Episode 12 recap: Zhang Yi Yi and Zhao Zi Wen reconciled.

Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang did not return home overnight, Liu Mei Qin did not know the reason, and she wanted to make a nutritious soup for Gu Xiao Meng, believing that the family's house purchase still depended on Gu Xiao Meng. Although Wang Hong was not happy to hear it, she did not say anything.

Lv Xiang hoped that the matter of raising the design fee was always unsuccessful, but Old Zhang allowed Lv Xiang to take on private work. He pretended not to see it, only hoping that Lv Xiang could talk to Gu Xiao Meng to be nicer to Zhang Yi Yi. Lv Xiang believed that Zhang Yi Yi and Gu Xiao Meng were like mother and daughter, which also made Old Zhang feel at ease.

In the class, there was a conflict because Gu Xiao Meng did not become the group leader. Online, there were also negative posts about Zhang Yi Yi. The classmates always felt that Zhang Yi Yi was admitted because of Gu Xiao Meng's relationship. Zhang Yi Yi and Zhao Zi Wen almost got into a fight, which was fortunately seen by Principal Zheng and Vice Principal Peng.

Principal Zheng took the initiative to apologize, as Zhang Yi Yi was approved by him, and he did not expect such an incident to happen. Gu Xiao Meng said she would investigate who posted the message, and she would also closely follow Zhang Yi Yi's situation, and if necessary, provide psychological guidance. Principal Zheng proposed not only to focus on academic performance, but also on morality, and not to let this incident spread, so as not to harm the students.

Zhao Zi Wen and Wang Yang Yang took the initiative to admit their mistakes to Gu Xiao Meng, saying that they should not have caused trouble in the class, but they did not regret the matter about Zhang Yi Yi. Gu Xiao Meng hoped that everyone would think about the truth of the matter, as this would not only hurt Zhang Yi Yi, but also bring negative impact to the class, and everyone remained silent.

At noon, Gu Xiao Meng received a call from home, explaining the overnight incident. Tian Ning, upon hearing this, could not help but tease Gu Xiao Meng about her romance. At the same time, she also persuaded Gu Xiao Meng to persuade Zhang Yi Yi to withdraw, to avoid such an incident from happening again, but Gu Xiao Meng felt that the matter could not be handled so hastily.

Zhao Zi Wen grabbed Zhang Yi Yi, believing that the online matter was related to her. The two made a bet that if it was Zhang Yi Yi's doing, after the investigation, she would have to cut her hair like Peng Fei's hairstyle. When Zhang Yi Yi left school, her classmates pointed at her, but she did not care and got on the car to leave, with Peng Fei silently watching her.

Wang Hong and Grandma Hu went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and again talked about the couple's desire to have a child. Grandma Hu believed that if the couple had a child, they would no longer bicker, which also made Wang Hong think about it, especially since she was going to the hospital the next day to check the results, and she even more hoped that this matter could be implemented as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Wang Hong specially prepared soy milk for Gu Xiao Meng, and couldn't help but smile happily as she watched Gu Xiao Meng take the soy milk and leave. When Gu Xiao Meng drank the soy milk, she found the taste was off. Lv Xiang felt that it might be some health secret given by an old lady, and the two did not suspect that there might be fertility-enhancing substances added to the soy milk.

Gu Xiao Meng specifically took a lesson on cases of cyberbullying, but some people believed that if a mistake was made, one should accept violence. Gu Xiao Meng believed that some people had prejudices against Zhang Yi Yi beforehand, so when they saw the rumors, they immediately thought it was Zhang Yi Yi's doing, without verifying the truth of the matter.

Gu Xiao Meng had already investigated and found that Zhang Yi Yi had previously participated in some programs and was photoshopped. She hoped that everyone would not believe the internet and maintain rationality, and not arbitrarily attack a person, otherwise it would lose the meaning of going to school. Gu Xiao Meng hoped that Wang Yang Yang and Zhao Zi Wen could apologize to Zhang Yi Yi together, but Zhang Yi Yi shook her head and said she did not care whether they apologized or not. Gu Xiao Meng hoped the two could do their best to clarify the matter at school.

Gu Xiao Meng also criticized Zhang Yi Yi for previously judging her classmates based on information from the internet, which was inaccurate. Now the classmates were also using the information on the internet to speak against Zhang Yi Yi, so she hoped that they could all get along peacefully in the future. After class, Zhao Zi Wen and Wang Yang Yang apologized to each class, and Zhao Zi Wen was excited to have found a super handsome guy in Grade 1, but when he saw Zhang Yi Yi coming, neither he nor Wang Yang Yang could say the words of apology. Zhang Yi Yi took the initiative to ask Zhao Zi Wen to cut her hair like Peng Fei's, saying that she would do the same thing.

Peng Fei happened to overhear the conversation between the two, and in the evening he went to the hair salon to change his hairstyle. Wang Yang Yang tried to persuade Zhang Yi Yi to cancel the haircut, but was rejected. At this time, Peng Fei came to school wearing a hat, and a mischievous classmate took off the hat, only to find that Peng Fei had actually grown long hair, and everyone began to admire Peng Fei's behavior.

Zhao Zi Wen was very grateful to Peng Fei. Zhang Yi Yi also said that she would not pursue the matter between the two, but she cut off a lock of her own hair on the spot. At this time, Gu Xiao Meng came to class and found that the classmates were all standing together. Hearing that the conflict between Zhang Yi Yi and Zhao Zi Wen had been resolved, Gu Xiao Meng asked Zhang Yi Yi for the cut hair, and was also curious about Peng Fei's hair, and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Gu Xiao Meng called Zhang Yi Yi to the office and trimmed her hair, making her look more like a beautiful girl. Zhang Yi Yi suddenly felt that Gu Xiao Meng was different from other teachers, and she really admired Gu Xiao Meng, whose skills were also very good.

When Zhang Yi Yi returned to the classroom, she stood on the podium and re-introduced herself, and the whole class burst into enthusiastic applause. Zhang Yi Yi officially integrated into this class.Gu Xiao Meng felt that no one in the class dared to provoke Peng Fei, but Zhang Yi Yi dared, and no one could control Zhang Yi Yi, but Peng Fei dared. She hoped to use this chemical reaction to create more surprises.

In the evening, Gu Xiao Meng felt that the soup she was drinking was too salty. Wang Hong mentioned a folk remedy from Grandma Hu that could help have a second child, which was said to be the placenta. Gu Xiao Meng immediately vomited. Liu Mei Qin blamed Wang Hong for not being able to supplement the body properly, saying that the placenta could have bacteria. Wang Hong felt a little guilty.

She admitted that she just wanted to supplement the health of the young people so that they could have children to help take care of them in the future. Lv Xiang also felt that having children was not that simple and should not be arranged so casually. Several people got into an argument about having children, and Liu Mei Qin claimed to be progressive, now respecting the will of the children, which made Lv Zhi Gao lose his appetite.

Wang Hong persuaded Lv Zhi Gao, thinking that since Lv Xiang's job was unstable, they should let the children decide whether to have children or not. Lv Zhi Gao planned to explain Wang Hong's illness to Lv Xiang, but Wang Hong insisted that she would not have surgery even if she was diagnosed.

After this incident, Lv Xiang planned to persuade his parents to go back to Shandong, not wanting them to interfere with his life, whether to have children or how to educate them. When Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang went out for a private time, the results of Wang Hong's checkup came out, excluding the possibility of hematoma and preliminarily judging it as a brain tumor. Wang Hong couldn't help but cry in the hospital, insisting on not having surgery because she didn't want to be bedridden and wanted to take care of her grandchild.

Lv Zhi Gao wanted to tell the children, but Wang Hong warned Lv Zhi Gao that if he insisted on telling them, she would go die. At night, Wang Hong found it difficult to tidy up the table and chairs, and Gu Xiao Meng immediately asked Wang Hong to rest and she would take care of the rest.

Liu Mei Qin thought Wang Hong was angry because Gu Xiao Meng and the others didn't want children. Lv Xiang came to his parents specifically and promised that they should be able to have children soon, but Lv Zhi Gao knew that Lv Xiang must have other things, and sure enough, Lv Xiang proposed that his parents go back to Shandong, which made Lv Zhi Gao very angry, thinking that Lv Xiang was trying to drive them away.

Lv Xiang explained that because they were here, plus Liu Mei Qin was also here, they were having a hard time dealing with everything. Wang Hong was worried that Liu Mei Qin would bother Lv Xiang, and Lv Xiang thought Liu Mei Qin didn't really want to stay here, because Liu Mei Qin was here for Gu Xiao Song and Lv Zhi Gao's couple.

Lv Zhi Gao immediately said he could leave immediately, and would leave tomorrow, but he hoped Wang Hong could stay here a few more days. Lv Xiang promised to buy the tickets right away. Lv Xiang went back and started boasting that he got angry and his father obediently went back, but Gu Xiao Meng didn't really believe it, and knew what Lv Xiang was like in front of his parents. Lv Xiang could only tell the truth that it was his father who actively proposed it, but he didn't know exactly what he was thinking.

Gu Xiao Meng didn't know how they suddenly realized it, but no matter what, as long as the father left, the mother wouldn't stay here for too long. Gu Xiao Meng immediately proposed to buy some local specialties for the parents to take back.