Episode 1 recap: Gu Xiao Meng's birthday, Lv Xiang's parents came.

Gu Xiao Meng (played by Deng Jia Jia) was busy grading homework at home when she heard her husband Lv Xiang (played by Yang Le) calling urgently. Gu Xiao Meng rushed over, thinking Lv Xiang was lost, but it turned out Lv Xiang was deliberately using cheesy romantic lines to surprise his wife. When Gu Xiao Meng checked, she realized he only had eyes for her.

Lv Xiang took the opportunity to hug Gu Xiao Meng around the waist and wish her a happy birthday. Gu Xiao Meng went to work at the school, full of youthful vigor, but as soon as she arrived at the office, she learned that the new deputy principal, Peng, had implemented a new measure to have someone specifically search students' phones. The office staff discussed this new measure extensively, and Gu Xiao Meng did not quite agree with it.

Teacher Ning gave Gu Xiao Meng clothes as a birthday gift, and the students danced to express their birthday wishes and love for the teacher. Gu Xiao Meng stood on the rooftop and made a heart shape with her hands to the students. Just as the atmosphere was enthusiastic, the arrival of Deputy Principal Peng cooled things down. Peng scolded them for coming here to goof off instead of focusing on their studies.

Gu Xiao Meng proactively greeted Peng but was immediately reprimanded for disregarding school discipline. Gu Xiao Meng explained this was a motivational class she was teaching, a popular "rooftop confession", but Peng did not believe her and asked Gu Xiao Meng to demonstrate the class. Gu Xiao Meng quickly had the students shout out their wishes and confessions, with the class monitor leading them in a loud chant to study hard. Only Peng Fei remained coldly uninvolved. In the end, Peng was infected by the students' enthusiasm and did not criticize them further.

After sending Gu Xiao Meng to work, Lv Xiang went to the office but found his office had been occupied by the new deputy manager, Zhao Ruilong. Lv Xiang had no choice but to work in the lobby with the others. Zhao and Lv Xiang had never gotten along, and Lv Xiang was far more capable, yet Zhao had climbed above him.

While colleagues sympathized with Lv Xiang, feeling the deputy manager position should have been his, Lv Xiang chose to swallow his pride. As the breadwinner with a family to support, he knew he was past the age of resigning recklessly. Lv Xiang brought Gu Xiao Meng to an amusement park with flowers to celebrate her birthday, taking photos to document over a thousand days of their love story, recalling first seeing Gu Xiao Meng sitting by the roadside dressed as a clown, when he couldn't resist filming her, only to be discovered.

Not only was Gu Xiao Meng not angry, but she smiled and gestured back. At that moment, a thief stole Lv Xiang's other phone from his pocket and ran off. As the thief passed by Gu Xiao Meng, she quickly scattered the flyers in her hand, causing the thief to slip and fall, allowing Lv Xiang to retrieve his phone.

To thank Gu Xiao Meng, Lv Xiang accompanied her on a rollercoaster ride, and when he saw Gu Xiao Meng's pretty face, he couldn't help but be mesmerized. Every birthday since then, Gu Xiao Meng would come to ride the rollercoaster, and the couple remained affectionate even after many years of marriage. Just as they were sweetly celebrating their birthday, they received a call from their parents.

It turned out that Lv Xiang's parents had come from their hometown in Shandong to Beijing and entered a restaurant to eat. The restaurant had a rule that you had to eat whatever dish was served. Lv Xiang's father, with his stubborn temper, was afraid of being looked down upon and insisted on staying to eat, but due to the unusual dishes served, he ended up overturning the table. When Lv Xiang and his wife arrived, the two parties were arguing, and the police were even called. The restaurant owner's daughter also called, complaining about her poor exam results. Hearing that the child's grades were not improving, Gu Xiao Meng introduced herself and provided learning methods, and the restaurant owner was extremely grateful and saw off Lv Xiang and the others, praising Gu Xiao Meng highly.

Lv Xiang's mother made couch covers, cutting board covers, and even a TV cover, constantly reminding Lv Xiang not to be extravagant and wasteful, and that the items could be easily cleaned when dirty, without needing to replace everything. When Gu Xiao Meng was changing clothes, Lv Xiang's mother barged in without knocking to clean, and Gu Xiao Meng, embarrassed, used the wardrobe door to shield her body, urging Lv Xiang's mother to leave, but she ignored it and approached Gu Xiao Meng to talk, leaving Gu Xiao Meng extremely embarrassed and having to quickly agree with her and send her away.

The young couple had planned to go out for dinner, but upon hearing that it was Gu Xiao Meng's birthday, Lv Xiang's mother arranged a meal at home. Lv Xiang's father then gave Lv Xiang a lecture on the proper seating position during the meal, criticizing them for having so many cups stacked in the cabinet, not realizing they were for decoration.

Lv Xiang's father expressed his blessings to Gu Xiao Meng and thanked her for taking care of Lv Xiang, even specially serving her sea cucumber, which Gu Xiao Meng disliked. Lv Xiang was about to decline on Gu Xiao Meng's behalf, but Gu Xiao Meng felt it was their good intention and quickly accepted it.

After the meal, Lv Xiang helped Gu Xiao Meng wash the dishes in the kitchen, and inadvertently discovered that Lv Xiang's parents held the old-fashioned mindset of male superiority, believing that men should not enter the kitchen. Hearing his mother's voice, Lv Xiang hurriedly took off his gloves and lied that he was just waiting to wash his hands.

Lv Xiang's mother mysteriously suggested that after Gu Xiao Meng finished washing the dishes, she should go find him. Lv Xiang mistakenly thought his mother wanted to give a gift to Gu Xiao Meng, but it turned out to be a request for Gu Xiao Meng to get pregnant.