Episode 12 recap: The swallow turned herself in to the police station.

Little Seven returned home, and Wang Shi Tu treated his arm, then asked him how he ended up at the Jin family's place. Little Seven explained the whole story, and he began to suspect that there was something wrong at Jin Man Fu's home, because a double-edged staff had gone missing, and Bian Mei Zhen claimed she couldn't find it, so he wanted to look into the situation himself.

Wang Shi Tu felt that Little Seven could visit Bian Mei Zhen more, but he still needed to keep his distance from the Jin family, after all, he was no longer Bian Jie now. Little Seven and Wang Shi Tu went to the night market, and Little Seven saw the same poster in Bian Jie's bedroom at a stall. He asked the vendor, and the poster did not have the double-edged staff, so why would Bian Mei Zhen be looking for it on the poster?

Little Seven had many doubts, and when he got home, he discussed this with Wang Shi Tu. Based on Little Seven's account, Wang Shi Tu felt that Jin Man Fu's home very likely had clues related to Bian Jie's disappearance, so they applied for a search warrant, and Qin Yong and Wang Shi Tu soon led a team to search Jin Man Fu's home.

Sure enough, they found bloodstains in Bian Jie's bedroom. Swallow was terrified, watching her father being taken away for investigation. At the police station, Jin Man Fu remained calm and collected. He explained that the bloodstains were from a year ago when he accidentally cut his hand while swatting a mosquito, and they had even gone to a clinic, and the doctor could verify this. Qin Yong found no loopholes in Jin Man Fu's story.

On the way home, Jin Man Fu was distracted and nearly got into an accident, only crashing into a roadside tree, with no major injuries. Swallow was very worried seeing her father hurt, and she decided she couldn't keep living this anxious life anymore, because she didn't want to see her father getting deeper and deeper into trouble for her sake. So, she decided to turn herself in after saying goodbye to her family.

Swallow first taught her mother how to take her own medication, and then went to see Little Seven. She told Little Seven that she was planning to turn herself in. Little Seven didn't expect Swallow would do such a thing.

When Swallow arrived at the police station, she truthfully recounted how she had accidentally killed Bian Jie. She had come home to find Bian Jie stealing money, and when she confronted him about it, they got into a scuffle. Bian Jie's knife fell out of his bag, along with a photo of Swallow.

Swallow was shocked to discover that Bian Jie, whom she had always treated like a beloved younger brother, had been secretly taking photos of her bathing. In her emotional outburst, she ended up pushing Bian Jie, and he hit his head on a nail in the wall and fell unconscious.

Wang Shi Tu later told Swallow that the photos were actually taken by Du Yi, not Bian Jie. Swallow was devastated to realize she had wrongly accused Bian Jie.

However, Swallow did not admit that her father Jin Man Fu had helped her dispose of the body. She claimed she had thrown the body into the river herself, and that her father had driven out because she had sent him to the sheep village to look for Bian Jie. She insisted that the accidental killing of Bian Jie was solely her own responsibility, and her father was not involved.

Swallow reminisced about the happy times she had shared with Bian Jie when they were younger, even though they were not blood-related, they had been like close siblings. She had treasured a crystal ball that Bian Jie had given her as a birthday gift.