Episode 5 recap: Feng Jing Xian learned that Ou Xiao An is still alive.

Li Shao Tang saw his file, which recorded that he was a spy who defected to the Japanese bioweapons unit for Lou Ming Yuan. While reviewing the file, he accidentally discovered that one page was missing. Feng Jing Xian came to Li Shao Tang, and though she knows Ou Xiao An betrayed the military, she still hopes Li Shao Tang can help him and keep him alive, without Li Shao Tang becoming overly involved.

Li Shao Tang embraced Feng Jing Xian and promised to do his best. Ou Xiao An was brought in handcuffed to the Chongqing station. When Feng Jing Xian saw him, she went up and slapped him, blaming him for betraying her in the past and tarnishing the Feng family's reputation. She deliberately told him she is now going to marry Li Shao Tang.

Ou Xiao An showed no emotion. But when he heard Li Shao Tang's name, a memory flashed in his mind of Li Shao Tang being a Japanese spy. He shouted that Li Shao Tang was the real traitor. Ou Xiao An demanded to see Wen Yi Shan. Mao Ren Xing locked him in a room to await interrogation the next day.

The doctor re-examined Ou Xiao An and confirmed he had suffered head injuries that caused partial memory loss, and that he also had a psychoactive drug in his system. Mao Ren Xing took him to the interrogation room, where Wei Qing Ming, Wen Yi Shan and Feng Yu Nian observed from behind.

Wen Yi Shan and Feng Yu Nian were reluctant to interrogate Ou Xiao An, suggesting only Wei Qing Ming was suitable. Miao Jiang interrogated him, asking him to write down the events of the past four years, but Ou Xiao An threw away the notebook and insisted on seeing Wen Yi Shan.

At the 810 prison in Myanmar, the captors knew that anyone sent there to assassinate Ou Xiao An never returned alive. The agent called "Deer" informed them that Ou Xiao An had been brought to the Chongqing station. General Bridge was concerned the 810 plan had been compromised and urgently requested the transfer of the "red bullet". But the general feared the well-guarded expeditionary army would discover them.

Wei Qing Ming personally interrogated Ou Xiao An, confused since he had witnessed Miao Jiang kill Ou Xiao An, yet he was now alive. Miao Jiang was authorized to use harsh interrogation methods on Ou Xiao An, beating him and showing him photographs to try to get him to identify someone.

Wei Qing Ming provoked Wen Yi Shan, fortunately Ou Xiao An had betrayed the Military Statistics Bureau years ago, which gave him the opportunity to be promoted to replace Wen Yi Shan as the station chief.

Wen Yi Shan was getting angrier and angrier, and was about to leave the interrogation room when he saw Qin Mo Qing. Qin Mo Qing wanted to participate in Ou Xiao An's interrogation, but she was not on the list of interrogators. Feng Yu Nian persuaded Wen Yi Shan to go back and continue the interrogation.

Miao Jiang believed that Ou Xiao An was a communist, suspecting that he had been subverted by Lou Ming Yuan. Ou Xiao An had no memory of Lou Ming Yuan, claiming that he had been injected with excessive drugs by the Japanese and his memory was unclear. When he saw Lou Ming Yuan's photo, he remembered that he had interrogated Lou Ming Yuan on a bridge four years ago.

At that time, Lou Ming Yuan had been tortured until he was unconscious. The bridge had brought Ye Xuan Min in front of him to have him identify. Lou Ming Yuan endured the pain and refused to speak, even biting his own tongue to commit suicide rather than reveal Ye Xuan Min's identity as a communist. But the bridge still confirmed Ye Xuan Min's importance through their eye contact.

Ou Xiao An was angry, believing that the Military Statistics Bureau had deliberately sent him close to Lou Ming Yuan to test him, but he had not actually experienced any test. He was not sure whether Ye Xuan Min was a communist or not. Miao Jiang believed that they were captured by the Japanese army at the same time, suggesting that he was carrying out the sundial operation at that time.

Mao Ren Xing reported to Wei Qing Ming that the Expeditionary Force had captured Ando. Ou Xiao An said that the bridge had not died, and he was still carrying out the Sakura plan. Wei Qing Ming was furious, believing that Ou Xiao An was a spy sent back by the bridge to find out the location of the bridge and 810.

Ou Xiao An claimed that he was not a spy, and said that Li Shao Tang was the real spy, who had handed over the Sakura plan to the Japanese army years ago and continued to help the bridge conduct experiments. Wei Qing Ming found it hard to believe, as they had thoroughly verified Li Shao Tang's identity back then.

Intelligence Chief Jiang Zhan Xin intercepted Japanese intelligence, which temporarily revealed that the Japanese army was transporting a large number of poison gas shells to the interior, but the intelligence did not know the meaning of "red shell" and "yellow shell". Wei Qing Ming quickly called a meeting of everyone.