Episode 26 recap: The Five Strange Heroes of Jiangnan met a tragic end on Peach Blossom Island.

Guo Jing, because of his master's tragic death, wanted to go seek revenge on Huang Yao Shi. Huang Rong told Guo Jing to go seek revenge, and also to return to the grasslands to be the Golden Halberd's son-in-law. The two decided to part ways, and Guo Jing told Huang Rong that if one day Huang Yao Shi killed him, Huang Rong need not grieve for him.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong found Ke Zhen E on the street, and when Ke Zhen E saw Huang Rong, he wanted to kill her. Guo Jing had to step in to protect Huang Rong. Ke Zhen E angrily accused Guo Jing of ingratitude and betraying his teacher. Hong Qi Gong came to plead on Guo Jing's behalf, and Ke Zhen E told Guo Jing that if he still remembered the kindness of the Seven Strange Heroes of Jiangnan, he should kill Huang Yao Shi and Huang Rong, otherwise he would cut the teacher-student bond.

Overcome with emotion, Ke Zhen E coughed up blood and fainted. Guo Jing quickly took his master to the inn to rest. Hong Qi Gong asked Guo Jing and Huang Rong to go to Peach Blossom Island and find out the truth, while he and Zhou Bo Tong would look after Ke Zhen E. Before leaving, Guo Jing handed the translated Nine Yin Manual to Hong Qi Gong, asking him to cultivate the technique to repair the extraordinary meridians and restore his kung fu.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong arrived at Peach Blossom Island and found the bodies of the other masters of the Five Strange Heroes in Huang Rong's mother's tomb. Huang Rong searched the island but could not find any trace of her father Huang Yao Shi. Guo Jing suspected that Huang Yao Shi had used the Nine Yin Bai Gu Claw to kill his masters, but Huang Rong believed Huang Yao Shi's fate was unknown, so Guo Jing had no right to implicate her father.

Huang Rong hoped Guo Jing could remain calm and wait until they found Huang Yao Shi before drawing conclusions. The distraught Guo Jing wanted to bury his masters himself. Just then, he heard the voice of his Fourth Master, who had regained his senses before dying, wanting to tell Guo Jing who the killer was, but could not provide complete information. Guo Jing was convinced the murderer was Huang Yao Shi.

Although Guo Jing knew Huang Rong was innocent, she was now the daughter of his sworn enemy, so he could no longer be with her. Huang Rong gave Guo Jing the "Drunk Life and Dream Death" wine, telling him to drink it and forget about her, go seek revenge on her father, or even return to the grasslands to be the Golden Halberd's son-in-law.

Guo Jing said that if one day he died at Huang Yao Shi's hands, he hoped Huang Rong would not grieve for him. After burying his masters, Guo Jing parted ways with Huang Rong and left Peach Blossom Island.

When Guo Jing was leaving the island, he encountered the members of the Quanzhen Sect. The Quanzhen Sect had learned that the Five Great Heroes of Jiangnan had been killed on Peach Blossom Island, and they were also preparing to go seek Huang Yaoshi for revenge.

The Quanzhen Sect widely circulated a challenge to Huang Yaoshi, and when Huang Yaoshi received the news, he agreed to the duel. However, the Seven Masters of Quanzhen were no match for Huang Yaoshi. Ke Zhen'E also came to avenge his brothers-in-arms. Hong Qigong intercepted Guo Jing, stating that Huang Yaoshi was not a ruthless killer, and that the fact he did not kill Ke Zhen'E and the Quanzhen Sect members proved he was not the culprit behind the murder of the Five Great Heroes of Jiangnan. Guo Jing, in his anger, refused to believe this and still viewed Huang Yaoshi as an enemy.

Guo Jing supplemented the formation of the Big Dipper with the help of the Seven Masters of Quanzhen to seek revenge on Huang Yaoshi. Huang Yaoshi was not intimidated. Ma Yu questioned Huang Yaoshi if he had killed Tan and Zhou Botong, but Huang Yaoshi disdained to explain. Guo Jing then told everyone that Tan had been killed by Ouyang Feng, and that Zhou Botong was still alive.

With the conflict between the Quanzhen Sect and Huang Yaoshi resolved, Guo Jing planned to settle the matter of his sifu's death with Huang Yaoshi alone. Huang Yaoshi did not admit to killing the Five Great Heroes of Jiangnan. Huang Rong came to explain that she knew Huang Yaoshi did not kill them.

Hong Qigong stepped forward to persuade everyone to cease hostilities temporarily, so as not to make a laughingstock of the wulin of Central Plains. Hong Qigong did not believe that Huang Yaoshi had killed the Five Great Heroes, and advised Guo Jing to investigate the matter thoroughly. It was only at this point that Huang Yaoshi learned that someone had framed him by killing the Five Great Heroes in his absence on Peach Blossom Island.

Wan Yanhong, Ouyang Feng, and Yang Kang came to the Drunken Immortal Pavilion. Qiu Chuji wanted to kill Yang Kang for being a traitor. The Seven Masters of Quanzhen and Ouyang Feng faced off, and at Huang Rong's subtle provocation, Guo Jing also joined the battle alongside the Seven Masters.

Yang Kang and the four top experts of the royal house teamed up to fight Ke Zhen'E. Seeing Ke Zhen'E injured, Huang Rong appeared to rescue him. In the battle between Guo Jing and Ouyang Feng, Zhou Botong also arrived to assist, but seeing Ouyang Feng bullying the disciples of Quanzhen and Guo Jing, he unexpectedly did not wish to face Ouyang Feng and simply left the scene.

Subsequently, Wan Yanghong ordered the imperial troops to surround everyone, forcing them to temporarily retreat into the Drunken Immortal Pavilion. Yang Kang coerced Guo Jing to hand over the inheritance of Wumu, and Guo Jing, unwilling to implicate everyone else, prepared to go out and negotiate, asking Master Ma Yu to lead everyone else away with the inheritance.

Huang Rong was reluctant to let Guo Jing go out to meet his death, and the Quanzhen Sect also offered to stay and assist. Huang Yaoshi even proposed to go out and fight alongside Hong Qigong, but Ke Zhen'E presented a new plan that could help everyone escape.