Episode 28 recap: Guo Jing and Huang Rong Reunited

Guo Jing returned to the grasslands, learning that the Khan had been troubled by Wan Yan Hong Lie. He regretted not being able to kill Wan Yan Hong Lie to relieve the Khan's worry. Guo Jing reunited with Huang Rong, hoping she would not leave his side in the future.Ouyang Feng was lured to the snowy mountains, seeing no one arrive as promised, and complained that the young people were not honest. Guo Jing united the Beggar Clan members to search for Huang Rong, but they could not find any clues about her for a month. Guo Jing and Lu Youjiao went north to search for Huang Rong, unexpectedly encountering a battle between the Jin and Mongol armies, with Guo Jing helping the Mongols defeat the Jin.

Guo Jing saw Tolui again, who asked if Guo Jing was willing to return to the grasslands. Guo Jing hesitated, and Lu Youjiao suggested that Guo Jing first return to the grasslands to see his mother, while the Beggar Clan brothers continued searching for Huang Rong and would inform Guo Jing if they had any news.

Guo Jing returned to the grasslands, and the mother and son were both very happy to see each other. Guo Jing told his mother about his experiences that year, and Li Ping realized her son liked Huang Rong, but she was also concerned about Guo Jing's betrothal to Princess Huazheng.

Guo Jing wanted to tell the Khan the truth to cancel the marriage, and Li Ping said she would support her son's choice. The princes thought Guo Jing repeatedly trying to cancel the marriage with Huazheng was too humiliating, and wanted to punish him, but Huazheng appeared to defend Guo Jing, even threatening suicide to force her family to compromise.

Huazheng asked Guo Jing what was lacking in her compared to Huang Rong. Seeing Guo Jing unwilling to answer, she said she would wait for him. Tie Muzhen gave Guo Jing a chance to redeem himself by following him on a western campaign, appointing Guo Jing as a general with a thousand troops.

Guo Jing knew little about military tactics, but recalling Yue Fei's writings, he studied them intently, hoping to be of help. Lu Youjiao and Lu Guanying learned of Guo Jing's upcoming western campaign and came to assist him. The Beggar Clan had not found any news of Huang Rong, and Lu Guanying told Guo Jing that their sect leader had gone to Mount Baituo to find Ouyang Feng.

The Song and Mongol forces were now allied to attack the Jin, and the heroes from the Beggar Clan and归云庄 came to assist. Guo Jing misunderstood many of the military tactics in Yue Fei's writings, and Lu Youjiao proactively explained them to him, helping Guo Jing rapidly improve and achieve victory in the battle.

Guo Jing asked Lu Youjiao again about the military texts, but Lu Youjiao put it off until the next day. Guo Jing grew suspicious and followed Lu Youjiao, unexpectedly encountering Ouyang Feng in the forest, who was also searching for Huang Rong.

Ouyang Feng wanted to capture Guo Jing to force Huang Rong to appear. The two fought, drawing the Beggar Clan members, and Ouyang Feng was injured by Guo Jing. To avoid drawing attention, he had to temporarily retreat.

Tie Mu Zhen was enraged due to the failure of attacking the city of Samarkand, and now he was in a dilemma. Lu You Jiao proposed a suggestion, and Guo Jing guessed that it was Huang Rong's idea, so he asked Lu You Jiao to take him to meet Huang Rong.

Lu You Jiao could no longer hide it from Guo Jing, so he took him to see Huang Rong. Lu You Jiao told Guo Jing that the sect leader was at the top of Bald Tree Peak, and Guo Jing, eager to see Huang Rong, fearlessly risked being dashed to death while attempting to climb the peak.

Seeing Guo Jing getting injured, Lu You Jiao advised him to use sheep legs to build a climbing ladder to reach the top. Guo Jing finally met Huang Rong again at the peak, and they embraced, relieved to be reunited. Guo Jing apologized for his previous misunderstanding of Huang Yao Shi and Huang Rong, and admitted his genuine feelings for Huang Rong.

Guo Jing asked Huang Rong how she escaped, and she explained that she had intentionally led Ou Yang Feng to Guiyun Manor, using its Bagua formation to trap Ou Yang Feng, and then escaped. Huang Rong later wanted to return to Peach Blossom Island, but Ou Yang Feng kept intercepting her, so she had to come north to the grasslands to find Guo Jing.

She had infiltrated the military camp, and Ou Yang Feng also entered the Mongol camp to search for her. To avoid causing trouble for Guo Jing, Huang Rong had not sought him out. Guo Jing asked Huang Rong to stay by his side and never leave him again.

Sensing Ou Yang Feng's presence nearby, Huang Rong intentionally mentioned the Nine Yin Manual to Guo Jing, saying she would transcribe it from memory on the peak, and they couldn't take it down the mountain to prevent Ou Yang Feng from obtaining it. Ou Yang Feng overheard their conversation and decided to wait for them on the peak.

After descending the mountain, Guo Jing and Huang Rong burned the ladder made of sheep legs, trapping Ou Yang Fengon the peak. Ou Yang Feng waited till midnight but couldn't find Guo Jing and Huang Rong, angrily accusing them of being dishonest.

The siege on the city had lasted for days, and the Mongol troops were running low on supplies. Guo Jing was also displeased. Later, Huang Rong saw Ou Yang Feng leap down from the peak, giving her an idea - she told Guo Jing to order the troops to tear the tents into wings to make parachutes to assist in the assault on the city.