Episode 7 recap: Wang Hong discovered Gu Xiao Song's IOU.

Gu Xiao Meng comforted Wang Hong and returned to the room, but still felt that Wang Hong's mood was not quite right. Lv Xiang confirmed that his mother was just so fickle, and Gu Xiao Meng felt that she had already communicated very sincerely with the Wang Hong couple, but now seeing them crying bitterly, she just couldn't understand them.

At this time, Gu Xiao Meng really wanted to buy a bigger house and must get the position of team leader. Lv Xiang tentatively asked Gu Xiao Meng that if his daughter could enter the first middle school, and join Gu Xiao Meng's class, would she be treated equally. Gu Xiao Meng said that as long as the process is correct and compliant, he has no objections.

The next day, Lv Xiang went to find the vice principal Peng and raised this matter, saying that his daughter can enter through the regular examination qualifications, and just hope that she can enter Gu Xiao Meng's class. Vice Principal Peng agreed. After knowing that Lv Xiang is a designer, he hoped that he could also take on the school's engineering projects. Lv Xiang promised to give the lowest price, but Vice Principal Peng said that he must go through the regular bidding process.

When Gu Xiao Song went to find Nan Ge, he found that no one was at home. After contacting his classmates, he found that Nan Ge owed a lot of debts, deceiving the money of relatives and friends, and also borrowed a lot of external debts. Gu Xiao Song rushed to find Kang Li, hoping to find Nan Ge, and as long as he could get the money back, he would give Kang Li the promised 100,000. Kang Li said that she didn't want a penny, and gave it all to Gu Xiao Song.

Kang Li was a little sad and shed tears. Over the years, she had worked hard for a man, that man said that no matter how difficult it was, he would never abandon her, and that man was Nan Ge. Kang Li felt that when she was asked to have a fake marriage with Gu Xiao Song at that time, she knew he was not sincere, he just wanted to gamble, but she didn't expect to lose so badly.

Kang Li promised to get divorced tomorrow, and the factory has also been sold, so she will give the money to Gu Xiao Song tomorrow, and will never owe anyone anything again. At this time, Gu Xiao Song received a call from Xiao Ai, asking when he would return to Suzhou. Gu Xiao Song, for convenience, could only hide from Kang Li to reply to the message, promising to handle the matter here as soon as possible.

Lv Xiang later went to the leader and told him about his finding of Vice Principal Peng, and the multi-function hall renovation project of the first middle school would also fall on them, but he hoped to do this project with Jia Bao. The leader was excited and immediately agreed, and also let Zhao Ruilong help Lv Xiang.

Lv Xiang then told the leader that he felt this project of the first middle school might lose money, but if it was done well, it would be advertising for them, and if the children came, it would be even more glorious. The leader immediately agreed and let Lv Xiang go and measure and budget first. The two parties hit it off.

When Wang Hong was doing Lv Xiang's laundry, she found a 200,000 IOU of Gu Xiao Song in his pocket. Wang Hong rushed to find Lv Zhigao, believing that Gu Xiao Meng had colluded with her family members to deceive Lv Xiang's money. Wang Hong felt sorry for her son, feeling that her son had worked so hard and stayed up late to draw the blueprints.

The Wang Hong couple later went to find Liu Meiqin and revealed the matter. Liu Meiqin didn't know what was going on either, and called Gu Xiao Meng out to ask. Gu Xiao Meng looked at the IOU angrily and rushed into the room, showing the IOU to Lv Xiang and blaming Lv Xiang for deceiving her.

Lv Xiang quickly coaxed his wife, other men are afraid that their wives will do Voldemort, but Lv Xiang just wants to help his wife's family get along harmoniously. Gu Xiao Meng got even angrier, feeling that Lv Xiang was just trying to smooth things over. Outside, Liu Meiqin felt that this matter was also Lv Xiang's fault, he shouldn't have lent money to Gu Xiao Song. Wang Hong also protected her son, and the couple inside didn't start arguing, but the two mothers outside were about to start arguing. Lv Zhigao hurriedly stopped the two from continuing to argue, carefully leaned against the door to try to hear what the people inside were saying.

Gu Xiao Meng didn't want to argue, because she knew that no matter what she said, Lv Xiang wouldn't budge. Lv Xiang persuaded Gu Xiao Meng that the top priority was to work hard and improve the current living environment. Seeing Gu Xiao Meng's angry appearance, Lv Xiang coaxed and sang songs to cheer her up, and the elders outside also listened in bewilderment.

I don't know why the two of them sang again, and Gu Xiao Meng was also amused by Lv Xiang. The next day, Gu Xiao Meng cancelled all the little notes and various restrictions that Wang Hong and Liu Mei Qin had posted, because they had originally planned to stay temporarily, but now they wanted to stay long-term, so they needed to restore to the regular state.

Since everyone wants to live here long-term, we should respect each person's living habits. Afterwards, Gu Xiao Song was also notified to repay the money to Lv Xiang as soon as possible. After a thorough scolding, Gu Xiao Meng and Lv Xiang left the house, leaving a few bewildered elders behind.

Lv Xiang and Gu Xiao Meng had breakfast together, and she didn't want to keep pretending to be a good daughter-in-law anymore. Lv Xiang continued to coax his wife. At this time, Gu Xiao Song had already divorced Kang Li, and Kang Li agreed to give him the money. Meanwhile, Xiao Ai called again, wanting to come find Gu Xiao Song, who was somewhat troubled, not knowing how to explain his marriage and divorce to Xiao Ai.

In class, Gu Xiao Meng asked everyone to recite their favorite poem from "The Pipa Song", and everyone could only recite one line. When she deliberately asked Peng Fei, he was able to recite the entire poem, leaving the students dumbfounded. Gu Xiao Meng took the lead in applauding, and the classmates couldn't help but marvel at Peng Fei's handsomeness.

The Vice Principal specially came to find Gu Xiao Meng, knowing about her participation in the class leader election, and reminded her to pay attention to her image during this period, as the monthly exams were coming up soon. The Vice Principal was also concerned about Peng Fei's exam performance, but Gu Xiao Meng believed Peng Fei would do well this time.

When the Vice Principal left, Tian Ning came in and heard that Peng Fei had become the center of attention. She also sincerely praised him. Gu Xiao Meng felt that Peng Fei was very smart, but lacked communication with his father. When Gu Xiao Meng was about to leave school by bike, Lv Xiang came in disguise, like an underground party contact, because he was about to take over the school project and didn't want to affect Gu Xiao Meng's image.

Xiao Ai sent a message to Gu Xiao Song, wanting to video call to understand Gu Xiao Song's current situation. Gu Xiao Song was afraid that his business dealings would be exposed, so he came to Lv Xiang again for help, hoping to borrow the office to fool Xiao Ai. He liked Xiao Ai but was also afraid of her anger.

Lv Xiang was initially reluctant, but Xiao Ai's video call had already come in. Gu Xiao Song pretended to be discussing business, asking Lv Xiang to help pretend to be a client on the video call. Lv Xiang persuaded Gu Xiao Song that if he wanted to be with Xiao Ai, he should just clarify the divorce issue properly. Gu Xiao Song planned to wait until his career was successful before marrying Xiao Ai.

In class, Gu Xiao Meng was concerned about everyone's monthly exams, but the classmates were more concerned about Gu Xiao Meng's class leader election. They even specially came up with plans for her, each offering suggestions. However, Peng Fei reminded everyone not to occupy class time and urged them to start the lesson. Gu Xiao Meng also felt that learning should be the top priority.

When Lv Xiang came to find Old Zhang, Old Zhang hoped that Lv Xiang could cooperate with Zhao Ruilong, as he was also very optimistic about this project. But Bao Cheng was dissatisfied, knowing that Zhang Ruilong was not a good person and would only snitch. Zhao Ruilong also came over, speaking in a sarcastic and arrogant manner. Lv Xiang also persuaded Bao Cheng to speak less.

After the meal, Gu Xiao Meng cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, and Lv Xiang also came to help. However, Wang Hong hurriedly stopped him, believing that men should not do these chores. Gu Xiao Meng directly asked Lv Xiang to do as before - she needed to prepare her lessons, and Lv Xiang needed to do the dishes. Household chores should be shared, and he also needed to tidy up the clothes.