Episode 15 recap: Hong Qi Gong passed the leadership of the Beggar's Clan to Huang Rong.

Hong Qi Gong and Guo Jing drifted at sea for several days, and eventually encountered Ou Yang Feng's pirate ship. It turned out that Ou Yang Feng and Ou Yang Ke coveted the Nine Yin Manual and harbored murderous intentions towards them. They engaged in a fierce battle on the ship, and though Hong Qi Gong tried to save Ou Yang Feng, he was ambushed by him.

Before his death, Ou Yang Ke asked Ou Yang Feng whether he should call him uncle or father. Huang Rong was washed ashore on an island, and when she regained consciousness, she unexpectedly found the injured Ou Yang Ke on the island, and later also found the injured Hong Qi Gong.

Earlier, Hong Qi Gong, Guo Jing, and Zhou Bo Tong had jumped into the sea. Zhou Bo Tong later disappeared, while Guo Jing and Hong Qi Gong drifted at sea for several days, finally encountering Ou Yang Feng's pirate ship. Ou Yang Feng coveted the Nine Yin Manual and attempted to kill them, leading to a fierce battle on the ship. During the fight, Hong Qi Gong tried to save Ou Yang Feng, but was then ambushed by him.

Now, Hong Qi Gong was poisoned, and Ou Yang Ke claimed to have the antidote. He demanded that Huang Rong give him the soft armadillo shell in exchange for the antidote, and even tried to seduce her. Angered, Huang Rong attacked Ou Yang Ke but was subdued by him.

Seeing Ou Yang Ke about to assault Huang Rong, Hong Qi Gong mustered his strength to discipline Ou Yang Ke and drive him away. After Ou Yang Ke left, Huang Rong realized that her master Hong Qi Gong had lost all his martial arts abilities in order to save her. Knowing his end was near, Hong Qi Gong wanted Huang Rong to leave, but she refused to abandon him and was determined to find a cure for his poisoning.

Hong Qi Gong knew he could not hide his loss of powers from Ou Yang Ke, so he passed the leadership of the Beggar's Clan to Huang Rong, entrusting her with the Beggar's Clan mace. He instructed her to attend the Beggar's Clan assembly at Dongting Lake on the fifteenth of the seventh month. Meanwhile, Wan Yan Hong Lie received a letter from Ou Yang Ke, requesting his assistance on Peach Blossom Island in exchange for Ou Yang Feng's help in seizing the "Legacy of Marshal Wen".

Weak from the poison, Hong Qi Gong still took the time to personally teach Huang Rong the techniques of the Beggar's Clan mace, fearing he may not have much time left.

Huang Rong went to look for water sources for Hong Qi Gong and encountered Ou Yang Ke. She made a deal with Ou Yang Ke, trading her knowledge of finding freshwater sources in exchange for Ou Yang Ke preparing their daily meals.

After a few days, Ou Yang Ke became increasingly suspicious that Hong Qi Gong had been poisoned by a snake. When Ou Yang Ke tried to intervene, Huang Rong tried to stop him, but realizing she could not physically overpower Ou Yang Ke, she led him away from the cave.

Huang Rong fled to a cliff, determined not to go with Ou Yang Ke even if it meant her death. She jumped into the sea to escape him. Huang Rong made her way back to the cave and told Hong Qi Gong that they must act first before Ou Yang Ke.

Ou Yang Ke returned to the cave to test Hong Qi Gong again. This time, Hong Qi Gong feigned weakness in front of him. Huang Rong agreed to be with Ou Yang Ke, luring him outside the cave where she trapped him under falling rocks.

Guo Jing then appeared, and Huang Rong learned that after the earlier attack, Hong Qi Gong and Guo Jing had been swept out to sea. Ou Yang Feng now threatened their lives to force Guo Jing and Huang Rong to help free Ou Yang Ke from the fallen rocks. They attempted to use a winch to lift the rocks during high tide, but were ultimately unsuccessful.

Accepting his fate, Ou Yang Ke revealed a story from his childhood, asking Ou Yang Feng if Ou Yang Ke was his son. Ou Yang Feng did not deny it. Huang Rong had the idea to let Ou Yang Ke breathe through a bamboo tube while they waited for the next high tide to try rescuing him again.