Episode 19 recap: Yang Kang killed someone to save Mu Nian Ci.

Ou Yang Ke handed over Cheng Nü to Yang Kang, but instead kept Mu Nian Ci. Yang Kang did not object to Ou Yang Ke's proposal. Ou Yang Ke found it ridiculous for the two of them. Yang Kang believed that Mu Nian Ci was his last dignity, and now Ou Yang Ke even insulted Mu Nian Ci, so Yang Kang killed Ou Yang Ke in his anger. He personally dug a hole and buried the body.

Yang Kang took the dog-beating stick from Ou Yang Ke, believing it was related to Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

Cheng Yao Jia and Lu Guan Ying prepared a simple meal for Huang Yao Shi at the inn. Huang Yao Shi regretted not being able to fulfill his daughter Huang Rong's marriage, and seeing Lu Guan Ying's interest in Cheng Yao Jia, asked if Cheng Yao Jia would be willing to marry Lu Guan Ying.

The two were willing to stand up to face the danger together. Huang Yao Shi played the "Tidal Wave" melody, and Cheng Yao Jia and Lu Guan Ying consummated their marriage, while Guo Jing in the secret room was nearly driven mad by the music until Huang Rong encouraged him.

The next day, Lu Guan Ying and Cheng Yao Jia encountered the wandering Ou Yang Ke at the inn and generously gave him some food. But Ou Yang Ke then revealed his true nature, threatening and attempting to humiliate Cheng Yao Jia.

Sha Gu burst into the room, and Ou Yang Ke lured him to open the secret room, where he discovered Huang Rong tending to Guo Jing's injuries. Huang Rong and Guo Jing managed to fight off Ou Yang Ke.

Mu Nian Ci happened to arrive at the inn, and was also accosted by the lustful Ou Yang Ke. When Yang Kang arrived, he offered to give Mu Nian Ci to Ou Yang Ke, claiming he no longer cared about romantic matters.

Ou Yang Ke, in order to test Yang Kang, sent Cheng Yao Jia to Yang Kang and embraced Mu Nian Ci. Seeing Ou Yang Ke's abuse of Mu Nian Ci, Yang Kang seized the opportunity and killed Ou Yang Ke with a knife in a fit of rage. The furious Ou Yang Ke then repeatedly stabbed and killed Yang Kang. Yang Kang explained that Ou Yang Ke had repeatedly bullied his unmarried wife Mu Nian Ci, so he had to kill Ou Yang Ke to avenge the grievance in his heart, as Mu Nian Ci was his last dignity.

Because Lu Guan Ying and Cheng Yao Jia witnessed the killing of Ou Yang Ke, Yang Kang originally wanted to kill them to keep them silent. But Mu Nian Ci did not want Yang Kang to indiscriminately kill innocent people, saying that not all people in the world are bad. Yang Kang listened to her persuasion and released Lu Guan Ying and Cheng Yao Jia, and Lu Guan Ying also promised not to reveal what happened that day.

Yang Kang buried Ou Yang Ke's body at night, but unexpectedly found the wooden staff Ou Yang Ke had taken in his hand. Mu Nian Ci recognized it as an object of the Beggar Clan, and Yang Kang believed this item must be related to Guo Jing and Huang Rong. He thought that if Ou Yang Feng came to look for Ou Yang Ke in the future, he could use this wooden staff to frame Guo Jing for Ou Yang Ke's death.

Mu Nian Ci admitted that she selfishly made Yang Kang, a promising young man, live in seclusion in the mountains with her. She knew Yang Kang admired Guo Jing, so Mu Nian Ci said she had a friendship with Hong Qigong in her youth, and she wanted to return the wooden staff to Hong Qigong, taking the opportunity to have the Seventh Master take Yang Kang as his disciple.

Mu Nian Ci did not want Yang Kang to be with the Jin people, so she wanted Yang Kang to make friends with some righteous heroes and learn some real martial arts. Wan Yan Hong Lie came to the Iron Palm Clan to find Qiu Qian Ren, hoping he could ambush the Mongol envoy on their way back north, and frame the Song people to disrupt the Mongol-Song alliance plan.

Ou Yang Feng chased after Zhou Bo Tong to inquire about the Nine Yin Manual, and the two of them were evenly matched in martial arts, only able to chase each other while fighting. Huang Yao Shi followed the sound of Zhou Bo Tong's voice and arrived, questioning Zhou Bo Tong about Guo Jing's whereabouts. Zhou Bo Tong thought of leaving Hong Qigong at the imperial palace, so he told Huang Yao Shi and Ou Yang Feng to go to Niu Jia Village first, while he went to the imperial palace to bring Hong Qigong out.