Episode 20 recap: The Eastern Heretic and the Western Poison faced off against the Seven Disciples of the Complete Reality Sect.

The Senior Huang believed that the Seven Disciples of the Complete Reality Sect ganging up to bully the disciple Mei Chao Feng was utterly shameless, so he stepped in to block them. Qiu Chu Ji believed that Mei Chao Feng had corrupted the martial arts world, and that the Senior Huang had killed Zhou Bo Tong and Guo Jing, so they were eliminating a threat to the martial arts world.

In the end, Mei Chao Feng sacrificed himself to protect his master, the Senior Huang, taking a blow meant for him and dying. The Seven Disciples of the Complete Reality Sect believed that Huang Yao Shi was inherently cruel, and now that he had decided his daughter Huang Rong's death was related to Guo Jing, he was single-mindedly seeking vengeance against Guo Jing, not even sparing the Seven Strange Heroes of the South.

While they were discussing this, their conversation was overheard by Qiu Qian Ren in the next room. Qiu Qian Ren told the Seven Disciples that their Shifu (uncle) Zhou Bo Tong had been trapped on Peach Blossom Island for 15 years, suffering greatly, and had just escaped the island when he was killed by Huang Yao Shi.

Upon hearing this news, the Seven Disciples were deeply shocked. Qiu Qian Ren said that when Huang Yao Shi learned of his daughter's death, he had sent Zhou Bo Tong out to sea to search for Guo Jing, but Zhou Bo Tong had unfortunately died at sea. Determined to avenge their Shifu's death, the Seven Disciples decided to seek out Huang Yao Shi.

When the Seven Disciples arrived at the Ox Village, Qiu Chu Ji encountered Yang Kang there and wanted to punish this ungrateful son, but Mu Nian Ci intervened on Yang Kang's behalf, saying he had renounced his Jin identity and returned to being Yang Kang. Out of respect for Mu Nian Ci, Qiu Chu Ji let Yang Kang go, and learned from him that Guo Jing had been killed by Huang Yao Shi. Enraged, the Seven Disciples decided to set up the Big Dipper Formation at the village to confront Huang Yao Shi. In the secret chamber, Huang Rong learned of this and worried for her father Huang Yao Shi's safety.

Mei Chao Feng came to the Ox Village looking for Yang Kang, but unexpectedly encountered the Seven Disciples and learned they were seeking vengeance against her master. She decided to take on the Seven Disciples alone. Though her martial arts were ruthless, her blindness was a limitation, and she soon fell to their superior skills. But Huang Yao Shi soon arrived at the scene.

The Seven Disciples believed that Huang Yao Shi had not only harmed their Shifu Zhou Bo Tong, but also killed Guo Jing, so they were determined to avenge both men. Soon, Ou Yang Feng also arrived at the Ox Village, and the Seven Disciples became convinced that the Eastern Heretic and Western Poison were in cahoots. Huang Yao Shi fought the Seven Disciples alone, and with Ou Yang Feng's assistance, eventually broke through their Big Dipper Formation.

Huang Yao Shi disdained Ou Yang Feng's attempt to help him, not wanting his assistance, but Ou Yang Feng then turned around and helped the Seven Disciples against Huang Yao Shi. In the battle, Mei Chao Feng was injured trying to protect her master. Seeing their martial brother Tan struck down, Qiu Chu Ji and the others were enraged and wanted to kill Huang Yao Shi, but were temporarily restrained by their other martial siblings.

Yang Kang was walking on the street holding a dog beating stick when he was surrounded and attacked by a group of beggar gang members. They recognized Mu Nian Ci's identity and asked about the whereabouts of Hong Qi Gong. Yang Kang claimed he was heading to Yuezhou to meet with the gang's leader to provide the details.

Although Mu Nian Ci was unsatisfied with Yang Kang's lie, she did not expose his deception due to Yang Kang's persuasive words. Huang Yao Shi personally tried to heal Mei Chao Feng but was unable to save her. Mei Chao Feng, who had been alone since childhood, only had her master Huang Yao Shi who treated her well. But she made grave mistakes and betrayed her sect, breaking her master's heart. She wished to return to Peach Blossom Island and stay there forever.

Before her death, Mei Chao Feng learned that her master was willing to take her back as a disciple and bring her home. After kowtowing to thank her master, she passed away with sorrow. The Seven Freaks of Jiangnan came to Niujia Village, and Huang Yao Shi confirmed they had killed Chen Xuanfeng and blinded Mei Chao Feng. Enraged, Huang Yao Shi decided to kill the Seven Freaks, but Guo Jing appeared to save them, and Huang Rong also came to stop Huang Yao Shi.

Due to the interrupted healing, Guo Jing coughed blood and fainted. Huang Yao Shi personally treated Guo Jing. Seeing his daughter was unharmed, Huang Yao Shi naturally did not kill the Seven Freaks. Huang Rong took Huang Yao Shi to Qiu Qianren's secret room, where they learned that Mei Chao Feng had always wished to return to Peach Blossom Island. Huang Yao Shi was saddened, and upon learning that Qiu Qianren had left a daughter, Sha Gu, Huang Yao Shi decided to take Sha Gu back to Peach Blossom Island.

After the scare of losing his daughter, Huang Yao Shi agreed to Huang Rong and Guo Jing's relationship. He then buried Qiu Qianren and Mei Chao Feng and took Sha Gu back to Peach Blossom Island. Zhou Botong sent news that he had lost track of Hong Qi Gong, so he was going to search for the Seven Heroes again. Huang Rong guessed that Hong Qi Gong must have gone to Yuezhou, so she and Guo Jing decided to find Yang Kang and retrieve the dog beating stick before July 15th. Huang Rong also wanted to help Hong Qi Gong select a more suitable leader for the beggar gang.

Wan Yan Honglie received a secret letter from Yang Kang, learning that he held the beggar gang's token and planned to go to Yuezhou to participate in the beggar gang's grand meeting, intending to seize control of the gang. Wan Yan Honglie asked Qiu Qianren to go to Yuezhou and assist Yang Kang after eliminating the Mongol envoy team.