Episode 11 recap: Gu Xiao Meng withdrew from the election for the group leader.

Liu Mei Qin was afraid of being misunderstood as interfering in Lv Xiang's job search, so the Wang Hong couple hurriedly clarified and expressed their gratitude to Liu Mei Qin. The three elderly people accompanied Lv Xiang to the interview, but Mr. Li's subordinates were not polite when interviewing Lv Xiang, thinking that Lv Xiang, at the age of 30, still needed to rely on connections to get a job.

Lv Xiang could not bear this humiliation, and left immediately. As he left, he overheard their phone conversation and learned that they were having some work problems. Coincidentally, Lv Xiang had cooperated with some brands before, so he immediately wrote it down and reminded them that if they needed any help, they could come to him, implying that their attitude was too poor and impolite, and that no one would want to work with them.

After Lv Xiang returned, Liu Mei Qin called Mr. Li to apologize, promising to take Lv Xiang to his office the next day to apologize in person, but Lv Xiang insisted on not going. As the two sides were in conflict, Gu Xiao Meng returned, and Wang Hong hurriedly asked Gu Xiao Meng to persuade Lv Xiang.

However, Gu Xiao Meng understood Lv Xiang's perspective. She had always admired Lv Xiang's non-competitive personality and dislike for office politics, even though his income was unstable. She hoped her parents would not get so anxious about Lv Xiang's job.

Lv Zhi Gao thought Lv Xiang was being suppressed and had no ambition, but Gu Xiao Meng believed that there are many paths to success, and Lv Xiang was just going through a difficult time. She hoped everyone could give him time and not try to find him a job, allowing him to persist in his design career.

Wang Hong was delighted and praised Gu Xiao Meng for her wisdom. Gu Xiao Meng then comforted Lv Xiang, knowing he had been wronged, and under her persuasion, Lv Xiang's resentment was relieved.

At this time, Xu Zhi Xing sent a message, reminding Lv Xiang that he was Gu Xiao Meng's senior from university. Gu Xiao Meng admitted that they were planning to visit the old theater before it was demolished. Lv Xiang was secretly searching for "romance" on his phone, which made Gu Xiao Meng smile.

Gu Xiao Meng was about to give a speech, and her classmates were very anxious, hoping she would not embarrass them. Gu Xiao Meng was amused by their eagerness and promised not to let them down.

Xiao Ai kept calling Gu Xiao Song to ask about his career progress, making him a bit anxious. He then contacted Xiao Gao, who informed him that they were preparing to make him a partner, which made Gu Xiao Song very happy. In the evening, Gu Xiao Song came to Gu Xiao Meng and asked her to take care of their mother Liu Mei Qin, as he was about to become a partner in a company.

Gu Xiao Meng became very angry, accusing Gu Xiao Song of lacking responsibility. Their mother had given all her property to Gu Xiao Song, selling the house to help him start a business, but now he no longer cared about her. The two sisters argued in the room, with Gu Xiao Song claiming that their mother's interference had led to his current business opportunity, and that he had been forced to enter a fake marriage.

Their argument was overheard by Liu Mei Qin, who was standing outside the door and shed tears. When Gu Xiao Song woke up, he found a note from his mother, and hurriedly notified Gu Xiao Meng. Due to this, Gu Xiao Meng could not attend the election speech, and her classmates planned to replace her on stage.

Gu Xiao Meng went to the police station to report her mother's disappearance, but she was surprised to realize that she had never paid attention to what her mother wore. Lv Xiang and Gu Xiao Song also came to the police station, and they were able to provide more detailed information about Liu Mei Qin's clothes and belongings, which the police believed would help in locating her.

Tian Ning used half of the time for his speech, and left the other half for the students, hoping they could give a speech in place of Gu Xiao Meng. The vice principal Peng was not satisfied that Peng Fei also participated, but Peng Fei felt this was a place for free speech. Principal Zheng, on the contrary, thought they should give it a chance.

Soon the police got the news and knew where Liu Mei Qin had gone. Gu Xiao Meng and others rushed over, and found that Liu Mei Qin went to a restaurant, not only being picky about the food, but also not paying the bill. Moreover, Liu Mei Qin thought the restaurant's prices were too high and scolded them.

The boss was helpless and wanted to treat her, but did not want to deal with Liu Mei Qin. Lv Xiang hurriedly offered to pay the bill, which dispelled the boss's dissatisfaction. When Gu Xiao Meng helped Liu Mei Qin up to leave, Liu Mei Qin almost fell. Gu Xiao Meng also noticed that her mother had a row of white hair on the back of her neck, which she usually hid with a scarf, so Gu Xiao Meng had not noticed before. Now she suddenly realized that her mother had also aged, feeling a mix of emotions.

After returning home, Wang Hong scolded Gu Xiao Song and Gu Xiao Meng, asking them not to hurt their mother's feelings, and said they should cook a reunion meal themselves. Gu Xiao Meng couldn't help but thank Wang Hong. Due to the need to attend class, Gu Xiao Meng hurriedly left.

At the school meeting, Principal Zheng felt that Gu Xiao Meng was indeed good, just that she violated the rules today by not giving a speech. But some people felt that Peng Fei, who was against Gu Xiao Meng last month, was now speaking up for her this month, indicating that Gu Xiao Meng's abilities were indeed extraordinary.

Although Gu Xiao Meng did not come, the students' excellent speeches still impressed the colleagues. If Gu Xiao Meng was really elected as the group leader, everyone would readily accept it. When Gu Xiao Meng went back, she applied medicine to her mother's legs. Liu Mei Qin also admitted that her leaving at the time was due to a momentary impulse. The siblings apologized to each other, hoping their mother could live at ease.

Liu Mei Qin did not want to burden Gu Xiao Meng, so she wanted to move out. No matter what, she wanted to return the favor to Wang Hong's family. Gu Xiao Meng understood her mother's temper and did not say much.

Through today's events, Gu Xiao Meng had many reflections, and shared her concerns with Lv Xiang. She also gradually understood her mother. Lv Xiang comforted Gu Xiao Meng, saying that everyone will grow old, but Gu Xiao Meng will always be young in her heart.

Gu Xiao Meng wanted to know what kind of romance Lv Xiang was searching for that day, but Lv Xiang deliberately kept it a secret. When Gu Xiao Meng came to class, she announced that she had voluntarily withdrawn from the competition for the group leader position. The classmates were disappointed, and Zhao Zi Wen told everyone that Zhang Yi Yi got the position through connections, and someone covered it up as Gu Xiao Meng's withdrawal.

With Gu Xiao Meng's withdrawal, Tian Ning was elected as the group leader, but she was not as happy as expected. Lv Xiang came to pick up Gu Xiao Meng and had already bought tickets to an amusement park, which delighted Gu Xiao Meng. At the deserted amusement park, Lv Xiang created a romantic scene, with lights turning on and puppet people dancing along the streets.

Around the roller coaster, there were colorful lights, and two beams of light shone on the two of them. The heart-shaped lights were lit, and the roller coaster started. All of this was so beautiful that Gu Xiao Meng felt like she was dreaming. She hugged Lv Xiang tightly and gave her a deep kiss.

Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang were woken up by the alarm clock in the early morning, and suddenly realized they were already late for work, so they hurriedly ran out.