Episode 21 recap: Guo Jing and Huang Rong discovered the traces of Marshal Yue's will.

Tuo Lei and Hua Zheng were captured by the Jin people, and in this critical moment, Guo Jing and Huang Rong rushed to the rescue. Yang Kang appeared at the Beggar Clan's assembly holding the Dog-Beating Stick, hoping to rally the Beggar Clan. Huang Rong discovered a painting in Qu Lingfeng's secret chamber, and from it, she found clues and speculated that the traces of Marshal Yue's will might be hidden in the painting.

Guo Jing sensed from the white eagle's call that Tuo Lei and Hua Zheng were in danger, so he quickly brought Huang Rong to rescue them. Qiu Qianren led imperial troops to intercept the Mongol envoy, intending to have Hua Zheng, Tuo Lei, and the others killed directly, but Guo Jing arrived in time to rescue them.

The skilled fighters from the Wang Mansion were no match for Guo Jing. They wanted Qiu Qianren to deal with Guo Jing and Huang Rong, but Huang Rong exposed Qiu Qianren's deception. Qiu Qianren refused to care about Huang Rong's attack, and even claimed he would let Huang Yaoshi come find him, but Huang Rong did not believe him and beat him until he fled in disgrace.

Huang Rong chased after Qiu Qianren, unaware that Huang Yaoshi was also following. Qiu Qianren knew he could not fight Huang Yaoshi, so he wanted to make an appointment to spar with him another day, but Huang Yaoshi believed that martial arts sparring was about the two people, not the location.

The two were about to fight, but Qiu Qianren suddenly feigned abdominal pain and refused to spar. Huang Rong took the opportunity to take the Iron Palm Clan token from Qiu Qianren as he left. Guo Jing single-handedly fought the skilled fighters from the Wang Mansion, but they threatened Hua Zheng to coerce Guo Jing. In this critical moment, Guo Jing and Tuo Lei cooperated seamlessly and successfully defeated the Wang Mansion fighters to rescue Hua Zheng.

Huang Yaoshi noticed how close Guo Jing and Hua Zheng were, and questioned Guo Jing about Hua Zheng's identity, while Tuo Lei also asked Guo Jing when he would return to the grasslands to marry Hua Zheng. Huang Yaoshi learned that Guo Jing was already betrothed, and accused him of toying with his daughter's emotions.

In front of everyone, Guo Jing stated that he had always treated Hua Zheng like a sister, but Hua Zheng, angered by being "abandoned" by Guo Jing, turned and left. Yang Kang and Mu Nianci arrived in Yuezhou to see the clean-clothed and dirty-clothed factions of the Beggar Clan fighting. Yang Kang appeared with the Dog-Beating Stick, a symbol of the Beggar Clan leader, and persuaded the crowd, who were intimidated by it, to listen to him, making Yang Kang feel very pleased.

Mu Nianci privately instructed Yang Kang not to reveal the Dog-Beating Stick in public, and told him to return it to Hong Qigong as soon as possible. Yang Kang agreed, but in his heart, his greed for the stick was growing.

That evening, Yang Kang came to see the Beggar's Sect elders with a staff, saying he had come to attend the Beggar's Sect assembly on the orders of Hong Qi Gong. Yang Kang also told the elders that Hong Qi Gong had been killed by the hands of Huang Yao Shi and Guo Jing, and that he had been taken as Hong Qi Gong's disciple.

Yang Kang explained that he had learned the Nine Yin White Bone Claw from Mei Chao Feng in his youth, and later encountered a great villain in the jiangnan region, when he was rescued by Hong Qi Gong. Later, the two were attacked by Huang Yao Shi and Guo Jing in Niujiazhuang, and Yang Kang risked his life to save Hong Qi Gong, who then took him as a disciple and bequeathed him the Beggar's Sect symbol, the staff.

The three Beggar's Sect elders believed Yang Kang's words, thinking that Hong Qi Gong had passed the position of Beggar Sect leader to Yang Kang before his death, and firmly supported Yang Kang as the new Beggar Sect leader.

Guo Jing admired Yue Fei, and Huang Rong had obtained a painting from Huang Yao Shi's secret room to give to Guo Jing. While resting on their journey, they accidentally discovered a clue in the painting that led to Wu Wumu's testament. They decided to keep this information secret, so that the Jin people would not know the true location of Wu Wumu's testament.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong came to Yuezhou, and unexpectedly met Beggar Sect elder Lu You Jiao at an inn. Lu You Jiao recognized them as Hong Qi Gong's disciples, and warned Huang Rong not to underestimate Qiu Qianren, though Huang Rong believed Qiu Qianren to be a great fraud.

Yang Kang came to the inn with Mu Nian Ci and saw Guo Jing, promptly leaving with Mu Nian Ci. Huang Rong recognized Lu You Jiao as the leader of the Dirty Clothing Sect, while the elders Jian Zhang Lao and others who later entered were from the Clean Clothing Sect. Knowing the two sects were at odds, Huang Rong advised Lu You Jiao to have his people dress more cleanly, but this only angered Lu You Jiao and caused him to leave.

Peng Zhang Lao came to tell Guo Jing and Huang Rong that they had been poisoned by Lu You Jiao, and brought them the antidote. But Huang Rong did not believe him. Seeing that persuasion was ineffective, the two sides came to blows, and Peng Zhang Lao took the opportunity to knock Guo Jing and Huang Rong unconscious.

Peng Zhang Lao then gave the painting from Guo Jing's belongings to Yang Kang, who discovered the clue to Wu Wumu's testament within it. When Guo Jing and Huang Rong awoke, they found themselves bound in a dark room, unable to escape, waiting to see what Peng Zhang Lao intended.