Episode 24 recap: Guo Jing brought the gravely injured Huang Rong to seek out Ying Gu for help

Ying Gu stated that only one person in the world could heal Huang Rong's injuries, but whether that person would agree to help was uncertain Ying Gu, reflecting on the past, believed that even begging desperately may not lead to one's wishes being fulfilled

Guo Jing took Huang Rong to seek the help of Master Yidengtai, but Ying Gu, seeking revenge on Master Yidengtai, poisoned the Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill that Huang Rong had brought as a gift. Qiu Qianren then set the mountain on fire, trapping Huang Rong, Guo Jing and the others in a cave. With no choice, they headed towards the mountaintop, with Qiu Qianren in pursuit.

Facing the cliff's edge, Guo Jing and Huang Rong thought they would meet their demise, but Guo Jing's white eagle came to their aid. Guo Jing carried Huang Rong and, with the eagle's help, leapt down the cliff with ease. Qiu Qianren attempted to follow but without the eagle's aid, plummeted down the cliff.

Fleeing the pursuing Iron Palm Clan, Guo Jing could only carry the injured Huang Rong into the Miasmal Forest. Qiu Qianren and the others could only stop at the forest's edge. In the forest, Huang Rong discovered a formation, and the two found a wooden hut where they sought refuge, encountering the diviner Ying Gu.

Huang Rong demonstrated her keen mathematical abilities, impressing Ying Gu. Qiu Qianren tried to enlist Ying Gu's help in finding Guo Jing and Huang Rong, but Ying Gu questioned their identities. Guo Jing admitted they were disciples of Hong Qigong, injured by Qiu Qianren in Iron Palm Mountain. Ying Gu then told Qiu Qianren he would handle the pair himself.

Ying Gu diagnosed Huang Rong's injuries from Qiu Qianren's Iron Palm as fatal within days. Dissatisfied, Guo Jing wished to take Huang Rong elsewhere for treatment, but Ying Gu, displeased at their free movements, engaged them in combat, only to realize his decades of arduous training were no match for Guo Jing.

Ying Gu revealed that only one person in the world could save Huang Rong, but whether that person would agree to help was uncertain.

At Guo Jing's request, Ying Gu gave the two a set of three pouches. As they were parting, Ying Gu discovered that Huang Rong was the daughter of Huang Yaoshi of Peach Blossom Island, and reminded her that although the Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill was a sacred medicine, it should not be taken in excess.

Guo Jing took Huang Rong and left the miasmic forest. From the pouches, they learned that only the Duke of Duan could cure Huang Rong's injuries, so they hurried to Taoyuan County to seek an audience with the Duke of Duan. The Duke of Duan, upon learning that Huang Rong was the daughter of Huang Yaoshi and also a disciple of Hong Qigong, agreed to help treat her severe injuries. The Duke exhausted his lifelong cultivation and performed his supreme skill, the One Yang Finger, to heal Huang Rong. Huang Rong was deeply grateful for having her life saved, and presented the Duke with the sacred Peach Blossom Island medicine, the Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill.

Unexpectedly, the Duke of Duan was poisoned after taking the Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill. From Guo Jing and Huang Rong, the Duke realized that they had come to him because Ying Gu had told them, and he also deduced that Ying Gu had secretly poisoned the pill, with the intention of harming him. The Duke did not blame the two, seeing it as a way to resolve the karma between him and Ying Gu.

Twenty-two years ago, after the martial arts contest on Mount Hua, the Complete Book of the Nine Yin had been entrusted to Wang Zhen, the leader of the Quanzhen Sect. Worried that the Western Poison Ouyang Feng would seize the book, Wang Zhen came to Dali to mutually transmit the One Yang Finger with Zhou Botong, who had accompanied him. During his stay in the palace, Zhou Botong encountered Imperial Consort Liu and they began a forbidden relationship.

The Duke of Duan, out of respect for Wang Zhen, spared Zhou Botong, warning him never to return to Dali. He was also willing to help the Imperial Consort Liu leave, but Zhou Botong, unaware of her identity, deeply regretted his actions and hurriedly left Dali after apologizing.

Later, Ying Gu gave birth to a son in private. When the child was injured, Ying Gu came to the Duke of Duan for help, but the Duke ultimately failed to save the child. Afterwards, the Duke abdicated the throne to a member of the Duan clan and became a monk, feeling guilty towards Ying Gu. Although the child's death was not directly caused by the Duke, his jealousy and indifference had indeed led to the tragedy, and this had long been a knot in the Duke's heart, which could now be untied.