother hung a towel on the lamp, which nearly caught fire. Lv's mother felt remorseful about it. But Lv's father believed those lamps were just for show, and that two energy-efficient white bulbs would be safer. He scolded Lv Xiang loudly, arguing that they had spent a lifetime's worth of money for Lv Xiang to buy this house, yet they could only stay on a temporary hospital bed when they arrived.

Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang were not prepared for this, and felt uncomfortable when they heard about the pressure to have a child. Lv's parents believed it was time for them to have a child, and they had no plans to leave, leaving Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang perplexed. Suddenly, they smelled a burnt odor, as Lv's mother had placed a cloth on a floor lamp, which caught fire. She felt deeply remorseful, thinking she almost burned down the house.

However, Lv's father flew into a rage, claiming the lamp was just for show, and that he had spent so much money buying a house for Lv Xiang, only for them to have these kinds of lamps. He said a simple white bulb would be better. He was also dissatisfied with their bed, believing it was not a good one, as they planned to stay long-term, and the bed would need to be replaced.

Gu Xiao Meng realized her parents had no plans to leave, and felt worried. Lv Xiang made her a soft-boiled egg noodle dish, which Gu Xiao Meng happily ate, as it was her birthday. Lv Xiang kept complimenting Gu Xiao Meng, calling her the "perfect Chinese daughter-in-law", which delighted her heart but also made her think about her parents' demands, considering whether they should have a child.

Gu Xiao Meng told Lv Xiang that her relationship with her mother was delicate. She had moved far away to escape her family, but her mother was trying to make up for it, often taking matters into her own hands, though they remained close.

Lv Xiang reassured Gu Xiao Meng, promising to fulfill his commitments. Gu Xiao Meng finished the noodles happily. Just as they were about to sleep, Lv Xiang set up a large screen and played a video he had made, chronicling their relationship from the beginning to the present. Gu Xiao Meng was moved to tears, recalling moments like her graduation and wedding, which Lv Xiang had announced on a rollercoaster, despite his fear of heights.

Gu Xiao Meng had loved rollercoasters as a child, but after her father's passing, her mother had forbidden her from riding them. Lv Xiang promised to take her on a rollercoaster for every birthday. The couple reminisced about their sweet memories and shared a passionate kiss.

The next day, Gu Xiao Meng's brother Gu Xiao Song and their mother arrived at her office. Gu Xiao Meng's mother openly thanked everyone for their care, and brought local delicacies as gifts. Gu Xiao Meng felt the gifts were unnecessary, but her mother insisted it was her way of expressing gratitude.

Gu Xiao Meng learned that they had come unexpectedly, without booking a hotel. She offered to book one, but her brother and mother went to explore the school instead of giving a clear answer. Gu Xiao Meng's mother insisted on going upstairs to help clean and cook, despite Gu Xiao Meng's attempts to send them to a hotel.

At the apartment entrance, Gu Xiao Meng encountered Lv's parents, and the two sets of parents began exchanging pleasantries. Lv's mother immediately objected to the hotel idea and insisted they stay at their home. Gu Xiao Meng's mother readily agreed, and the two mothers hurried to buy groceries, each vying to assert their role as hostess.

Back home, the two mothers competed to cook, with Lv's mother calling Gu Xiao Meng to help, but Gu Xiao Meng's mother stopped her, insisting that as an outstanding teacher, Gu Xiao Meng should focus on her lesson planning. Gu Xiao Meng could see the underlying tension between the two mothers, despite their outward politeness.

Gu Xiao Meng hid in the room and made a phone call to Lv Xiang, asking for help and hoping he could come back quickly, or else the kitchen and her position as the wife would be in jeopardy. As soon as Lv Xiang returned home, Gu Xiao Meng handed him an SOS note. Lv Xiang hadn't realized what had happened yet, when both mothers brought their homemade dishes and insisted the two try them. Gu Xiao Meng, who was trying to cut down on carbs, was forced to eat the scallion pancakes against her will. Lv Xiang was also asked by Gu's mother to drink the soup, and she then brought out two pork trotters, one for each of them. Gu Xiao Meng took the pork trotters and found an excuse to hide in the room, with Lv Xiang following closely behind.

The two sat on the bed, staring at the two pork trotters worriedly. Lv Xiang stuck the SOS note on a water glass, with the pork trotters inserted in it, and they both silently made wishes over the trotters. Gu Xiao Meng felt that Lv Xiang had a good temper, so she left the two mothers to him from then on. The two of them lay on the bed, exhausted and letting out a long sigh.

In the living room, Lv's mother had spread floral-patterned fabrics over the table and chairs, and insisted that Gu's mother praise her needlework skills. Although Gu's mother didn't like such floral and colorful things, she still gave some perfunctory praise, and Gu's father sarcastically commented that this was the extent of her abilities. Before Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang could even rest, they heard their mothers calling them to eat. The two mothers had each brought out their signature dishes and wanted to know whose was better. Lv Xiang quickly intervened, suggesting that he and Gu Xiao Meng serve the dishes, allowing the mothers to rest.

The two were afraid the other would stay and they would lose, so they left the room hand in hand, pretending to be harmonious. As Lv Xiang and Gu Xiao Meng helped carry the dishes, they could see the two mothers were secretly competing in their culinary skills. Gu Xiao Meng was worried there would be too much food left over, but Lv Xiang wasn't concerned, knowing his father would finish it all.

During the meal, Gu Xiao Song announced his plan to set up an electronics factory here, having already sold his house in Suzhou and had no intention of returning. Gu Xiao Meng blamed her mother for selling the house without telling her, but Gu's mother insisted it was her own property to do with as she pleased. This led to an argument, with Gu Xiao Meng wanting to kick her mother and brother out, but Lv's father insisted they should stay.

Gu's mother then gave Lv Xiang some money, saying she had come prepared and could provide for her own living expenses. The parents realized there were hidden meanings behind each other's words, accusing the other of causing trouble by staying. But Lv Xiang welcomed both sets of parents to stay. Gu Xiao Song also apologized, acknowledging the day's conflicts were because of him. The family seemed to have reached an uneasy harmony, though the messy state of the room showed this once peaceful home had changed.

Lv Xiang arranged for his parents to sleep in the study, Gu's mother on the sofa, and Gu Xiao Song on the floor. Through this incident, Gu Xiao Meng realized her mother had a strong need for control - anything she deemed as cheap and of little value, even if her children had paid a high price for it, would be dismissed as useless.