Episode 3 recap: Ou Xiao An successfully gained the trust of the bridge.

Ou Xiao An was sent to the Chongqing station, and Qin Mo Qing asked him to try to recall the past. He remembered that six years ago, when Wen Yi Shan was still the station chief in Chongqing, he had sent Ou Xiao An to Shanghai to go undercover, in an attempt to gain the trust of Da Qiao He Ye and allow him to do things that went against the principles.

Dai Li had a military intelligence network in Shanghai, and they would ensure Ou Xiao An's safety, and have him go to a dance hall to seek help from the boss. After arriving in Shanghai, Ou Xiao An reminded Da Qiao He Ye not to go out and give a speech, fearing that the student protests outside could endanger his safety.

Da Qiao He Ye ignored the warning, and the Japanese special forces commander Zeng Ji Wu thought Ou Xiao An was meddling in other people's business. The student protesters were shouting slogans against Japanese militarism, and Ou Xiao An discovered that someone had laid an ambush among the students, intending to shoot at Da Qiao He Ye. He quickly rushed to stop them.

The scene instantly descended into chaos. Ou Xiao An saved a girl, who then spoke in Japanese. Da Qiao He Ye managed to flee in his car, but someone wrapped in explosives rushed to the car and tried to take Da Qiao He Ye with them. Fortunately, Ou Xiao An arrived in time and rescued him, escorting him to safety.

Zeng Ji Wu swept the scene, gunning down the suspicious individuals and injured students. The girl was unable to forget Ou Xiao An, and it turned out she was Da Qiao He Ye's daughter, Lingzi. Qin Mo Qing tended to the wounded, but was obstructed by Zeng Ji Wu, who opened fire. Ou Xiao An witnessed the anger, but could only clench his fists.

Qin Mo Qing managed to rescue several students and evade the Japanese special agents. Chen Ke, the pseudonym Ye Xuan Min, the leader of the underground Communist Party, opened the door and helped them escape separately, with one of the young men occasionally looking back at Chen Ke.

The special agents searched the cheongsam shop, questioning Wang Qiu Shui about the reason for closing. Wang Qiu Shui remained calm and dispelled the agents' suspicions. After they left, Wang Qiu Shui went into the secret room and questioned Qin Mo Qing's impulsive actions. Qin Mo Qing was nervous, as she only wanted to save people and hadn't gone through the proper channels.

Wang Qiu Shui hoped she would stay calm, believing that dying in vain was the most foolish thing.

Zeng Ji Wu, following the instructions of Da Qiao He Ye, had planted his own people among the students in advance. Unexpectedly, there were actually students who started a riot. He arrested the riotous students, and heard that Ye Xuan Min was often publishing subversive writings, wanting to use this incident to capture Ye Xuan Min.

Ou Xiao An had merit in rescuing Da Qiao He Ye, and was appreciated by Da Qiao He Ye. Ou Xiao An guessed that Da Qiao He Ye was testing him, and when Da Qiao He Ye heard his satisfactory answer, he candidly admitted that the riot was just for suppression.

Ling Zi asked Da Qiao He Ye to give a gift to Ou Xiao An, and Ou Xiao An then realized that she was Da Qiao He Ye's daughter. Da Huang sent goods to Wang Qiu Shui, hiding information in the fabric. Wang Qiu Shui obtained intelligence through her skills, learning that Da Qiao He Ye was implementing the "Falling Cherry Blossom" plan in Shanghai, and quickly arranged for them to verify the information.

The spy Lou Ming Yuan from the Chongqing station received intelligence from the sundial, and asked Ou Xiao An to demonstrate his ability to memorize, recording the intelligence in his mind, and letting him safely leave Shanghai. Da Qiao asked the Chongqing spy about Ou Xiao An's identity, confirming whether Ou Xiao An had killed two Military Statistics Bureau personnel. Ou Xiao An asked them to hide the two people to avoid being exposed, and Lou Ming Yuan asked him to find a way to obtain a pass.

Feng Jing Xian came to Shanghai, and suddenly saw Ou Xiao An's figure through the car window, but when she turned around, she saw nothing. Ou Xiao An went to the office to find Da Qiao, knocked on the door a few times without a response, and was about to push the door open when he was stopped by Zeng Ji Wu.

Zeng Ji Wu heard that he had gained the favor of Da Qiao's daughter, and hoped that Ou Xiao An could take care of each other. After Zeng Ji Wu left, Ou Xiao An sneaked into the office and used Da Qiao's seal to stamp a forged pass. Afterwards, he went to the dance hall to find Lou Ming Yuan, but was told that he had gone out on business.

Lou Ming Yuan took a boat to meet Chen Ke, who hoped he would convey to the Student Union that they should no longer hold large-scale protests, and ensure the safety of the students. Lou Ming Yuan handed over Ou Xiao An's information to Chen Ke, who wanted to develop Ou Xiao An into an underground party member, and approved him to investigate independently.

Lou Ming Yuan wanted to wait until he got the pass to escort Chen Ke and the drugs out of Shanghai, but Chen Ke refused, asking them to first arrange for the drugs to leave, and decided to stay in Shanghai at this critical moment himself. Ou Xiao An brought the pass to Lou Ming Yuan, who was playing a revolutionary practice song, when a gunshot drew their attention, and Zeng Ji Wu burst into the dance hall with his men.